I really dont get it; why people treat trump like he is next to devil?

i really dont get it; why people treat trump like he is next to devil?

obama wasn't so great president, and he didn't keep he's promises; he ended up to create more wars, under he's rule monsanto got what it wanted and so on. from far east civilian point of view obama was and is monster. obamacare was literally joke.

clinton? people talk about her as she was some angel of peace? she voted for iraq war, and she supported afganistan war. as far i remember, she was the one who was ready to create wwIII by escalating situation beyond that point with russia in syria.

during these years under those two, people have suffered more than these liberals even realize. obama and clinton are reason for this european refugee crisis.

and now people are protesting trump because he has been "rude" to some women or he wants to "make america great again".

god how i hate people.

Other urls found in this thread:


Where do i buy dat lego

People are terrified of Trump doing the things he actually said he'd do.

So basically they feel exactly how conservatives felt for the last 8 years

Guess it sucks to be on the receiving end of having your values shat all over and your tax dollars spent on shit you don't think it should be spent on.

>inb4 standard liberal strawman arguments

You're absolutely right, its the same as it was with Bush, or Obama for the reps.
Everybody is crying wolf, in the end he'll do a passable job and thats that.

I think he just needs to tone some of them down. We don't need a forty foot fuck off wall, I mean, Mexicans aren't driving tanks across the border. A fence is pretty reasonable, though.

We should be looking to make new trade deals in the interest of American manufacturing. My only concern is that labor is going to get even more fucked in the next four/eight years.

>So basically they feel exactly how conservatives felt for the last 8 years

Pretty much, but oh, the fucking whining. 'Get over it' they cry. No. You fucking didn't. You don't automatically get overwhelming public support just because your bloke got in on a technicality. The opposition are going to bitch and moan for the next 6 months just as much as you fuckers have been doing for the last 8 years

Get over it

people are stupid.

Trump won't change anything. Friday was proof. The last candidate who could have changed things was Bobby Kennedy.

>Trump won't change anything
well, he's already fuycking it up for people who couldn;t get medical insurance, and for thos who want to buy a house.

Oh you mean like imposing sharia law, taking all of our guns, rounding people up in FEMA camps, running death panels, and declaring martial law?

Cause Obama never said he'd do any of that.

but... but... Alex Jones said...

Oh, by all means bitch and moan, but would you please cut down on the number of cars you set on fure per "protest"?

>your bloke got in on a technicality

Did he really? The objective of the presidential race is to win 270 electoral votes (which Trump won in a landslide.) Not the popular vote. If anything, the technicality would be Hillary becoming president because she won the Popular vote, despite losing the electoral vote.

Because every liberal simultaneously lit up the same limo. Got it.

I know what you mean, all those women protesting yesterday made a right mess. Looting shops, torching cars.... wait


I'm referring to Obamacare, Obama's vehement attempts to impose stricter gun control, gay marriage (and specifically the societal backlash that has occurred against religious people as a result, we can debate that a bit specifically if you want, and no, I'm not personally religious,) the fact that Obama refused to acknowledge radical Islamic terrorism and would speak about some black guy that got shot by cops for pretending like he was reaching for a gun (and on occasion, actually doing so) before he spoke about cops that were killed in the line of duty, I mean I can go on, but the core of it is that Obama shit all over conservative values, and whether or not you hold those values yourself, you have to admit, that it's a scary thing to feel like the country is going down the shitter before your very eyes.

And now, assuming you're one of those that's "Scared" of what Trump is going to do, you get to experience it for yourself for probably the first time in your short life.

Have fun with that.

So you're giving Obama shit for trying to keep innocent people from dying because they aren't rich, christian, armed with an assault weapon, or black. Far cry from Trump thinking it's a good idea to let our enemies have nukes.

>conservative values,
Being a racist, sexist, bigoted ignorant cunt aren't values.

There's the standard liberal strawman arguments

>wots that you dont like obamacare, you must want people to die!!!! 11111one

Honestly, I see liberals tote those same four words around so much that I'm not even sure half of you know what they mean. Why don't you substantiate literally any of those accusations, then we can have a conversation.

Walls, ragheads etc
By the pussy
See above
Tell me again how he understands world politics
See above

Nope. Your party is in power and after years of saying Obamacare is crap, they not once thought of an alternative. They were too busy saying "no" to align their interests with those of Americans to begin with.

So you're talking about TRUMP then? Not conservatives in general? Or are you assuming that every conservative automatically agrees with every single thing Trump says?

If it's the latter, then I suppose it's accurate to say that every liberal has agreed with every single word Obama has ever said?

Either way,

Wanting a wall to prevent people from entering the country illegally isn't racist. It's funny because Bernie sent a tweet or something saying "We are not going to deport x amount of undocumented Americans" and I'm just sitting here like: "Why?" aren't they, by definition, not Americans? And don't give me that "Oh we were all immigrants once" crap that nobody likes to spout. That's a shit argument and everybody knows it.

As far as the ragheads thing, has Trump ever even said that publicly? If not, who the fuck are you talking about? Random racist people? Because there's plenty of Racist liberals, look at the people that say that Blacks "can't be racist" and then talk about wanting white people to die. So no, being racist isn't a purely conservative thing. Assholes stand on both side of the line.

Yes, Trump said that he'd grab someone by the pussy, ten years ago. If you're telling me you've never said some raunchy shit while you were chilling with your friends, you're a fucking liar. Obama admitted to doing drugs in his book depending on who you ask, doing drugs can be seen as more serious than making an off color joke with your friends.

See above

In fairness, he's probably shit at world politics, I'll give you this one, but this is why we the taxpayer pay millions of dollars in taxes so that he can hire people to help him with that one.

Nobody said he was a nice guy.

That's a fair statement coming from someone who believes that everyone should be entitled to free healthcare.

With that being said, I personally thought that it was unfortunate that nobody has come up with an alternative anyway. But that doesn't really change that I think that Obamacare is shit.

I don't think that providing free anything on a national level will really work out for the better in any case. Country's big, has a lot of people, and more importantly, a lot of lazy people. The only reason countries like sweden and canada "get away" with socialized healthcare and things of that sort is because they have relatively small populations with relatively high work ethics. At least enough to carry the lazy people across the finish line.

Regardless of that people like to point at some of these countries that have the total populations of some cities in America and say "It works there, why can't it work here?"
Well, no system will work well when you have more people taking out than putting in.

There has been many replacements brought up for Obamacare. They were just voted out before going anywhere. The Democrats blocked every attempt.

We're one of the few leading first world countries to NOT have healthcare and no, Obamacare wasn't anymore free than the highways we drive on.

"Donald J. Trump is calling for a complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on."

The fun thing about Trump is, everybody can take the quotes they like at face value and decry the rest as lies.

nice bait, fucking american

>"Donald J. Trump is calling for a complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on."

And you have a problem with that? Apparently you don't care about safety. I wish it was people like you and your family being killed by terrorist. Maybe then you would understand. Fucking hippie.

And then when Democrats took Republican ideas and turned it into ACA, the Republicans sought to kill it. That's why they're having so much trouble replacing it:


Muslim =/= Terrorist, dumbass.

To be fair thats not really going to increase safety that much. What with terrorists not being that effective and radicalization of inhabitants.

We're also the first world country that contributes the most military power in NATO, while many of those other countries slack off, leaving them a lot more money to spend on social programs that they don't spend on their military.

"Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus insisted earlier this month that Trump "has pivoted" away from his blanket ban to a new policy of banning individuals from terror states.
"He has said he has changed, and he has put that position on the table and that is his position. It is not a religious test. It is a ban on immigration from countries that harbor or train terrorists,"

>Between 9/11 and the end of 2014, at least 380 foreign-born individuals were convicted in terror cases inside the United States. [U.S. Senate Immigration Subcommittee, June 22, 2016]
>Between 9/11 and the end of 2014, at least 380 foreign-born individuals were convicted in terror cases inside the United States. [U.S. Senate Immigration Subcommittee, June 22, 2016]
>From the year 2008 through 2014, nearly 13,000 criminal aliens were released back into U.S. communities because their home countries would not take them back. [The Boston Globe, June 4, 2016]

B-but it's totally different OP, completely different, because he's a m-meanie

My bad, double posted one:

>In the last five years, we’ve admitted nearly 100,000 immigrants from Iraq and Afghanistan – in these two countries, according to Pew research, a majority of residents say that the barbaric practice of honor killings against women are often or sometimes justified. [U.S. Department of Homeland Security, August 2016], [Pew Research Center, July 22, 2016]

When was the last time a terrorist was not Muslim? Dumbass

>Pew Research Center, July 22, 2016
Dude, I literally looked up that study you quoted and it said the opposite thing you're saying:

"More generally, Muslims mostly say that suicide bombings and other forms of violence against civilians in the name of Islam are rarely or never justified, including 92% in Indonesia and 91% in Iraq. In the United States, a 2011 survey found that 86% of Muslims say that such tactics are rarely or never justified. An additional 7% say suicide bombings are sometimes justified and 1% say they are often justified in these circumstances."

How many of the millions of Muslims in the US are terrorists, dumbass?

>. Nearly all Muslims in Afghanistan (99%) and most in Iraq (91%) and Pakistan (84%) support sharia law as official law. But in some other countries, especially in Eastern Europe and Central Asia – including Turkey (12%), Kazakhstan (10%) and Azerbaijan (8%) – relatively few favor the implementation of sharia law.

Google Sharia Law and get back to me.

I know what Sharia Law is. It's never happened in the US and never will.

And? You are trying to argue that not all Muslims are terrorist, yes I agree with that. The fucking point is not allowing any Muslims to immigrate to the US because our vetting system is shit. Look at the other countries who allowed them in. They are being killed left and right. Dumbass

It's scary how high a number that is, 1% of Muslims in America (tested) justify suicide bombings. That's 1 in every 100 Muslims living in America that thinks suicide bombings are often justified.

Because THEIR vetting system is shit. It takes over a year and 17 agencies for someone to get screened to come here. This country is a country full of immigrants and we got mostly white dudes doing all the mass murdering.

Apparently not since you tried to state that the article didn't say something that it did.

Nice attempt at save there, though.

Here's another neat one that shows a percentage of muslims that think that suicide bombings can be justified to protect islam. In some places it's up to 40-60%


If you read the link, this poll was taken "In nations with significant Muslim populations". Not the US, I assume.

If you read the link it says it right fucking there:

>In the United States, a 2011 survey found that 86% of Muslims say that such tactics are rarely or never justified. An additional 7% say suicide bombings are sometimes justified and 1% say they are often justified in these circumstances.

He probably meant in the appendix it explains their polling method or something along those lines.

>White guys
Oh really? So the 5 mass murderers were white guys. Wait... Nope they were Muslims extremist.

LOL, you're saying that Sharia Law happened in the US, 'cause that's what I'm addressing. People in other countries can think what they want about it. Not happening here.

But I mean we also have people like James Holmes and Dylann Roof.

Anyway, you folks seem to think this is Obama's fault and Trump is gonna make things better :p

Yes we do. But your argument is stating that fuck it, let them come here and kill us since we have white people doing it already.

And your argument is, don't let them come in because 0.001% of them do harm.

No.. nobody said that.

Let's read it together, shall we?

>In the last five years, we’ve admitted nearly 100,000 immigrants from Iraq and Afghanistan – in these two countries, according to Pew research, a majority of residents say that the barbaric practice of honor killings against women are often or sometimes justified.

>we’ve admitted nearly 100,000 immigrants from Iraq and Afghanistan

here's the important one, Greg. We accepted 100,000 people from these countries.

>in these two countries, according to Pew research, a majority of residents say that the barbaric practice of honor killings against women are often or sometimes justified.

That part means that when people in those countries got polled, a metric fuckton of them think that it's cool to kill women because they took off their fucking scarves.

Then go go down to:

> Nearly all Muslims in Afghanistan (99%) and most in Iraq (91%) and Pakistan (84%) support sharia law as official law.

So when you have 99 out of 100 people who think that doing that shit is cool coming from Afghanistan, and 91 out of 100 people coming from Iraq, that doesn't seem like it's very good when people the genuinely think that murder is a very nice thing to do are coming in by the tens of thousands.

Nobody said that this happened in the US yet, we're only speaking of the clearly malevolent state of mind that the overwhelming majority of people from these places come to us with. You really need to work on your reading comprehension more than I previously thought, Jeff.

Olga, please. You should worry about russian life, Trump is not your president. Your president is Putin.

I just want to see it all burn!

You then quoted a COMPLETELY unrelated quote regarding SUICIDE BOMBING from the same study saying that the study doesn't say anything about honor killing women.

If you understood this from the get-go, why even bring up the suicide bombing quote? Furthermore, isn't it kind of scary that up to 8% of muslims in the US think that Suicide bombing against civilians is also something that's justifiable? But that's besides the point.

Go back to bed, you clearly haven't woken up yet.



I think that Obama did a lot wrong, and Trump, while not perfect, will do more right than Obama did. Not only that, he's got the senate and house majority so the only way he's gonna get cockblocked from doing some good shit is if it's really far out there and the GOP's like "nah dude we aint fuckin with that"

"People" don't treat him like the devil, the corporate run leftists do.

Uh, good thing Trumps got Billionaires in his cabinet, I guess.

There's also no real tangible benefit to let people who come from countries that believe that honor killings and suicide bombings are cool into ours.

If they want to live barbarian lifestyles, that's fine. I hate to quote putin on this, because I know how hard you leftists salivate at the thought that Trump might be a Putin puppet but:

>In Russia live Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer Shari ‘a Law, then we advise them to go to those places where that's the state law. Russia does not need minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell 'discrimination'

You can cry about how that's intolerant or whatever, but it's true. People shouldn't be able to come in here from somewhere else, and demand that it be made like where they come from. They left that place to come here for a reason, and if they don't like it here, they should go somewhere that they do like.

Exactly. It only takes one to fuck it up for everyone. Look I am a Marine. I have seen first hand what they are capable of doing. Send a fucking 6 year old with a grenade just to kill a few Marines and soldiers. Yes keep them all out until this shit is over. Until you lose someone to this you will never truly understand. If you liberals have it your way, that will happen.

If you really are a Marine, thanks for your service, Sup Forumsro. I've never lost anyone to that shit, and I hope I never do.

>People shouldn't be able to come in here from somewhere else, and demand that it be made like where they come from.
They don't and they can't.

Thanks Sup Forumsro

Shit, lets keep every human being out of this country then. Every race and gender has some history of violence.

...Or we can accept more people from Western countries that are culturally similar to us, because assimilating people from those places is easier, and fewer people from countries very culturally dissimilar from us, because they take much longer to assimilate into our culture, and in the case of muslims, because roughly one in twelve thinks that it's okay to blow yourself up in the name is islam.

Wow that blows.

Lol get it? Blows! Like blows up. Like what that 6 year old did?!?

Only a few months ago, people were stockpiling weapons in fear that Obama would invade Texas. I can only hope that people assimilate to the right culture 'cause we're plenty fucked up in the head. Muslims or not.

I have personal experience with this one, though not specifically about Sharia law, but immigrants trying to get special treatment in general.

I grew up in Miami, and in Miami as a Latino that didn't learn to speak spanish fluently growing up, it was an absolute bitch to get a job in high school not knowing spanish. Literally fucking impossible. And the few times that I did get a job at shitty little grocery stores in my neighborhood, I would get complaints to my manager because I couldn't answer their questions in Spanish.

That's just one (admittedly minor) instance of this, and shit like this happens everywhere there's a high concentration of unassimilated immigrants and it fucks people (in varying quantities) that don't bend to their will. If people start to expect stores in an English speaking country to cater to them in any language other than English, what stops them from making their areas more like where they came from in more meaningful ways? And if we get enough of those immigrants, what stops them from getting laws in place that do this as well?

I'm not going to go all Alex Jones and say that we're going to have Sharia law next year or something, but there is evidence of immigrants trying to influence the places they go to to make things more convenient for them and less necessary for them to assimilate. So saying that they don't do that is a falsehood.

obama is a nigger and niggers should never be in a position of power.

A fair statement, but I would rather them assimilate into a culture where people are wary of the federal government taking their constitutional rights,(even if they are a bit nuts,) than for them to go on thinking that blowing up kids with grenades to get at the US is something that's A-OK as long as they do it in the name of Allah.

Fair perspective but it's much different to ask for a zone where you can honor kill your daughters

Well, the first step is letting tens of thousands of people in that come from places where it's a nearly universally accepted practice.

See these posts:


Sure, as it's been said, it's one thing to think it, and another thing to enact it, but all of these things start as simple ideas.

Plus, if these people held even a fraction of the same beliefs about women, and bombings, and all the other things that they do, but instead were white, people would be screaming to shut the doors and keep them out before they poison our communities.

But because they're brown, it's all good.

Be careful with the use of that image, user. It may accidentally give the impression that people in the middle east are capable of change.

If it were that simple, we'd have issued laws like mandatory blowjobs from the nearest woman simply because a few million dudes think it's a great idea.

Plus, if these people held even a fraction of the same beliefs about women, and bombings, and all the other things that they do, but instead were white, people would be screaming to shut the doors and keep them out before they poison our communities.
>But because they're brown, it's all good.

1000% this

look how triggered everyone got over grab her by the pussy

muslims do a lot worse than grab women by the pussy but since theyre not white and its cool to hate whites these days and love immigrants no matter what

no problem

The power of Leftist propaganda, OP. The Left can make simple-minded White people do anything, even destroy their own Race.

Well, I didn't say that it'd be a simple process, and I'm not going to speculate how they might do it, but I think that the idea of gay marriage and how it went from being a disgusting abomination to something that is considered "just a thing some people do" could be cited as how something could go from sounding entirely absurd to reality in just a few decades.

All you need to do is convince enough very loud people that you're right.

Again, I'm not implying that this will even get close to happening with Sharia law, but I do think that it's fun to speculate, just for giggles. For example, gays do make up like, 3% of the population, (that's like 9 million people) and they've somehow, over the course of decades, convinced enough of the other 97% of the population, despite the majority of them identifying as Christian and other religions that disapprove of homosexuality, to sympathize with them.

So if you get enough of any demographic, and they make friends with other people, I'm sure that you could push pretty much any agenda and make it seem normal after enough time and propaganda. The key would be to make it seem like it's not a big deal. Like they're just "exercising their freedom of religion." or something, maybe get a bunch of Muslim women to say how they want it to be like that or whatever and that they consent to it all the while being intimidated behind closed doors by their husbands.

Again, this bit isn't really meant to be taken very seriously, just fun speculation, for my enjoyment more than anything else.

And yes, I realize that I went from

>I'm not going to speculate how they might do it


>I'm going to speculate how they might do it

in one post. I haven't slept, I'm tired, sue me faggot.

be scared cuck leftie

we're coming for your faggots, we're coming for your welfare, and we're coming for your mexicans

and it's gonna be YUGE


Stopped reading, get better material.

It's because liberals are whiney douchebags who are doing everything they hated about conservatives who complained about Obama getting elected but on a more massive level.

Agreed. Conservatives whined hard about Obama both times but as far as protests and shit like that go, pretty sure that the worst we had was the Westboro baptist church, and god knows nobody really took them seriously.