Tell me everything about this country, I don't want to go but i'm curious about its langague, girls, life style...

Tell me everything about this country, I don't want to go but i'm curious about its langague, girls, life style, food etc.

Other urls found in this thread:,_Croatian,_Montenegrin_and_Serbian

Has three principal groups, the Croats, Bosniaks and Serbs which are Catholic, Muslim and Orthodox respectively. Bosniaks constitute the biggest group. Each one of the constituent groups has their own president. The Bosniaks are the only ones who are patriotic, the Bosnian Croats feel Croatian rather than Bosnian, and this is ten times magnified when it comes to Bosnian Serbs. Thus many people don't give the country any hope to survive for more than a few decades.

Has some of the most beautiful nature in Europe. Sarajevo is probably the best capital in the Balkan region (doesn't say much though, as Balkan capitals are generally endless commie-blocks). Has a tiny sliver of coast. Has some nice sights. Has a lot of landmines.

so where are the herzegovnians

2nd best of the former Yugoslav states.

It has three official languages - Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian, which greatly hampers communication and causes tensions. The cultures are also VASTLY different: the Croats are totally western, wearing business suits and cologne at all times, always setting their clocks to Brussels time and venerating nothing more than the Pope, Mediterranean women and sea food. The Serbs are mystical, soulful people, growing out their beards in imitation of Christ, chanting in Greek all the time, painting Byzantine icons, and eating souvlaki with spanakopita. Their political philosophy is a perfect blend of cesaropapism and platonism. The Bosniaks on the other hand are slaves to Allah, eschewing cars in favour of dromedaries used to the harsh climate of the Dinaric hills. The last time a Bosniak ever wore pants was in 1463 AD, but since then they've preferred flowing robes and keffiyehs. There are also no dogs on stringed instruments in the Muslim part of Bosnia, and every Bosniak will tell you his nation's collective intent to strike out on a fearsome jihad aimed straight at Vienna.

So, which of these nations' side are you on?

based on what you say, croats will join croatia?

>Boniaks are muslims
How's the refugee situation there? Also, do they have problem of terrorism propaganda like sweden?

Ah man, I remember back in elementary school when I had a friend from every Balkan country.
Good times.

If anyone separates first, it will be 100% the Serbs, and there is a good chance there will be another war.

I don't know about the refugee situations but I doubt refugees would permanently stay in Bosnia, it's a poor country, even for Eastern European standards.

Personally I heard most Bosniaks are pretty liberal when it comes to Islam, not that religious.

I'm atheist but I like croatia, I really love western civilization, food is shit but I can handle it.

do they have long time existing?
How a country with some many cultures who don't get along come to existence?
And what the difference between bosnia-herzegovina and swizertland (german and french are spoken there)?

He's joking my friend. They are literally the same people, their languages are literally the same.

Is it part of european union?
Why are they poor? Is it because of corruption? Instability? Lack of money and commercial pals?

The only thing I knew about em, was the national football team when they faced argentine.
>second best yugoslav former
But they are poor...
How's the best?

I knew a guy who was Croatian but Muslim.
This confused me a lot.

So is there one and only official language?

It's not part of the EU, perhaps in the future.

>Why are they poor? Is it because of corruption? Instability? Lack of money and commercial pals?

All of the above probably. Don't forget they had a war recently. And Serbia is also pretty poor, the Balkans is just a poor region in general, even Croatia which has benefited from the EU has had a shitty economy for years now.

Where did you study? Europe?
If canada, why so many exyu were in your country?,_Croatian,_Montenegrin_and_Serbian

What is there to explain?
Officially there are 3 (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian) but they are the fucking same with minor differences. Why are they separated? Nationalism. They don't want to admit their languages are the same. It's petty, childish and stupid - typical Balkan move.

Pic related, a warning on a cigarette pack in Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian respectively - 3 times it says the same, except the Serbian part uses cyrillic.

heroes were born on that countries soil.

Well I thought
Croatian = Catholic and
Muslim = Bosniak

I thought croatia had a good economy like the those who belong to the EU. So, these modern states haven't progressed. Do they have kids dying because of starvation?

Yea, Europe, even though there are lots of Croatians, Serbs and other ex-yugos where I live now.

Pretty much, but there are still Croat Muslims, not many but a few. There are also Muslim Serbs (Novi Pazar especially).

But as far as I know these Muslims are still called "Bosniaks", usually. Some just consider themselves Croat Muslims, like Dzafer Kulenovic (who was actually a Bosniak)

Idk their language, but (i know a little bit how to read russian).... it says the same thing. you're convincing me that their differences are meaningless anf pointless.

>I need a hero....
May you tell me why you think that?

Croatia's economy has benefited from the EU and is much more advanced than those of Bosnia and Serbia, and it grew very quickly until the Financial Crisis, and since then has been pretty mediocre. Still ahead of Bosnia and Serbia by a country mile.

There are no children starving, it's poor by Euro standards but still livable and better than the majority of the world.

i'm not surprise, canada has almost open borders to immigrants and it seems a good place to live in.

The differences are meaningless and pointless, it's one language written in two scripts. It's called Serbo-Croatian.

But of course you can understand a Croat doesn't want to name his language Serbo-Croatian, or vice versa, let alone a Bosniak.

if you could specify or narrow your question down a bit I'd be glad to

He killed muslims (Bosniaks), that's why he's considered a hero on Sup Forums.

In reality, he is a war criminal.

Yes, I've met some ColombiANOs too.
One guy told me about his parents who were lawyers in Pablo Escobar's time.

Good to know, it seemed rare to me that an european country were as poor as some latinamerican and african places.
Yeah, I know. Anyway there's only a language.

watch you organs if you go there

Why do you say "a lot of heros were born there"?

Isn't that Albania?

Why did he do that?
What's his name?

i wasn't born when pablo escobar was alive, but was a dangerous job at the time, m8
Hahahahahahaha why?

The "Croats" he refers to would be Herzegovians. Herzegovina is the southern region of the country inhabited largely by people who declare themselves Croatian.

And Kosova.

Well, there was a free-for-all in Bosnia between 1992 and 1995, and until late 1993 (AFAIK) every tribe fought every tribe. The Croat and Bosniak tribes joined their forces together.
And the goal of every tribe (AFAIK, not sure abt Bosniaks) was to ethnically cleanse as much of a territory as possible.
I think that's Ratko Mladić, not sure, tho.

Oh, forgot to add, hence all of the war crimes. Tho, in Croatia, both on the territories controlled by Croats during the war, as well as those "liberated" during the war, were more-or-less successfully ethnically cleansed, as Serb populations were murdered or forced to flee, and were replaced by Croats from Herzegovina (with exception of East Slavonia, which was reintegrated in 1997). In example, my city of Zadar, before the war had some 20.000 Serbs living in it. According to UNPROFOR (or some other UN agency, not sure), there were less than 2.000 Serbs after the war in 1995. Not to mention that a lot of villages in the region that had majority Serb population before the war today are either devoid of life in complete, or have a few people that returned to land of their ancestors during the 2000s.



You've been memed dude.
Bakir Izetbegovic, the muslim president of BiH, is a radical who is actively protecting the ISIS camps in BiH and doing shit about it.

He is selling land do Arabs and Qataris en masse.
Believe me, you don't want to be a Croat or a Serb living in a major Bosniak city. It's hell down there.

People that wanted their independence but were backstabbed by croats who pushed ethnic croatian milicies to enlarge their territory and attacked by serbs who also wanted more territory

They managed to survive thanks to NATO and Naser Oric (a bosnian warlord) but they dont have access to sea (croatia stole it)

Actually, they still have Neum area. Sure, it is 21 KM stretch of shore, but it is the shore nevertheless.

>The "Croats" he refers to would be Herzegovians.

Little history lesson for you:
The first Croatian king Tomislav was crowned in the area of the Duvansko field in Bosnia and Hercegovina in 925. Duvno, the town he was most likely crowned in was named "Tomislavgrad" after him.
Bihać, today the second largest muslim city in BiH, used to be the center of the Croatian kingdom for almost two centuries until 1102, and remained a Croatian city until it was sacked by the Ottomans.
Most BiH was ruled by Croatians Bans throughout the centuries.
So if the Croats from Hercegovina and other parts of BiH are not "real" Croats, a claim many people from the major cities in Croatia make (Zagreb, Split, Rijeka), Tomislav wasn't a Croat too and neither were the rest of the Croatian kings, since they all lived in what is BiH today.

After the liberation of BiH by the Austrians in 1878, they tried to resettle the Croatians that fled the country in the four hundred year long war with the Ottoman Empire. They offered them land for free and many Croats who were not originally from BiH, but who were just poor and looking for some free land, also answered the call, especially those from Dalmatia. These Croats lived in BiH for about 150 years, which seems to be long enough for some of the Dalmatians to call them "Bosnians" today and to negate the fact that they are Croats.

>I think that's Ratko Mladić, not sure, tho.
>my city of Zadar, before the war had some 20.000 Serbs living in it.
>there were less than 2.000 Serbs after the war in 1995.
According to the bureau of statistics of Croatia the city of Zadar had a pre war population (1991) of 76,343 of which 10,958 were Serbs.
In 2001 the city had population of 72.718 with 2.382 Serbs.

There's a difference between 11K and 20K, as well as between 2,4K and "less than 2K".
It's so easy to spot the Serbian shills.
There's a saying for you in Croatia:
Lažes ko Srbin. (You are lying like a Serb)

What the fuck

From Wikipedia:
>Tradicija će se nastaviti jer će u Bihaću u srednjem vijeku više puta zasjedati hrvatski Sabor - poslije bitke na Krbavskom polju 1493. Sabor je zasjedao u Bihaću 1494. i poslao papi Aleksandru VI. molbu da utječe na kralja Vladislava.[4] I sam grad Bihać će tridesetak godina biti držan jednim od stolnih gradova. U njemu su se sustjecale čak tri hrvatske biskupije: Zagrebačka, Senjsko-modruška i Kninska te više dijeceza. Za područje oko Bihaća, koje je u srednjem vijeku pripadalo Hrvatskoj, uobičajio se naziv turska Hrvatska. Tek će se od 1878. za sjeverozapad Bosne i Hercegovine početi koristiti naziv Bosanska krajina.[5] Gašpar Vinjalić u knjizi o Slavenima piše: "Hasan-paše, koji stane opsjedati u Hrvatskoj tvrđavu Bihać, na rijeci Uni. (1592.g.)."

I heard so from Croats and Serbs themselves on Sup Forums, I don't know personally.

I know, I know.
Legally they (Arabs) are not even allowed to buy land in BiH, but they have their henchmen.
It's terrible and it's only getting worse.

I literally never heard of such a saying before.

>According to the bureau of statistics of Croatia the city of Zadar had a pre war population (1991) of 76,343 of which 10,958 were Serbs.
In 2001 the city had population of 72.718 with 2.382 Serbs.
Okay, so I missatributed something. Nevertheless, it is still a sharp decrease. And it is still hard to negate that a lot of villages in the region are devoid of population, regardless of which tribe had the majority there.
Neither of tribes were innocent here, despite the propaganda.

>After the liberation of BiH by the Austrians in 1878, they tried to resettle the Croatians that fled the country in the four hundred year long war with the Ottoman Empire. They offered them land for free and many Croats who were not originally from BiH, but who were just poor and looking for some free land, also answered the call, especially those from Dalmatia. These Croats lived in BiH for about 150 years, which seems to be long enough for some of the Dalmatians to call them "Bosnians" today and to negate the fact that they are Croats.
After some 150 years, or several generations, you kinda do become a part of a different tribe/nation. Also, it is kinda pointless to claim that just because something was under the control of a certain tribe a thousand years ago, that it is still that tribe's land, despite all the changes during the past millenium.

Borders and tribal lands change over time. Similarly, that logic would make Italy's claim on most of Istria and Dalmatia legitimate.

aren't all the best parts of belgrade also being bought up by arabs

Also, we are talking about 1991 census, that might kinda not be the most truthful one, considering that tribal strifes started a year or so earlier, and that stating that you are not member of a dominant tribe could get your house or a car blown up, at least.
Zadar is still littered by such ruins.

I am from a city in BiH, which I won't mention for privacy reasons, which has a muslim majority.

Let's put it this way, if you are a Croat or Serb and you don't own a gun or some sort of weaponry it is safe to say you are fucked.
In the beginning they (muslims) will only attack you verbally and with time also physically.
All the bullshit about coexistence is a lie.
Once a city reaches a muslim majority it is over, it is done.
You better leave while you can, cause they sure as fuck will not stop harassing you until you pack your things and get the fuck out.

Either you accept their dominance and are a good cuck, or you get "visited" by a group of radicals. This didn't happen only once, it happened many times. They only respond to violence and nothing else.
Just a few months ago two Croatian politicians were beaten up by a mob of 10 muslim politicians in the town of Stolac. The Muslims didn't like the fact that the city was about to elect a Croatian major.
They stole the ballot boxes and threw them away.
The muslim politican who ordered the attack and who even threw the first punch was the former minister of Culture and Sports Salmir Kaplan.
He is only 35 years old and they advertised him as a "liberal muslim".

So much about his liberalism.

What's your nationality out of interest ?

Same with cities with Serb or Croat majorities, such as Banja Luka or Mostar.

third worst non-country in Europe, after Kosovo and Albania only

hope it falls apart and Croatia and Serbia split it

Same as in "Muslims do this" or same as in "the majority in each city does this"?

They tried, then the West got involved. How else can you explain Dayton agreement?

Majorities in each city. After all, Mostar, in example, is still a city divided onto two halves, like it was since the establishment of Croat paracountry of "Herceg-Bosna" in 1992.

>After some 150 years, or several generations, you kinda do become a part of a different tribe/nation.


Do you realize that BY LAW, meaning by the treaty of Dayton, Bosnia and Hercegovina is a Croatian land, as it is a Muslim and Serbian land?

This is the law, not some nationalistic propaganda.
We, Croats, are one of the three constitutive nations in BiH and the Republic of Croatia is legally obliged to aid and defend the rights of all Croats living in BiH.
So you can negate the historic facts as much as you want, but you can't negate the law.
You may not like it, cause you are a Serbian shill, but you can't deny it.

Yeah sure, lets look at Mostar.
Mostar has the same ethnic structure like pre war, while EVERY city the "Armija BiH" "liberated" lost almost all of the Serbian and Croatian population.

diaspora poster genocide when Sup Forums

Seems to me like it simply has to do with the fact that the Serbs and Croats had another country to go to, right?

I am a Croat. I was born in Croatia and have a Croatian passport.
Part of my family is from the North, part from the South. That's why I know all the lies that are told by Croats from the North about the Southerners and vice versa.

Yeah the moral judgments against bosniaks for enlisting help from mujahedin etc. always seem really silly. They thought they were going to get annihilated. I'm sure there were a ton of croats in the command structure who were against redneck za dom spremni ustasa shit too but when that's like a third of your army in a shitty war what the fuck can you do?

That's another issue altogether.

I'm more trying to logically explain his observation. B&H also has the highest emigration rates in Europe, this probably has to do with Bosnian Croats & Serbs going to Croatia and Serbia respectively.

As a Yugoboo I find this upsetting

>The Serbs are mystical, soulful people, growing out their beards in imitation of Christ, chanting in Greek all the time, painting Byzantine icons, and eating souvlaki with spanakopita. Their political philosophy is a perfect blend of cesaropapism and platonism.
>mfw this is practically true in my case

Partly. But I personally know that towns were "exchanged" between Croats and Muslim during the war.
Say you have a town with a Croat majority and the Muslims start to besiege the town. The Croat generals would then call the Muslim generals and offer them to lift the siege of a Muslim town in exchange for them lifting the siege of the Croat town.

Both armies would then retreat and "swap" towns. The difference was, that once the towns were swapped the Muslims wouldn't let the Croats who lived in "their" towns back in. So they had two options. Go live in another Croatian town in BiH or move to Croatia. Many took the second route.

And the statistics prove it. We had a census in BiH in 2013 and you can clearly see that the Muslim held towns lost most of the Serb and Croat population, while the Croat held towns kept the Muslim population.
Here is the site of the official census:
>http ://

Croats in BiH are practically dying out. There were 750K Croats in 1991 in BiH now there's slightly over 500K At this rate in 50 years their numbers will drop below 100K. There's basically no help for them, because Croatia doesn't give a fuck about them.

Very mysterious country imo
I doesn't have all that much to do with Islam as other Yugos would make you believe but it's still unplesant only in a different way.
Also it's entire history seems to be based around bloodshed,violence and hatred but despite it all it still manages to exist