ITT we pretend we are reddit

ITT we pretend we are reddit.

Sup Forums is gay

I'm 2 hours into a LSD trip... I think I'm a sissy btw

+1 upvote


I feel euphoric.

pretend? I thought this WAS Reddit?

ITT: we pretend we are Sup Forums.

Upboat for you, good sir!

Men of reddit, what is something that we all wish girls understand about us?

Something something balls


Nice original content OP

Me too thanks

hey cmon now that's a little offensive

>white knights only

Hahah you guys are so funny.
Say hello to my new pet.

like all the other threads today?


>pun #576
>pun #825
>pun #261

We can't ALWAYS have our plaid sleeves rolled up. Sometimes it is cold.

is that tarl

I am now gonna post my opinion I something about my self and act like I am important and that someone cares while doing it. Then I'm gonna get on another subreddit and beg for a Steam game that'll run on my Mac.


Pu... put your dick in it.
Actually, here are all the things i hate about red dit.
"Xxx" is leaking
Is he dead? " no, his shoes are still on"
Posts over and over of "get well soon" balloons tied to roadkill.
Repeated intentional variations of "lawyer up, delete facebook, hit the gym" - stale as fuck, just like the friend's mom fingerin me in the back of the car bullshit here.
Fucking Niggers making racist comments, and accusing responders as being salty, a d "it was just a joke" when they get calls out on it.
Pun, after pun, after pun.
Fucking comment threads getting derailed by pokemom go discussions off topic.
Redditards defending stupid.
