Just tried ice (crystal meth to you Americans) for the first (and likely last) time. Ask me anything

Just tried ice (crystal meth to you Americans) for the first (and likely last) time. Ask me anything.

What did it feel like

why are you such a faggot?

did you crave dicks?

>First and last time
Said every methhead ever

eat ass boyo

I dabbled for 6 months. Bad idea

Why likey last time?

How was it?

>op right now

Actually though, I'm not really into amphetamines. Acid, mushies and weed are my drugs of choice. Tried ice purely out of curiosity.

To be perfectly honest, I don't see what the fuss is about. I'm feeling pretty normal, just a bit more energetic then I was before, and quite clear headed and focused.

Because I don't really hang around with users of it at all. Most of my friends are into either MD, mushies or just smoking cones. The remaining friends just drink. The opportunity presented itself from a Japanese housemate that is heading home soon.

I'm with this guy... why not again OP??

I said the same OP. Now I snort that shit 6 days out of the week. Helps me make it through my crazy work week, I'm a dispatcher. I'm getting out of this position but will likely still use some. You have to be very careful with it. It is absolutely useless as a recreational drug though in my opinion.

It is completely inundated in my area of Sydney (Redfern) and I grew up 40 minutes from the town with the highest rate of use in NSW (Casino). I have seen the long term effects of use, and I will never go down that path. I have a lot of self control.

Yeah the guy that started me on it is super spaced out. He also used to take an insane amount of club drugs. I just need to get out of this position and to the next and this is the only thing that will motivate me to work 70 hours a week in a position I despise.

Need a goal or something. Maybe start saving up for some travel. Work without anything as an end goal, in particular in shitty jobs, always leads to using something.

Update, slightly noticeable loss of dexterity. Btw I should've mentioned I only smoked it about 75 minutes ago.

Oh I have an end game. I'm trying to purchase a company and in the meantime I'll be transitioning into a position I want in my current company. Also need to leave my fiancé and sell our house

Yeh, it sounds like you're using "Adderall dosages" they'd literally give out for narcolepsy, albeit a bit higher than comfortablly perscribed: so as to keep you up a bit too long and being the slightest bit Over Focused the whole time to effectively do the job (past normal hours of sleep/wake humans).

I have a Mom that needs major off-brand-Arthritis Nacrotics (still drowsiness despite no true euphoria) as well as Xanax for being a HUGE "worrier" beyond any sustainable capacity, and they hand her 60 mg of Adderall a day.

That's 60 mg of purified, pharmaceutical Methamphetamines a day.

Some days she sleeps all day because her life is still a 3-10 on the pain scale despite monthly injections, etc. etc. etc. And so some days when she needs to get real shit done she's got ~100mg Meth (and that 4+ mg Xanax for comedowns).

What a country. NO WEED THOUGH.

Shitty Painfilled life though. Kicked off of Oxycontin.

Ritalin and Adderall aren't methamphetamine. Similar chemical composition, but it'll either be dexamphetamine (the more methamphetamine like of the two) and methylphenidate. To be perfectly honest, dex is my preferred club drug. MDMA is great but after the lovey stuff and the initial clean feeling bounce ends and you're left with that teeth gnashing chemical feeling of amped, I get sick of it. Dex is a weaker version of the first bit, which personally is preferrable. OP btw

I'm on ice right now.

I was exactly in your situation. The craving will become ridiculous though...

Why did try it?

adderall isn't "methamphetamines"


I won't crave this drug. It's not a high I could ever find myself getting into. My brain races enough without amphetamines. If I'm in the mood for a rave or a punk gig MD or dexy will always be more available and preferred to me.


Forgot to reply. The opportunity presented itself with a housemate that I'll never see again. To be honest though, if it weren't for a couple of friends who have used it in a way that isn't stereotypical (particularly in Aus, where there is heavy stigma, it is the chattest drug we have), and haven't formed any connection to it, I wouldn't have taken it.

Long story short, I tried it because I am a curious person, and feel the need to make my mind up about everything personally.

Although in saying that, I didn't try it to see if I would like it. Purely to see what the effects actually were, and write down my experience. Much in the same way I take acid, DMT and mushies. Although I also take acid and mushies for fun, something I can't see myself doing with ice.

Update: beginning to feel the anxious ball of energy in the pit of my stomach (aka excited butterflies in the tummy)

Ah, gotcha.

Yeh, I've heard Dex ends up being preferable to plenty over Addy, and I would agree that something with less body-amp, teeth-gnashing, and whatnot (insomnia if taken late, as well as forgetting food/water unless you literally make a point of drinking/eating in the "8+" hours or whatnot) would be preferable.

Never have tried dex.
Have tried Adderall aplenty.

And just once (...twice) did Ice as well, but at that retarded dosage (smoked) it was just like 3-days-of-insanity that were incredibly enjoyable but retarded when looked back upon. Glad I didn't manage to get a ... erm... 3rd chance to try that.

All crystal meth is, is adderall. You just need less of it to get you going. Nothing all that special. My buddy is hooked on the shit hardcore, and I've had plenty of fun weekends playing vydia with him on it, but I really don't see how anyone can get hooked on it.

methamphetamine makes me want to suck daddy dick and be a little fuck princess

i take adderall everyday.

Out of curiosity, did you take Adderall/Ritalin by taking the pill or snorting? For both dex and rits I find snorting it is most effective, only need one to get a good buzz going, and it all kicks in at once.

I mean I was camping and ended up just staying 3 days kinda surviving off no food and playing Card Games and telling retarded circling stories over and over from what I "remember".

One day I wandered out and got lost for apparently half a day until I found a road and walked miles back to the entrance of the National Park and back in the middle of the night. Probly spooked some Campers because I was going straight through the wooded areas just maneuvering through/over trees.

Did step on and walk into a cactus in the pitch black night: that took probly 2 hours of over-obsessive picking to solve.

(Americans know what ice means)

I'll snort if I don't have much, or want to be up more like 4 hours than 8 hours (It makes it like twice as strong and half as long: absolutely preferable).

If I have like 2 and have a whole day; I'll do it sublingually. Place under tongue and wait 20 minutes. It feels to be almost as strong as snorting and bypasses any full stomach concerns and whatnot.

In any case, I'll take a max dose (4 tablets) of of Antacids first, because it prolongs Adderall. Even if snorting: some goes to stomach. Even if sublingual and using the veins under tongue its the same. Plus it just like keeps it from being pissed out so quickly or whatnot.
Also, my end game was place 1 sublingual (20), while crushing/snorting one more. That meant that I had something to do while waiting for the sublingual, and that it was an overall smoother high: big upfront (no waiting) and for ~4, then like 4 more chiller after that.

This was Adderall 20mgs, and I agree, yeh.
Snort 1 and you're good to go like instantly (fully alert without grinding teeth, etc.) and you won't even have a major comedown or ruin your sleep/eat schedule.

I never knew that about antacids. Will keep it in mind for when I next luck upon a friend who trades it.

Currently on Meth, used to only do it once a year (because in a new city and couldn't find a dealer)

Finally found a consistent hookup in Dec, been rolling ever since. Been snorting and plugging mostly.

Wife, two kids 93k job. Scared to quit because the crash is brutal.