Whats up with the new trend of people asking for "comfy" movies or tv shows here?

Whats up with the new trend of people asking for "comfy" movies or tv shows here?

>Recommend me a comfy movie to watch Sup Forums
>Feeling so comfy watching this shit show Sup Forums

How much of a manchild are you that a FUCKING TV SHOW has to "comfort" you?

Seriously whenever someone here says the word "comfy" I instantly picture a 250 lbs fedora wearing neckbeard, sitting in his mom's basement wrapped in a crusty cum stained MLP blanket.

gif related

it's a really annoying meme

comfy = reddit

>not enjoying comfy film watching
There is clearly something wrong with you, OP.

sounds like someone isn't feeling very comfy today

Anyone who doesn't like comfy stuff is reddit.

Sup Forumseddit teenagers that want ""pleb"" dogshit, but don't want to admit it

People generally have moods that vary over time. It's quite normal. Sometimes they want a comfy movie.


It's just a pleb's way of saying "Recommend me a shit film but don't admit it's shit because I have great taste, I swear. Here are some shit films that I'm looking similars for." Same people can be heard saying things like "kino", "marvel is better than dc" or vice versa, "turn your brain off". Remember kids, it's ok to have shit taste, but it's not ok to claim shit films are good just because you like them.

Comfy = good, easy to watch movies that are pretty simple but draw you in. Something you can just turn your mind off and enjoy.

example: Fargo, Star Wars, Big Trouble, Back to the Future, They Live, etc.

Come on then fag, name one movie you enjoy.

>new trend

>new trend

Comfy is the best feeling there is, OP

Comfy =/= comforting
It's short for comfortable dagnabbit.

We like to be comfy ;^)

its always fat neets

It's the new buzzword, everyone says everything is comfy now. Everything from having bloody shits flying out of your ass to jacking off to GMC trucks. It's all comfy.

/comfy/ thread? Comfy thread, name some comfy movies. I'll start: Groundhog day

Good thread idea:
Lord Of the Rings is definitely comfycore


>new trend

Spotted the newfag.

Triumph of the will.

it's Sup Forumseddit shitposting that's best ignored.