Why do we even have a constitution anymore? you do know it has the liberal word WELFARE right in the preamble

Why do we even have a constitution anymore? you do know it has the liberal word WELFARE right in the preamble

fuck off with this hippy shit

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you're right op. lets shred the damn thing, except for the 2nd amendment of course cause muh gunz

if you need a piece of paper that tells you you can carry a gun or make a nuke or weaponized viruses youre a fucking cuck

For your sake I hope this just bate. Otherwise OP is a massive retard.

hippy faggot

Droids right's to bear arms? Pop a bomb on a drone is that illegal?

according to egoist philosophy, the property is indistinguishable from the owner, so, yes, I believe it should be okay to have drones that produce and distribute chemical and biological weapons

i'm sure the founding father's would agree. owning a weapon of mass destruction is every american's god given right.

fucking obama

>Hippy shit

We have a Constitution in order to, well it's in the Preamble.

It's a living document that can be amended to suit the needs of the people's will. That way we don't have a fucking crisis every time something needs to change. Don't like alcohol? Prohibition! Oops! Let's amend that.

Also the Bill of Rights is not there to GIVE you rights. The government does not give you rights. The intended purpose of the Constitution, and government, is to PROTECT your natural rights.

shut up cuck

Once again, the document does not GIVE rights. It lists out natural, "God-given" rights that are protected by the Constitution. It was created against the backdrop of the Enlightenment.

i disagree and i will call you a socialist if you press the issue

I don't have to. I am practicing my first amendment rights.

If you try to do anything about it I can always practice the second amendment rights

(They go in that order for a reason.)

lol internet tough guy

go on, shoot me cuck faggot

Well that's nice

I hope you have found the answers to the questions you had about the Constitution. If you wish to learn more visit


This is actually what I used when I taught Civics. Enjoy!

Using cuck as an insult is so 2016.


liberal faggot teacher detected


also why do we have cops

what kind of cuck ass bitch needs someone to investigate crimes for them?


nice trips mr president

Honestly, we shoulda took John Quincy Adams' idea of rewritting the Constitution every couple decades, as to adapt to the changes in society.

>what are amedments

So then why does it matter to ahve them?
A God given right can't be removed nor does it need paper.
So clearly this means felons should not have said rights taken away, or they are not God given.

Yeah, but those are almost arbitrary. We need a shedule. Every 20 years, our government needs to sit it's collective asses down and go, "Ok, what in our current version of the constitution is outdated bullshit that is incompatible with current society and what has changed in our current society that we feel needs to be covered in the Constitution?"

what? no the free market will fix it

This is an edgy teenage faggot bait thread

Good one user.

shut up cucks