Question for every 1st worlder...

Question for every 1st worlder. Just imagine that you can't live in your motherland anymore for some reason and you need to go in another cunt, but only 3rd world. What country do you choose and why?

America, for the burgers and babes



>"""sirious descassion"""


OP was asking only 1st-worlders, you illiterate plumber


What the fuck, I hate Poland now!

I could be A FUCKING LEAF on a hooker spree friend


degenerative leafs ruin every thread


>inb4 thread gets flooded with idiots who think that 3rd world just means "poor"

>trying to have le sirius disgussions with a bunch of 14-year-olds who have never left a 30 km radius of their homes
I saved your thread from the blight of 240 boring replies

Well according to Sup Forums everywhere is third world, so you are going to have to be more specific than that. If we go by the Cold War definition, places like Finland are third world.

iw ant to go to the country of africa lol

I would live in Argentina.

Kek so true

Nice reading comprehension, familia.

as a leaf the only answer is either to america or return home to china.



Because they are Dutch speaking and quite comfy.

Would start a comfy farm there.

This is a pretty good option. Are Chile and Argentina third world because I like them. Maybe South Africa. El salavdor maybe. There are many :3


maybe my dick

it is big like country, and neutral in cold war.

>Are Chile and Argentina third world


>Can't live in first world
>Can't live in second world
Fuck, really?

It has to be somewhere in South East Asia right? Where is crime the lowest there?

Is Thailand 3rd word? Thailand!

>implying usa is first world


DPR or CAR or some shithole like that for the banter


Mexico maybe


I own property there and have family there.

Or I could move to Belarus. My Gf's family is thereeasy answer

Let's reconstruct Indonesia to second Japan.


They have a German minority from the colonial times and they don't get genocided there, so I guess Namibians are ok with white people.

>That feel when a significant number of problems in the USA are caused by the Mexicans that live here

two lies in one post, impressive


Father went to tour some cigar production facilities an associate owns and it's very scenic in the rural areas.

Argentina or Mexico

excuse me, three lies

I'm not lying. I actually do won property in Burma.

But I'll only go back if I have to

USA for sure
