20 yo and still virgin because small dick. What do?

20 yo and still virgin because small dick. What do?

comment suicide

You're a virgin becayse you're a piece of shit, not because of the small dick.

Holy shit, how can people be this dense. I have a dick smaller than yours and girls beg me to give to them, mostly because i'm not a fucking Sup Forums faggot slob who hangs in the internet all day. Improve yourself, but not for the sake of women, and they naturally get attracted to you. If even that fails, then you're an even bigger piece of shit, and seriously need to change the way you act and think.

get circumsized women will like you better



Describe how you would fuck my wife and i might let you because she has me locked in chastity

bleach your dick

Have you ever actually been turned down after a woman sees your dick or are you just using that as an excuse for your lack of confidence in approaching women in the first place?




No, 20yo and still virgin because of that gut. Go to the gym and stop eating so many carbs.

You are just a pathetic fucking loser. Don't bother pretending it is because of your dick, you fucking sad chink.

I think you have a nice wing wang

Why is ur cock such a ugly color

Your dock isn't even small

Go read Models by Mark Manson. You'll surely know what you're doing wrong. It's not a good definitive book that teaches you how to be a good man that women want, but its a start. Read the whole fucking book user, and focus yourself inb HAVING A FUCKING LIFE AND BEING YOUR OWN PERSON. Dont be a pathetic fuck, women dont fall from the sky.

he's a gripper

you are virgin because you are fat and hence, girls perceive you as a beta and friendzone you. get in shape and be rude to girls. they will want to fuck you immediately.

how long op?

oh, and get rid of those filthy rags you call underwear and buy some proper CKs.

Yeah but his balls are ugly same color too


how can you say you are virgin because of your dick. i think no girl you meet IRL see it

Is it because you're mixed race? Your dick is a different race to your body

noone fucking cares.

Uncircumcised master race. It's just better.