Im bored, wanna order a bunch of pizzas to houses on a random street?

Im bored, wanna order a bunch of pizzas to houses on a random street?


where to?

I dont know. What place has a fuckton of chads?

Will take pizza.

That it will user, do we wanna be assholes and do "cash payment" or do we want to not be Sup and do "credit"

one vote for cash

First we have to find out where. Florida is chad heavy right?

very much so

maybe miami?

Yes Miami

street address?

I have no preference, i have no friends/enemies in Miami but if any of you anons do please let us know.

Should it be a frat house?


most likely

Im ready to do this, once you guys find one.

1934 NW 25th Ave,
Miami, FL 33125

now we have to find a pizza place

Sending them A couple of double 4cheese WOOP WOOP

(305) 573-0300