Career death in 3... 2... 1....


>things that have literally never happened

It's funny as fuck how the perception that this is an inevitability comes from Sup Forums inbreds saying

>Career death in 3... 2... 1....

rather than it actually ever happening. Fuck, it's amazing how true it is that Sup Forums tards are just another flavor of SJW.

SJWs will say he's allowed to say this because he's a minority, he won't get in trouble. That said, I'm a white guy in NYC and I can confirm whites are nowhere near as racist as Chinese and Indian people. They openly despise niggers.

what the fuck faggot
sperg out about your bogeyman elsewhere

iZombie's Ravi.

>in America the the voice of reason is a sandnigger

top fucking lmfao

Are you okay? Need to talk about it?

>SJWs will say he's allowed to say this because he's a minority, he won't get in trouble.

Theyèll talk about how he's just unfortunately deluded due to internalized racism or something.

I'm chinese, and I agree we're pretty fucking racist against blacks.

On the other hand, niggers do commit the most crimes, are the least educated, and in general, fuck up any place they inhabit.

He's good even if he doesn't politically align 100% with myself. He could get eaten alive by this, how protected are curries? Is he dark enough?

literally triggered

based minorities solving racism better than any white idiot

He's a British PITL though

This backward bigot really, really needs to educate himself. It is by definition impossible for persons of color to be racist (translator's note: definition means the modern, educated definition used by academic persons of color - not something found in outdated dictionaries written by and for white people)

The indians are so openly racist about niggers I'm surprised no one has pulled them up on it.

I have an Indian Co-worker who says blacks are inferior and are only good when they are being subjugated - all with impunity

How long does he shit on niggers in that video? Where can I watch this shit?

How many man hours have you spent shilling the idea that [random celebrity tweeter] you follow (because you're a gossipy halfwit with no real interests) is going to lose their job because they said something analytical or moderate or logical or incidentally right-wing? How many times has it actually happened? Sounds like SJW behavior to me.

From start to finish more or less

To be fair, that's just the other side of the coin of shit like the "one drop rule." Unfathomable retards are extremists, left or right.

Based Ravi

iWaifu has the best cast

Indians are really fucking racist. Worked with an Indian security guard and he hated negros.

I'm surprised to see this shitty trope on Sup Forums, considering how much it's been abused in movies.

>you know Mr Bond, you and I aren't so different
>see Batman, you're just like me!

what an uncle raj

Tbf there isn't a single race that likes blacks. For some reason the white race has been mind fucked into loving them

Everybody hates niggers. Latino here and in Latin America everybody openly hates niggers, even the governments.

On youtube, it's called Empire if Dust.
The whole thing is just an hour long so might as well watch it all.

I just want a 30~ minute documentary where the chinese shit on niggers, user.

Most whites don't love them. It is just that the ones that don't give a fuck are in there homes doing what ever they please away from all of the minorities.

> the white race has been mind fucked into loving them
>For some reason

One word: Jews

>look at his twitter
>everyone is giving him shit

humanity is fucked

Aaaaaaaaaaand killed off

I like how he's not talking or replying to anyone. Just yelling smug self-satsfied bullshit into a void.

Promote your show and shut the fuck up. No one asked the guy from Izombie his thoughts on systematic racism. Again, just look how he's not replying to anyone.

Wait is that the guy on izombie?

Shouldn't you be on tumblr? There's nothing wrong with what he said and there's no point in replying to the faggots who are furious over what he said.

I work for a Chinese company and at this point it's not a secret anymore that they only hire whites and Chinamen.

It's based in fucking London. Us Whiteys are less than 60% of the population, 60% counting orientals. So in a 200 people office, 40% of the population is excluded. No Jamal. No Pajeet. No Ahmed.

There is literally nothing wrong with this.

The problem is one is making headway into higher academia and treated as real.

I want to work for the Chinaman, what do you do?

As an asian I can confirm that many asians in general (with notable exceptions, particularly from more westernized asians) are racist and xenophobic as hell

For some reason though no one ever talks about it, it's always about white people

Thanks, user. Found it myself, but still appreciated.

Do you know what minute is the scene from the screenshot?

>How many times has it actually happened?
Did you not see the thread about Ronald Lee Ermey you dumb faggot?

It's because chinamen are minorities, which can do no wrong.

>I want to work for the Chinaman

Go to china, I'm sure you'll love it.

Who? People that matter?
The sole voice of reason? I'm sure you're not just ignoring the millions of others.
Life isn't movies and sometimes things can be similar without it being a "trope". The thing is, when one group wants to enact their will on another, whether it's through direct subjugation or via crybullying, the group tends to dislike it. When the methods are the same and the major complaint is that you use x method to get your way and it's not cool, well maybe you should stop fucking complaining.

Hey dudes, there's one solution for all this black lives matter shit

Hang em high

He's not wrong. I don't think endless division and identity politics helps anybody. Lots of assholes of every race. Lots of poor, struggling, decent white men who get forgotten about amongst identity issue bs

Nevermind. Found it.

Around the middle. But as I said, might as well watch the whole thing. The part where he tries to figure out where the gravel has gone is the best part, though less "red pill".

I seriously commiserate with based Yang because I had to deal with some third world contractors (Algerians, but barely above niggers) and the movie really captures the helplessness when confronted with the work ethics of savages.

Nice sensible dude telling like it is. The kill the white devil narrative is really fucked up.

Latinos don't like blacks either.

t. spic

Fellow Latino here

Can confirm.



It's very true. I live in east harlem (gentrifying white devil here), I went to flushing to meet someone once, I told him where I live, two random chinese people walking by who heard me (which is 90% of flushing) said "wow many nigger!!! are you crazy?" in their fresh-off-the-boat accent

Sup jamal.

Electronics. But China is a very big country for you, and largely manufacturing so you'll find pretty much any job on the planet in China.

>Aaaaaaaaaaand killed off
Nah, since he's a minority he's safe.
>I like how he's not talking or replying to anyone. Just yelling smug self-satsfied bullshit into a void.
Leftists do this on twitter constantly. Anyway, arguing with SJWs is pointless.

Yes here cabron

>Actually suggesting to work manufacturing in China

What's it like being retarded?

No Pajeet, really? I would assume they'd be good low-level workers. Everyone else seems to be fucking hiring them.


>>Nah, since he's a minority he's safe.

Have you ever seen a movie?


Don't Pajeets earn the most at of all the Orientals?

Really depends on the branch. But in the design teams you won't go above 20 on the Fitzpatrick skin scale.

> It's bigger than just white people

Is he naming the Jew?

That's in the USA because they heavily select their Pajeets. Half of them are Christians when they migrate.
In the UK we get regular ones, you know, the poo in loos. Even worse when it's the pakis or bengladeshis because of sharia.

>b-black people can be racist too!
come the fuck on, we've been over this. they don't wield power so they can't be racist

the president is a negro isn't he

We're talking about a TV show and lately SJWs have been having a fit whenever a minority is killed in a TV show.


>99%, wealth disparity and class division all the rage, different people united by their distaste of obscene, unspendable numbers accumulating and staying at the top
>suddenly all that is forgotten, wealth and class mean nothing. Identity politics takes centre stage and being white is 'easy mode' regardless if you had a poverty striken upbringing with no support.
>look at who is pushing this new narrative
>rich kid bloggers with dyed hair and nom de plumes to hide their dynasties

>big country for you
Come on, you have to at least let someone else do it.

He's basically saying don't be a dick to people based on race, including white people, and people are getting angry about it. I don't get it. Hate is bad.

>I like how he's not talking or replying to anyone.

That just makes me respect him even more. Twitter is the ABSOLUTE FUCKING WORST place to actually try and have a conversation about ANYTHING. It has single-handedly degraded the quality of public discourse with its inane character limitations and encouragement of dog-piling behavior. The absolute most sensible use of Twitter, especially as a celebrity, is to simply send out tweets and reply to absolutely no one unless necessity demands it.

>Hate is bad

fucking hippie