Can someone explain what WomenMarch is for? I don't see it proving any point

Can someone explain what WomenMarch is for? I don't see it proving any point.

There is no point. It's for women to feel "empowered" when clearly they'll never be as they are the weaker sex. Bunch of sissy faggots that support this nonsense.

There is no point. Alot of dumb fuck autists screeching for attention. Trying to look cool for their friends and pretend to give a fuck about anything besides their own miserable life's

>pic related

ya I don't know either. I came to Sup Forums to look for answers.
Seems to be this

I'm all for women's equality but watching the snapchat story of this made me reconsider, you americans really are so forceful in everything.

Funny how all these women would be stoned to death in 51% Muslim society. Keep those refugees coming!

they're mad that they won't be getting free abortions. lol

Here ya go.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

>fuck this guy, we don't trust him to be part of our government
That's all the reason you need.

Don't Sup Forums fags hate Israel?

How do you faggots feel about Free palestine?

They hate jews but love Israel

I... what? How does that even make sense?

>Sup Forums

Because Israel removes kebab.
As long as they do it over there, and not live over here.

it's this new exercise program for mentally ill overweight women.

But you don't think a congregation of Jews that big isn't thinking of a way to fuck you over?

>The one dude in the middle who looks like he has zero desire to be there but his GF or wife is probably there and he thinks he doesn't have a choice

Why do guys in relationships let their partners control their lives nowadays? What happened to saying "fuck no, I don't wanna go to your dumbass Women's whatever bullshit, keep me out of it"?

Most of their advanced military hardware comes from the USA, we can just stop selling them spare parts.

Because you obviously don't know how women work.

She will resent you for that and bring that shit up every time.

She will tell you how unsupportive you are and how you never help her and that will lead to no more sex for you or the end of the relationship.

Then she isn't worth being with.

>But every woman is like that nowadays

Then they aren't worth being with.

Anyone who thinks you're their literal slave who should bow down to their every whim isn't worth being with.

because abo

Well... good luck with that man.

I don't know how you're going to spend your life alone but best of luck.


I thought that the jews, according to 5chins, are the most evil and the most dangerous?

People are stupid. Rioting makes any cause lose all credibility. Just like name-calling, releasing fake headlines, and threatening to kill Trump (and failing to realize that it'd turn him into a martyr to an entire movement of neo-nazis).

Being alone is incredibly easy when you can see how batshit insane the opposite sex is.

I'm not going to put myself in a position to be unhappy just for pussy.

Trump actually unified an entire country, which is something Obama was never able to do. Thousands united today to hate Trump

How fucking ironic.

But you're happy right now without pussy?

>The entire front row is fat old spinsters

Well they sure make a compelling argument


I bet not a single one of them could debate why they think abortion is ethical
>but muh body

Things that they Think are going to happen just because democracy happened and they lost.

show them this please

Pretty much. Fucking hypocritical cunts

No dog in the fight either way. Let them both duke it out.


It's just a bunch of feminists wanting attention