Serious question, what's the deal with the universal hatred of incest...

Serious question, what's the deal with the universal hatred of incest? Casual sex is becoming more and more of a norm in society every year. With sex becoming more normalized, we also have people in poly relationships, cuckolds, transexuals, gay marriage, tons of things that are breaking boundaries all seemingly in the same time frame. Why is incest kept out of this?

Note that when I say incest, I do not mean for the purpose of child birth, but just casual recreational sex. I don't have any attractive family members, mother or sisters, and most females ( though a few exceptions ) in my family aren't attractive either. Even if they were ( and the few that are ) I wouldn't dare do anything that wouldn't be equally consensual, and I wouldn't even make a move today because of all the societal reprecussions of incest relationships. But if I had a hot ass mom, and we for whatever reason wanted to fuck, why is that considered taboo?

Sex is sex, and full fledged relationships don't have to come from it, and a lot of times both partners just want to be satisfied when they have their needs. Again, this wouldn't be for the sake of child birth, as that brings obvious birth defects. People almost entirely love fucking, why are we barring ourselves from people if we want them?

Even most porn doesn't delve into it, and is almost always sex between step family, why?

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if incest was universally hated, nobody would do it.

Theodore Sturgeon wouldn't have written that story "If All Men Are Brothers, Would You Let One Marry Your Sister?"

Incest is viewed as taboo in most modern and civil societies. Cherry picking a few examples of social outsiders doesn't really prove much against my point.

it seems to be becoming more of a thing in porn, which is awesome. i don't think you'll find any of the big-name studios going further than the "step" stuff, which is a shame... but sometimes you'll find a "big name" pornstar doing a legit incest roleplay video and it's great

i think it's slowly becoming an 'accepted' thing

Because it just makes some people uncomfortable about it, just like loli.
Can't really explain much about it, OP.

the amount of stuff without "step" in the name is incredibly low compared to the amount with it. Its fucking lame cause its one of my biggest fetishes.

I'm fine with some people being uncomfortable, not everything is for everyone. There are tons of fetishes that I know I'll never be into to, but I wouldn't look down on someone for it.

The incest taboo is only something that has happened relatively recently. It's actually estimated that around 80% of all marriages or unionships in history have been between either first or second cousins. I also have a hot cousin who is my age and I would totally fuck her

Well it's bad since the child could be retarded if you accidentally slip up. Either way it would still be pretty weird to just have a blow job from a sexy relative since it's just wrong. Like fucking a child wrong or fucking an animal wrong. That kind of way. I mean it could be consensual and it could be nice for both of them and it could be the safest sex as well but it is still wrong. Simply because of the risks and psychological damage one person can get even if it is safe and even if it feels nice and even if it was consent. These shouldn't apply to just two normal adults who both consent and are the same species and are not related in anyway because there is a less of a risk for a retarded child which reverses the gene pool a bit. The real answer is evolution. We evolved to make things taboo and to draw a line so we can evolve into a stronger species.

But the question is what created the taboo, and why hasn't it been shaken?

Honestly I'm pretty sure one of my cousins wants it, but taking the risk of doing something is not worth ruining my reputation with my entire family.

You say it's "simply wrong", "it's just wrong" but the only explanation you give is the risk of child birth. Modern birth control works in 99% of circumstances, and in the rare chances of it failing it has been proven to mainly be caused by one of the partners not using the birth control correctly. If two adults, who are grown and intelligent, but happen to be related, should choose to engage in intercourse I think we should give them the go ahead. Our species doesn't devolve or grow weaker by not creating off spring to dilute the genetics of our race.

>Modern birth control works in 99%
That's modern birth control. What about before in prehistoric times. How do you think we evolved to combat this problem? What was natures birth control? Simply to make us disgusted. Free will doesn't exist my friend. We are evolved to think a certain way. I believe nihilists are the closest to free will. But then again they think in a certain way so that's that.

It is true that in cases of first cousin incest, the child has double the chance of birth defects as compared to kids from unrelated parents. Although it's really only up to 6% from 3%

Oh so that explains why I wanna bang my cousin.

In prehistory we were a bunch of bonobos raping and killing each other with rocks, then eating the corpses of those who didn't survive. As you imply, we as a species adapt and change over centuries. It was less than a life time ago blacks weren't harassed and segregated. 20 years ago gay people kept their sexuality hidden to avoid hate from society.

I'm not really seeing how this taboo can't change either.

Don't we all?

probably has something to do with the fact inbreeding has several horrible side effects dealt to the following generations.

It's a hold over from times when defects in children could not be measured until the child was born. Therefor resulting in a person not carrying their own weight in societies. Which in many cases were fairly small, meaning you either take the useless being out, or they may result in your small community being weakened by needing to support this extra person.

Because of all of that, it has been strongly discouraged by all people in all parts of the community. From direct family to those who live along with you, and even depend on you. They all don't want you to have that one accident that could lead to trouble in the future.

Now by law, there are a few nations that allow it (France), but society still shuns it to a point. Not sure how much, considering the majority of movies based on incest relationships do come from France.

Personally I grew up with my sister, we had great sex (hidden from our parents and friends of course). We grew up and out of it for the most part. We have hooked up, when in between "normal" relationships.

>With sex becoming more normalized, we also have people in poly relationships, cuckolds, transexuals, gay marriage
Its because socieity is comprised of a random compilation of sick minded idiots. Some of them think consentual sex is a crime worse than murder.

This highlights the importance of personal freedoms and privacy, as well as responsibility.

So why do you think we continue to keep going with this ideology? It's cool France apparently allows it, thats a step for sure, but why do you think most people are so hard headed about this topic? Simply because it's tradition?

Also please green text about sex with your sister.

because it produces fucking retard babies like you...

>Well it's bad since the child could be retarded if you accidentally slip up.
Half of the world is already growing up retarded anyway.

>Oh so that explains why I wanna bang my cousin.
Its more likely because you have the genes that attracted your parents/ancestors to that kind of looking person.

I think some of the actors in the incest role play studios may be related.....or might be in future productions....on the down low

You're not understanding. Adapting to things takes time. It's not taboo for no reason. We adapted to not kill eachother like we adapted to be more civilized but some haven't. There are 7 billion people on this planet and you can't possibly tell me that they all think the same. Of course not but they don't have free will. If you have genes you don't have free will. You and me and everyone here are very connected. Every plant and bug and animal and human that ever existed are all connected through the means of evolution. Human behavior and human evolution isn't the same thing. We didn't adapt to accept other people. Although the reason some people are homophobic is because of tribes encouraging heterosexuality, But that's a paradoxical way of nature. It goes both ways really. Anyway my point is that 100 years ago we were pretty stupid. We still are but I can promise you that incest shouldn't ever be aloud since there is a risk of inbreeding with or without birth control since not everyone takes birth control. We accepted gay people and black people because we there was no harm of this. Accepting incest causes a harm to the gene pool. Where as gays and blacks don't despite what some people from Sup Forums think.

She's a hottie tho.

Incest is a funny topic when you think about it. Go back many years to when royal families were the norm. You can bet your left nut and money on top of that they committed incest because in their minds it kept their family bloodline "pure" from the peasents. Naturally nowadays we as a human race know that is bullshit but it's funny to think about.

Trips of truth. Got a pic to share?

Sorry, as of right now I don't follow under the medical definition of retarded.


Birth control, as I said earlier, has a success rate of 99%. And as also said earlier, the last 1% usually is caused by one of the partners not using the birth control correctly, there are plenty of studies that prove this, so no it doesn't cause a harm to the gene pool.

If we as a race cared that much about the gene pool then our sexual relationships would be much less frequent then they currently are, as people would be actively seeking the best mate. Our society is currently pushing an equality and accepting ideology, we are steadily, even if it isn't the smartest decision, rejecting the importance of genetics.

Yea shit was fucked in the old days.


Also, gays literally CAN'T effect the gene pool because they actually can't reproduce. No hate against gays, just saying.

Nah not assed to save a pic of her.

>Birth control, as I said earlier, has a success rate of 99%
Like I said birth control didn't exist 200 years ago

But it does now, and many things we didn't do or agree with as a race 200 years ago we do agree with now. This point doesn't make much sense.

So the best solution is to make them more retarded?

>Also, gays literally CAN'T effect the gene pool because they actually can't reproduce. No hate against gays, just saying.
That is exactly what I saaaaaaiiiiddddddd sigh

Do you not know anything about evolution and how and why our species adapts

first part

because it is the norm. If you go to certain parts of the world 1st cousin marriage is not only normal, but recommended. Why because it's how its been done for so long. Same thing happens in other parts of the world where incest is just not accepted, and it won't be accepted in the future, because it is just not normal. Imagine the world accepted incest as a legal thing to do. How often would people actually do it publicly? Rarely, I mean everyone would be afraid to be shunned by their friends and family, even though it is legal.

Getting rid of those kinds of social norms, is next to impossible without massive social upheaval.

Second part, simply to long to post, and I have done it more than once before.
here is the outline
>sister and I went to a preppy school, but lived in a poor (not safe neighborhood)
>our time for most of our lives was going to school, and staying at home
>as we got older, we hit puberty, we started getting left alone at home by ourselves
>we would sleep in each-others beds all the time (so this was normal)
>uncontrollable boners were bound in a teenage boy
>rubs and nudges led to us exploring and figuring each other out
>after a few months we try
>we learn quickly what we like, and continue until high school
>we both end up with sweethearts
>stop, until university
>I went through a few girls by this point, sister stayed with the same guy (she got cheated on)
>she moves out of his place and into mine (I am living alone, and near the university while working on my masters)
>works for both of us, plus I needed the money for rent
>over time we reintroduced our bodies to each other
>lasted for a while, till she moved out, and I moved to another city
>she visits every so often, and we have always hooked up
>kind of feel like a sleaze, because I always break up with the girl I am with after she shows up
>figure if she isn't good enough for me to say no to my sister, she's not good enough for me

Continuing on from on how incest is a funny topic. I haven't seen anyone bring up the topic of adopted siblings. Yes the step-family role play porn has been mentioned but what about legit adopted sibling incest? Does it get the same amount of hate? Or does it get a miniscule amount less because they're not blood related?

kids after 2 generations of incest are completely sterile

Adopted incest is fine but pretty fuckin weird tbh

I'm curious, weird how?

I'm assuming it's not too weird to people. It's a fucking huge plot point in Twilight if anyone remembers when that was popular.

Step-family sex is considered "pseudo-incest" and is tolerated as something outside the realm of obscenity. Actual blood relations having sex is morally repugnant because you are supposed to have a different relationship with your family than your sexual partners.

I've never read or watched twilight. It amounts to a girl can't decide if she wants to commit beastiality or necrophilia. Didnt appeal to me.

We need to see pics of this cousin. Like, yesterday. Hold on, I'm going to get some Cheetos...

Oh my lord you are a social outcast aren't you? Raising a child then banging them is pretty weird. That's how. Sigh ffs

sucks shittydick

Social outcast or not aside, I wasnt talking about incest with adopted parent and child. As I said in the post I was talking about adopted siblings doing the incest

And I told you that it is fine but weird for a parent to have sex with his or her adopted son or daughter. Siblings as well.

>Serious question
>on Sup Forums

There is no fucking way I'm posting my family on here. I know how you fucks work.

I didn't say it was good fuck, I was just saying it was popular. The main vampire boy, all of his brothers and sisters are adopted but they date each other. I saw the movie a few years ago.

Are you a teen werewolf?

Society gets stuck on the "gross" factor, and the inbreeding thing. So, if we introduce a form of eugenics (prevent babies being born from incest and from parents with hereditary illnesses) then there isn't a problem and the social stigma, the "gross" factor will go away.

I wish. Maybe then I could have a frequent sex life.

Evan is that you?

this is fucking great. thanks user.

Because you can't gaurantee that there won't be a child, only make it XX% sure unless it's a gay relationship or the guy actually has his stones cut off.
Also, the potential rape possibility. it's the same reason students and teachers can't screw, and why we have sexual harrasment to stop office workers using their power to blackmail sex. it's a position of power too great, and too easy to abuse.
Fix those, and I am completely fine with it.

Aversion to incest is part of the human condition.

fuck, I'd protest for it if you fixed those.

Yes, birth control works, but not everyone uses it because religion, personal health, etc. Nobody misunderstand your point. We agree siblings can more or less have sex and nothing objectively bad result from it.

The fact of the matter is that society is slow to change. Just because one can argue logically at people doesn't mean the entire human race will change their minds in unison.

Indeed society will take its time. But I bet it will happen. Other than sex related things I remember when everyone thought you were weird or a freak for liking anime and other japanese related things. And look at it now we have weaboos all over the fucking place. Hell I remember when futa started becoming popular. I was more surprised about that then when I got my first boner from watching real sex on HBO when I was a kid

Exactly. I think the argument that's been made in this thread is that if incest will hit a point of acceptance, it is simply not the time yet. We see it in the increase of porn surrounding the topic.