Fuck up their lifes, posting their fb in the comments

Fuck up their lifes, posting their fb in the comments

Other urls found in this thread:



post on all those facebook posts being shared

trips aside, that kind of behavior isnt frowned upon in islamistan.

Is that verified? Nuke 'em.

Just sandniggers being sandniggers, nothing surprising about this

bump, do something Sup Forums


where did they post that pic, on fb lul?


You OP, are a saint.

theres already change.org about them

Oh, they're immigrants. Pieces of shit, as expected

where are the other images? I saw a whole lot of dem pictures of dem cuttin the dogs ears off the ovver day

I see the ignorants are already blaming it all on Islam.

Because the ginger nuts in the picture is Muslim too right?

What a bunch of fucking retards this is why Trump will ruin your country.

No, seems like they are just sangnigging in sandniggistan. Says they are from Turkey.

>Because the ginger nuts in the picture is Muslim too right?
He probably is. Turkey has some white remnants from the Byzantines.

They're from fucking Turkey

Of course they're fucking Turkish, niggers of the European world.

fucking muslim cunts always bring bad shit should just start mass executing them

Lets all remember Gabe the Doggo

Who entertained us for a long time.

He passed away today.

Turkish roaches

So... basiaclly sub-human anyway.

On side note; would love to bash their skulls.

Sandnigs tend to believe dogs are haram.


Gimme the best Gabe vid so I can press F

found their youtube channel:

Doesn't mean they abuse dogs because Islam says so, people that do it are evil.

Name me one country, one religion etc that has not abused dogs.

Are we forgetting the Slavs that threw the pupper from the bridge?

Are we forgetting the US soldiers who threw a dog over a cliff?

Are we forgetting the people who conduct vicious dog fights from all walks of life?


Islam is all evil

You're a massive faggot and underage

Kill yourself

Let's see if we can't get them to kill themselves

Ack that was supposed to be for

>sandnig detected

Thing is that since islam denotes dogs as unclean moslems have a lower threshold for abusing these animals. And this kind of behavior is much less disporved of in moslem countries.

>found their youtube channel
>posts own shitty youtube channel
shocker. never seen this trick before