What is your rating scale, Sup Forums?

What is your rating scale, Sup Forums?

Ratings: 10=best album ever; 9=rock masterpiece; 8=buy it now; 7=buy it eventually; 6=buy it if you are a fan

None. Patricians don't assign numerals to their appreciation of music.

shit thef fuck up

dual number+color scale

Good or not good

What about 1-5 you numbskull

Ask Scaruffi


i like it
its ok
i dont like it


10: does not exist
9: does not exist
8: does not exist
7: does not exist
6: transcendental elder-god tier perfection
5: my one and only most absolute favorite album of all time
4: world-class excellence, timelessly legendary
3: near-flawless, highest recommendations and praise
2: shit
1: does not exist

if you actually enjoy music you're a retard

You've gotta be cucking with me, but knowing Sup Forums I'm sure you're not.

5 Stars (10.000) - GOAT (Classic)
4.5 Stars (9.999 - 9.000) - Great (Classic)
4 Stars (8.999 - 8.000) - Good
3.5 Stars (7.999 - 7.000) - Decent
3 Stars (6.999 - 6.000) - Ok
2.5 Stars (5.999 - 5.000) - Mediocre
2 Stars (4.999 - 4.000) - Poor
1.5 Stars (3.999 - 3.000) - Bad
1 Star (2.999 - 2.000) - Awful
0.5 Stars (1.999 - 1.000) - WOAT

i don't have one. only closed-minded brainletts rate the albums that they listen to.

if i like a certain release then i come back to it. if i like it again, then i keep coming back to it. my opinion usually changes from listen to listen as i notice different things about the music and make different associations within different contexts as a listener.

i can't believe you fags will listen to an album once, think
>hur i enjoyed that! 4.5/5 stars.
and then actually think that you're critically analyzing it. lol

10 Anthony Fantanos

1-10. 5 is a neutral opinion. the good and the bad balance out. I go by half points in both contexts. For context, Pet Sounds and 98.12.28 are 10s, Teens of Denial and King of Limbs are like 7.5 or 8, Deftones' Gore is like a 5 or a 5.5, the new Corey Feldman album is like a hard 1.

10 amazing
9 great
8 good
7 ok
6 meh
5 pretty bad
4 bad
3 really bad
2 disgusting
1 should be outlawed

10-9 Loved it greatly.
8 - Great but has a bad song or two.
7 - Very good but has weak spots
6-5 - Meh
4-3 - Mostly weak but has some great songs here and there
2 - One or two good tracks at most
1-0 - Absolutely terrible.

I want to listen to it again
It's good
I can appreciate that this is good but not for me
It's ok
Not good
Kill me

1 - 10 = who the fuck gives scored

I don't really numerically rate any of the music I listen to

I like it
I don't like it

I want to kill myself
I don't like this
I don't care
I'm not sure how I feel about this
Its okey
I like this
I love this
I will never stop listening to this

i enjoy
i dont enjoy as much
i dont enjoy at all, skip

10 - Perfect
9 - Near Perfect
8 - Great
7 - Good
6 - Hit or Miss
5 - Decent
4 - Bad
3 - Terrible
2 - God Awful
1 - Actual Cancer