What are Trump's actual political views...

What are Trump's actual political views? I am tired of seeing people argue on Facebook and not knowing which side of the issue I'm on.

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Who knows, he's been bullshitting the whole time. Says one thing, then no actually I ment it this way, then says some generic open ended statement that can mean whatever and then he tops in off with the meaningless statement of making America great again.

Okay, but what does he claim? I get that he's not a good guy and all, but I'd like to at least know what he pretends to support.

He's a fake populist.....one that claims Washington establishment is the problem, when it's clearly a combination of corporate greed and lobbying bureaucracy that expand income inequality.


Donald Trump on Economic Recovery 1991

I'm more interested in what will happen when he suffers his first major political defeat.

Will he have a twitter meltdown?

"More money and attention for Trump" seems to be the main one. Anything else seems negotiable, and there's little evidence that he won't sign whatever Congress passes as long as they stay on his good side.

Well, we have a pretty good idea at this point that he doesn't believe in climate change. Other than saying he doesn't believe it many times on the campaign trail, they deleted all references to it on the whitehouse website when he took office

He'll have a twitter meltdown if his State of the Union address doesn't get good ratings, I think if something political happens Kellyanne and Jared will just steal his phone.

Trump is going to fix america, plain and simple. Kick the mexicans out, take our jobs back, lower taxes, disband useless gov agencies and boost the military. Snowflake libtards need to just let him MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN

he doesn't have any. That can be a good or bad thing really. If people overwhelmingly want something he may figure its a good idea to go that route, unfortunately he is also an idiot so he probably just agrees with the last smart person he spoke to. If you want to know what he believes then ask his staff what their opinions are and who spoke to him last.

ITT: Libcuck's yell: mysogisnt, sexist, racist and literally Hitler.

ITT: Nobody said any of those things

Whatever hillbilly. Enjoy getting fucked in the ass by the carny that tricked you into thinking he'd do any of that shit.

He's going to funnel your money to rich bankers. That's it.


Views. Simple.

Do it my way or watch your butt. I am running no daisy farm.


he promised to "drain the swap" yet just filled with more billionaires getting tax cuts

trump spoke to america's most uneducated and hopeless, longing for a time when minorities had little to no voice.

This is precisely Donald Trump and fuckwits like

... fall for it because they are literally as dumb as cartoon rubes.

Good, give the job creators more to invest with. Trickle-down isn't a hard concept to understand.




Lets assume that the "hillbilly" wanted a job. You have no idea what Mr. T is going to do. Can the Hillbilly at least have that Hope until it is proven that Mr. T does not deliver

>Trump is just gonna screw you all over



Looks like you fell for the liberal propaganda.

Easy to understand because it doesn't work.

It's time to stop posting Kellyanne

That's true. Neither is flat eartherism. If "not hard to understand" meant "true," you'd be a goddamn genius.

Trump already blocked a proposed mortgage insurance rate reduction on FHA loans. Would have saved $500 a year for the average borrower

Sisterfucker detected

You keep telling yourself that while the bankers are fucking you and laughing about it, rube.

"That wealth gonna trickle down any day now son! Jes' hold out a little longer!"

Nope. Never worked since Reagan, cuz if it did we would all be better off right now considering corporate and capital gains taxes are at an all time low


But it does make sense. Imagine if the barriers of taxes were removed on employers. They'd be able to hire more people and unemployment would go down. Why don't liberals want good things?

>get illegals out
>give those jobs to people that live here legally

Why would they spend more money hiring people if they don't have too?

Can you come mow my lawn tomorrow?

Let's assume you're being serious
Obama's immigration policy overwhelms US services and impacts the economy. Legally accepting 'worthy' immigrants is detrimental to their home countries potential. Illegal immigration can not be welcomed, as Obama has.
Foreign policy.. Nothing can be worse than where the past administration has brought us. This is a massive concern of mine. Trump has already eased many foreign relationships. Since his victory there have been many signs of domestic prosperity because of his proposed policies
When it comes to issues like abortion and schooling, he wants to give the power to the states.
He's a man of merit and integrity and has shown no signs of greed or malice.
On the other side there was nothing but these qualities.

To all those who voted Trump in spite of Hillary. You will be greatly rewarded

Why do conservatives trust theory more than data? This experiment has been tried many times over. Cutting taxes leads to corporate profits and income inequality. Raising taxes leads to broad-based prosperity as long as they're not too high. The top marginal rate was 90% in the Eisenhower era. The world did not end -- instead the middle class boomed.

> but my fairy tale! reagan promised!

Jesus Christ.....this cringe

Wrong, the experiment has not been tried 'many times over'. Reagan didn't even cut to the point where the affects of trickle down would have been the most beneficial to the middle class. Dem obstructionism has blocked every attempt to slash taxes to the rate required to unleash job growth

no ty

"Many signs of domestic prosperity" like 700 jobs at Carrier?

Under Obama the economy added 150,000 jobs per month average, every month for 8 years.

If you fall for that Carrier shit you're not even as smart as the average Trump voter.

Wow. Presumably you are competent enough to google, or does that tax your skills? If you are too Fucking lazy to type a few words into a search bar, you will find out first hand what his policies are, slacking pos

>ship niggers to aftrica
>ship mexicans to africa to
>nuke china
>party with russia

y'd u repeat yourself?

Why don't tax cuts under Bush count as valid experiments? They did not create jobs. Why don't high tax rates and prosperity in the 50s/60s count as valid experiments?

That's a corporate fantasy they push on the working stooge. They've abandoned American workers for dollar a day Asian wage slaves. they will pocket any and all tax breaks, plain and simple

The political view of every honest business man is whatever it takes to get a working economy and a free-er market. Crony capitalists seek to pay politicians to support their particular industries. However, this will be bigger than anything Donald has ever done or will do in his life; this leads me to believe that it is in his own self interest to do a good job.

Probably gonna do more in the first 6 months than Obamas 1st term. He's going to undo all the policies borrowed directly from Hitler that Obama enacted.

Mexico already self destructed the moment the election was called. Point Trump.

I've already told you, tax rates under Bush weren't low enough for the full effects of trickle down to be felt. The economy may have been good under Eisenhower but raising taxes on job creators and expecting the middle class to grow is counter-intuitive

So why cringe?

The fuck are you talking about? It's in his interest to funnel money to his businesses and his billionaire buddies. That's what he's going to do.

See you in four years when you finally come to your senses. Remember how you supported Bush for 6 years before you realized he was a boob?

because muh feels > reals

You're wasting these time pandering to these kiddie fucking methhead inbred retards. There's nothing they love more than getting cucked by billionaires and blaming everyone else for their problems.

They probably won't consider it a valid experiment until the tax rate in permanently 0%

I do and then I supported Obama. Then I grew up and realized Bush did nothing wrong and Obama is one of Americas biggest war criminals.

I'm liberal on most issues. moderate on some. conservative on a few.

Yep. If only "intuitive to your dumb ass" meant "true," you'd rule the world.

>I already told ye! The reason your scam supplements didn't work is you didn't take enough of 'em! You gots to take more, gramma!

The freer the market, the freer the people. 0% tax rate = maximum freedom

this is a matter of when, not if

>starts two wars we had no ability to pay for under false pretenses
>nothing wrong

I'm drunk. I thought you were asking for our political views

not to mention that Obama is an educated, highly accomplished self-made man. He succeeded where most rural whites never will. the jealousy runs high

Does they still call it "growing up" when you live in the home for tards?

If you'd ever read a single economics or history textbook not written by Ayn Rand, you may be able to keep up with the adults in the conversation.

Trickle down economics is about as credible of a theory as Creationism.


Cool. So move to Iraq and be free as fuck, you god damned idiot.

>Got UN approval and Coalition support
>Followed the rules of engagement

Meanwhile Obama sends a drone to anniahlate half a block unbeknownst to the countries government and without UN support. and then designates everyone in that block enemy combatants to pad his record.

"But creationism makes sense! How could the universe create itself, Poindexter!?"

That hasn't worked for anyone but the 1% in the last 40 years. Where U been?

What about Alibaba promising to bring up to 1million jobs;

$50 Billion investment into US and 50,000 jobs

Thats just a few of the companies saying they;ll bring jobs to America, and that was all while Trump was just President-Elect.

Now they're killing the TPP.

If this is all true, then Trump has already out done Obama by 5 months

to make america great again by doing yuge, amazing, bigly things.

its funny because this is all the policy he has ever given.

What's wrong with Ayn Rand? And most economists say trickle down DOES work. It takes 2 seconds to google shit before you post

Cool story bro. Obama totally has a couple hundred deaths on his head. Bush has hundreds of thousands for starting a war based on evidence he knew was bullshit.

He did drain the swamp. The swamp was full of whining socialists.


his cabinet picks would be your first clue. they're not there to run the place they're there to tear it down.

When did they call it that before? I think your mom just told you that so you wouldn't feel different.

UN approval? Remember that the invasion was illegal because it violated the terms of the US's OWN FUCKING UN BILL for when the invasion would be allowed. The US was condemned by the UN for the invasion. You were in diapers when all this happened.

The rules of engagement thing I can't even, I just can't even...


Saudi Arabia has no taxes.

now the coal jobs will come back to fuel all the steam engines that run the country

So at least they got that right.

It's an appeasement program to keep the status quo with people loyal to the Al Saud family.

Ha! Do you even read this shit? Alibaba is going to "create a million jobs" by letting US businesses use their platform, which they expect will result in every small business adding a position. In other words, they are going to bring zero jobs.

And your Japanese businessman announced his plans in October, before the election:

Thanks for proving my point, rube.

The Taliban in Afghanistan were no fucking joke user. Whether they did 9/11 or not. You probably don't know this cause you're ignorant but they were the ruling federal regime when we invaded. Not an insurgency a real military. Iraq too. That was warfare. Obama's drone strikes on civilians are murders according to the rules of engagement.

Uh, Reagan cut taxes for the wealthy IN HALF. He raised taxes on the middle class SIX TIMES and we're all still paying those taxes. He's fucking us from a cold, cold grave


omg trump is honestly literally like hitler, like you don't even know. This country is like 1940's again. This is honestly making me and my wife and her boyfriend shiver in fear right now. Like I dont even know how we're going to survive anymore. he's a liar, racist, narcissist, sexist, islamophobic, egotistic, misogynist, xenophobic, racist, woman hating man pig, mansplaining bigot!!

Grab pussies, make money.


But he didnt' cut them ENOUGH to unlock the FULL POTENTIAL of trickle down! Don't you GET IT?!?

Wrong. He's been totally compromised by Putin and is currently just doing what Putin tells him to do. Keep watching for top keks

That's true though

I know my wifes boyfriend is probably more worried than both of us, he's black

I'm sure you can't even cause you don't know what you are saying. Bush had the support of 59 nations when he invaded Afghanistan retard.

"Nuh uh! He said he was no puppet! He said Hillary was the puppet! Trump wouldn't lie to us!" -- Rubes

I support this man's platform.

No one knows. Not even Trump knows.

Holy Shit, I never saw this.
They've already started to withdraw from the TPP.... just like it says on the list. :O

I'm going to print this out and start crossing off all these they do