You president you lose

You president you lose.

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dank meme OP



Pence's memes are far more dope. In fact you could say they're electrifying



Why do all conservatives look like such crybabies?



Because they fucking are crybabies

Oh what could have been...


You're a fucking retard if you think that picture is even remotely true. Bernie is a commie shitlord. Kill yourself, tool.

Get the anger out. This place is a healthy venting space. Good for you for not shooting up a mall instead.

>Salt salt salty salt salt salt
Someone's triggered.


Is that Putin?

I guess you could say that's Trump Putin Vladimirs dick in his mouth



Democratic Socialist not Communist.

Why isn't this common knowledge by now?

I get that Trump was trying to cover base with Pence on his side. It's still a bad idea to get anyone popular by evangelicals to gain power. The fundamentalist religious assholes need to be thrown out of the conservative base. Catholics and other religious groups against abortion will still side with Republicans even if they don't have any representation. The issue of abortion alone is good enough for them.







that bitch is wearing a shanwow

I swear you can write a sitcom only by looking at all this people.

George is perfect for it all:


she had to wear gloves to avoid direct contact with any holy items

As opposed to all the SJW, left, and liberal crybabies? Literally, right now? Are you serious? You must be joking. No one is that retarded... Unless... You, user, you got an extra chromosome? I got a good feeling you do!

that is Communism










Show me a real life example of communism that looks like that



Cutting into the profits of the elite who own the business? Bastards! I need that rolls-royce!


>Doesn't work out in a couple seperate attempts, with each doing better than the last

Well, time to give up.

>letting homeless people in your house

get the fuck out of here

>Albert Camis


1980's Donald trump could of been a fun dude to hang with doing coke lines n drinking whiskey!


>Gross oversimplification of economic system



I can't believe that he wore that.

He doesn't drink or do drugs


And that's why it never collapsed... oh wait, it did.

I just want to say, for the record: I fully believe Donny's banging hookers every chance he gets (Melania's getting old, yo), and it really just makes me like him more.

The worker does not have a choice because he/she must work in order to buy necessities. Whether they work at one place or another, it doesn't matter because their labor will be exploited regardless.

Not because of the economy, but because of politics.

Melania a cute

Politics ties into the economy.

If you believe that, you're an idiot. But it's ok, because I don't trust a man who hasn't done a bump off a hooker's ass at least once in his life.

you do have a choice
start your own business

pic related

And yet the USSR still fell apart because of economic troubles.

Going back to their GDP growing it's mostly because Russia's GDP was at fucking rock bottom. Anything would have been better than the chaos of the revolution and the restructuring that followed. After that there was war where many of their materials were supplied by the US. Following that was their expansion into multiple foreign nations helping to bolster their economy further.

The USSR's economy was a joke

You know, like 20 years ago, I totally would have, but nowadays, she's kinda starting to look like Bruce Jenner.

Maybe not now. But he did at one point.

The soviet system collapsed because of Gorbachev's failures as a leader. The majority of soviet citizens did not want the union to dissolve, and even today most russians lament the fall of the USSR. If it was so terrible and there was no food and shit like the media would have you believe, they wouldn't have wanted to remain under the "oppressive" system.

Yeah, and everyone can start their own business? Who would work there? You need capital to start a business and the mass of laborers cannot get capital because everything they earn must be spent on shelter and food to survive. Even then they need government assistance like welfare.

but that daughter though..

if i was don i'd be a dad, and a daddy

True dat. I actually fucked a Dutch hooker last year who looked a lot like Ivanka. Resemblance didn't hit me until later and I laughed my ass off.

So stale was the Soviet economy that the typical Russian had nothing to spend their money on. You know what they did with all that money? They saved it. Either in the bank or in shoe boxes. They had so much saved that a typical worker could take a year or two off from work and live off their savings. Socialism is shitty system.

>Yeah, and everyone can start their own business?

>Who would work there?

>You need capital to start a business and the mass of laborers cannot get capital because everything they earn must be spent on shelter and food to survive
Get a loan or get a job and save some money so you can have capital to start a business

Once you start your own business then you can hire people to run the business and you never have to work again!

Workers aren't really exploited. At least not in most western countries.


You dont need an iphone, food grow on tho dirt and you have a lot of wild life to get food from
You can just leave civilization behind and live as a free soul, but you want a warm bad and youtube, dont you?

>get a loan

You need collateral for a loan. What collateral does the laborer have? The average laborer needs to spend all their money to survive, how will they save? Your position so far is pretty naive, that everyone has a chance and everyone can pull themselves up by their bootstraps. That's simply not the case.

>Yeah well if you don't like it go somewhere else!
I want the world to be better for everyone, not just me, and the way to do that is to spread socialism.

>You need collateral for a loan.

then get a job save your money

Once you start your own business then you can hire people to run the business and you never have to work again!

It's like a bucket of crabs all trying to crawl out and constantly getting sucked back in by other crabs trying to get out

Did you even read my post?

Actually, you can't because that would be vagrancy.,you need a permit to camp somewhere outside of designated camp sites, and those cost money.


what the problem?

As a Russian, my blood boils when I read this type of stuff

I hope you have a Revolution, then the rednecks and niggers will be the members of the party and you effeminate retards will be killed to give space to more rednecks and niggers

I don't need to spend all my money to survive and I'm below the poverty line. I have enough money for luxury goods and frivolous things

I wonder if that Barron kid masturbates furiously to Melania every night, cause I sure would do that if i were him



I addressed your point in that post

>It went poorly once so lets never try it again!
The USSR was state capitalist, not socialist. Under a capitalist system things inevitably degrade. Shit may be ok now but it will just get worse. What happens once climate change catches up to us? When we can't export all our hard, oppressive labor needs to third world countries?

Congratz, you're not at the bottom

You want the world to be the way you want it to be. You think that you have the solution, but you dont.
URSS only survived for that long time because Russia was an HUGE EMPIRE before, and because of the will of my people to live.
You dont know shit about URSS and Russia, please dont spread bullshit in the name of your sick slavery fetshist desert cult

Not everyone can. If everyone does, then no one does, because there are only so many good jobs and the rest, shit labor, must still be performed. See

i addressed your point

Save. Your. Money.
Start. Your. Own. Business.

it's not that hard...
quit being a loser

>sick slavery fetishist desert cult

Not. Everyone. Can.
Not. Everyone. Can. Own. A. Business.
Not. Everyone. Has. Capital.
Not. Everyone. Has. Collateral. To. Get. A. Loan


And everyone can do this? Every person in the country can just fuck off and live off the land?

Are you retarded?

>Lets not mention all the failed capitalist states

Yes. Everyone. Can.

they just are lazy or they have a loser's mentally
it's no wonder they are poor
