Ask a non-binary person anything :)

Ask a non-binary person anything :)

What is a non binary?

Get help.

a person who does not identify with either the male or the female gender.

So then, what exactly are you?

Right on cue.

Has Jerry Seinfeld called you to give you that pilot you wanted?

neither, non-binary :)


suck ur dick

Yeah but which one are you

01101 10110 01011 01001 11101 101110100 11011 10110

Why haven't you cleaned up the gene pool by becoming an hero yet?

i said nb

No, he asked you what the fuck do you identify us then, not what you don't identify as

Well he should your comedy is very original

i was busy


How did you come to that conclusion? I mean, if something looks like a duck, has the same anatomy as a duck, quacks and was born from a duck, I can't say that it's a lion. So calling yourself non binary seems a. It weird.


thank you, thats kind of you

At what age did you become such an attention whore?

jk u suck

well i use they/them/their pronouns if that's what you're asking


do you have a penis?

but why couldn't it?

What's it like being a faggot?


I thought I saw a 2

How do I be as fresh as this? How do I come up with content that's never been done like this? Srs question.

I realized I'm not male or female at like 14

01000110 01010101 01000011 01001011 01011001 01001111 01010101 00100001

just listen to your heart and do what feels right :)

That would be scary

I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

That's an early age for Apache helicopter

Kys faggot your not non-binary your a binary just like everyone in the world

i'm actually polysexual, not gay :)

Binary is when something can be in one of two states, like on and off, or 1 and 0. Non-binary is more like 1201 0231

awesome! xoxo

jk you're a hack

actualy, this is about gender identity, not compuer stuffs

then what are you? octa? or maybe you're just singles. hahah

How does it feel to be mentally retarded?

Same shit. It's all faggot and queer. Doesn't matter what flavor of sodomy you sinners engage in. It's deviating from God's plan that makes you a faggot.

okay :)


So basically a degenerate retard?

2s ?and 3s ?!?!?!?blasphamy!!!!!!!!!!! deus vult deus vult.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i reckon mentally challenged people are quite happy, since they don't have to worry so much :)

Because you know it's a duck. You can't call it anything else when you already know what it is. How did this become so popular? I don't understand how a dude can identify himself as something that he knows isn't true, or a female in the same case.


cuz its not a fucking lion is it now

yeah, I often just say I'm queer, it's more convenient than saying i'm a non-binary, genderfluid, polysexual demisexual person :)

so sorry for you that you can't understand :(

I can't understand this. Can you honestly think hard about this and come to the conclusion that this is perfectly normal?

no, on the contrary! a non-binary, genderfluid, polysexual demisexual person xoxo

degenerate retard

well i am who i am :) I'm happy with it. I wish you could be happy with yourself as well xoxoxo

I can't understand this because you're disregarding reality and common sense. Do you have a reproductive organ?

so how do you know you're not just a duck imagining being a human? (if it's okay to assume you're human and not otherkin)

dick or vag ?

yes :)

go back to tumblr stupid faggot

How often do they let you out of the asylum?

How are you not the same gender as your respective reproductive organ?

Are you looking to get a job as a barista or a diversity officer?

I told you I'm not gay, I'm a non-binary, genderfluid, polysexual demisexual person love you all!!!!!!!!

If you don't have a psychiatrist you need to see one. You have a mental disorder.

because it doesn't feel right :*

so you have gender dysphoria ?

no not right now :)

yes, it sucks :(

This is not a thought out reply. Has anyone actually told you that you are not a gender? I mean, actual people and not your like minded friends.

Can u do us and everyone a favor and not reproduce? We, normal humans, try to eliminate screw ups like you so you would do as a huge favor kk thx

SO GLAD you finally agree!!!

so you went to a psych right and didnt just go meh i dont feel like have a dick/vag

i don't plan on having children but who knows! xoxo

Why did you choose your sex instead of staying on your biological one you fucking fag

then what are you in terms of politics?

aye i want to know too

No, I'm not agreeing with you. Has anyone told you that you're not a specific gender?

How do you coupe knowing there are only 2 genders

i don't mind having, it's the secondary sex characteristics that bother me more

why haven't you :)

see, you understand that genders/sex don't matter!!! xoxox

What is the gender listed on your birth certificate?

i know better :)

are you aware that you are mentally ill and need help and have you considered reading something like pic related?

Obviously you didn't pay attention in biology

biology is very interesting! I agree! :)

well, apart from intersex people, there are 2 sexes. there are infinite genders! It's a spectrum! xoxo

He/she is just a troll

Ah, you seem more chill than 90% of the trannyfags I've run into IRL if you can actually take a joke.

OK, so real question then. Why is it trannyfags are all as useless as women?

My little sister is like a 6.0L V8 Turbodyke. And she hangs around with a lot of trannyfags that dress like pirates in skirts by all have cocks.

Anyways, every one of them is uselss. I got called over to her house one time because her bathroom door got stuck with someone in it. Nobody knew how to use a fucking hammer or a screwdriver or anything.

Another time, I have to go and change a tire. There's like 4 people who own a dick over her house, and none of them can change a fucking tire?! WTF?!

Why is it only straight men that appear to be capable of doing these things in general? I mean, I get that some percentage of straight men can't, but those are omega wuss bags, and the rest of us hate them and make sure we never hire them.

I just can't understand why being a trannyfag means you can't use basic tools or solve basic maintenance problems on your own.


Lol oh no, you're Fucking retarded I feel bad for you

My pronouns are they/their/them :)

No they are either he or she you are not a special snowflake you cannot just make shit up because mommy and daddy didn't pay attention to you

Utter retardedness. There is no need for 29 Genders and non-binary shit. You're all just making up new drawers to categorize people. Retarded. By no means better than female/male. Just accept your genetical sex, and then realise that you can have a personality that can be totally different from that, there is no need to categorize your personality by Genders, Genders are a retarded System. It's utterly retarded to use new pronouns to address people with their PERSONALITY. And Genders are just doing that, approaching the concept of personalty that has been around forever and making things worse. You're literally so far off the road that you're not in Kansas anymore.

I'd say that's mainly due to socialization, and the fact that people like yourself get raised believing you are something better than women/people of other genders :)