Sup Forums dankest memes. And im not talking about fking pepe

Sup Forums dankest memes. And im not talking about fking pepe



ironic memes are replacing dank memes. prove me wrong.

memes cant replace memes fgt

then what do you call the pickle meme replacing the banana meme? fite me cutie



oi cunt i'll smash ye gai boi 1v1 me skrub


read it with neanderthal voice in head


holy shit



define a dank meme in words

and dont say dank

stage 5 cancer

then u can technically become a dank meme, go get cancer, evolve until stage 5, lifegoal done

Watch me mom



We need some dead gabe dog pics

So happy it's dead


Are u talking about this kind of jet fuel?


feeeeking trump