Ask a demi-heteroromantic demi-bisexual anything

Ask a demi-heteroromantic demi-bisexual anything.

What's a demi-heteroromantic demi-bisexual?

Why do you like labels so much

Not OP. But I believe it's a new kind of mental illness.


So are you gay or not gay?

Just say your a confused depressed faggot.

WTF is with all the fucking bullshit labels?
Why the fuck do you care so much?
Why can't your label just be human?
Do you believe that biology has a lot of errors in it's understanding of people?
If so, what caused you to come to this conclusion?

Bi-fag here. You're overcomplicating stuff

Why are you so in need of attention?

Those these invented tags help you with depression and confusion?

are you under any meds? if so which ones?

When did you discovered you where gay?

Why do you still try to mask it?

Don't you prefer the term demi-faggot? why is it diferrent taht your labels?


A what?

Stop with the tumblr crap. You are bisexual, plain and simple. Bisexuality is complex enough without all the stupid new tumblr creations. Bisexuals "We transcended labels by joining this one general category. Woohoo! Freedom." *Tumblr "genius" happen* Bisexuals "Fuck, now they are creating labels for the sake of labels. Stop oppressing everyone in the name of anti-oppression, idiots!"

Isn't Demi just falling in love and not a gender because there are only 2 genders?

According to this, I'd fall under demi-asexual but I don't give a flying fuck so that's retarded

How do you live as a contradiction?

Hi, since we're shaing, I'm bisexual. It means penis and vagina are both fine. Or trans, that's fine too. I still have standards though.

WTF does all the rest mean, why is it important, do you seriously care that much? Do you introduce yourself that way at parties?

I'm bisexual too. People who scramble the gender lines (not blur them, which is cool, scramble them) enrage me. So, I feel ya' on this.

Would you have sex with a clovergender person?

Do you also have a made up gender to go with all that retardation?

>experiences ____ attraction towards multiple (but not necessarily all) genders.
But there are only two genders

People who claim they are demi-something are fully gay


pan-[something] is stupid enough without them having to explicitly state these people have no basis in reality, I mean for fucks sake bi-sexual is as liberal as these fucks can realistically get but for some reason that's not good enough

OP, why is this?

Oh fuck, tumblr retardation finally makes sense!

trivial distinctions are trivial

When are you gunna quit playing and just be full on gay. We all know how this story ends.

When are you fags going to add pedo to the list of orientations and genders?

Over 9000x this



are you too gay to call yourself gay? fucking french faggot

The fuck you start this thread and not give any fucking answers?