It's a Truman is picking the skin from his fingers only to stop in shame when blood starts flowing

>it's a Truman is picking the skin from his fingers only to stop in shame when blood starts flowing

>It's a Truman secretly watches Star Trek but keeps looking over his shoulder in case anyone finds out

Its a truman scratches his butt then sniffs his fingers while looking around

>It's a Truman wipes til there is blood and gets scared, but never goes to the doctor about it

>it's a Truman gets drunk and depressed and decides to masturbate because there's no point to life, but he can't get hard because of how drunk he is, but that doesn't stop him from pounding his limp meat for an hour until he eventually cums

This show, it really gets me, you know.

>it's a Truman comes across one of those roll for your sissy punishment images and ends up ass in the air cumming inside his own mouth midseason finale

>It's a Truman sits on the TV remote and accidentally changes to the Truman Show episode

>it's a Truman lusts after his neighbor's 9 year-old daughter

Are they actually going to pull this off?


>Its a Truman has a ketchup sandwich episode
>Its a ratings are down so Truman's wife and Marlon start spiking Truman's drink with vodka and influencing his anger month

>its a truman gets fired and spends a whole month abusing dxm season

>It's a Truman opens the curtains, bleary eyed, after he spent all night reading inconsequential lore on Wookiepedia episode

>Truman fingers his own butthole to pick the feces out in the bathtub and then smushes it down the drain for 1/4 of an episode

Can't wait for the next season

>Can't wait for the next season
I suggest you watch the motion picture, otherwise you'll be waiting a long while.

>Truman beats back suicidal thoughts while driving to the methadone clinic every morning

sure is a unique direction for this season eh

>It's a Truman experiments with a cardboard tube and a hamster episode

>it's a truman cries himself to sleep again because he's tired of his miserable existence and has nothing to look forward to in life episode

>it's a truman shoves a frozen hot dog up his ass episode

it's always weird how he puts it back in the fridge afterwards and his wife ends up eating it

>it's a Truman secretly realises the secret to true happiness and through the sheer coincidence of being watched by everyone on earth, so too does the world episode

>it's a Truman reads Quantum-mechanical explanation of intermolecular interactions on wikipedia but doesn't understands shit episode

Boyhood can't even hold a candle to this show

>it's a truman spends another night browsing Sup Forums and jerks off twice episode

This is a normal thing to do right? Not just a Sup Forums thing to do.


>its a truman listens to his friend talk about his love life problems but is too detached and broken to empathise or even care episode

>its a truman doesnt flush the toilet when he pisses at night episode

I like this thread

I know this feel

>it's a Truman becomes a NEET and spends all day at his computer consuming media and shitposting when he realizes he has what he's pretty confident is the start of a pilonidal cyst but he just ignores it hoping it will just go away and that this can't possibly be his reality episode

>it's a Truman has been an unemployed highschool dropout for the better part of a decade and it's reached the point where the first thing he thinks of when he hears "COMING 2017" at the end of some distraction he's excited for is where he'll be at in his life when it's released, living the same pathetic non-achieving life he is now or horribly worse off, yet despite the dread he feels over these thoughts he refuses to change his ways