Tfw music professor said that pop music is for those who "don't like to think" and that everyone should listen to...

>tfw music professor said that pop music is for those who "don't like to think" and that everyone should listen to classical music instead

I asked him if he at least listened to Oneohtrix Point Never, but then he just snickered at me.

Other urls found in this thread:

My music teacher called James Blake a fraud.

He's right on the pop music part but classical elitism is fucking cancer

My music teacher said that Sup Forums is for posseurs. I told him to go back to redit

your teacher sucks, only true patricians can understand the weird frontier between avant-garde and pop that this saviors of modern music make


are all music teachers elitists?

Should have tackled him, cvnt.

no its not, you're just butthurt that its the truth

He didn't say. We were talking, me and my friends, about the new album, and how much we liked it, and he turned up, just looked at us, said James Blake is a fraud, and then just walked off; it was pretty weird.


No just the retards here.

Fucking kill yourself.
>, and
>, and
>, and
>, and

Learn how to create a fucking sentence.

Is this the new copypasta?

Okay, can someone please explain classical elitism to me? Is it just because it's old and more complex than the average pop song that it's so revered? Don't get me wrong, I've never heard a piece in the genre that I didn't find some sort of enjoyment in, but I feel like a lot of it is rather samey. Many of the points about how classical music reigns over in forms of intelligence make little sense, as many of the emotional attempts come across as cliche and melodramatic. Essentially anyone can write classical music that works. I've even done so myself, and I know many people that have done even better than me. Can anyone show me a perspective on this besides being a pretentious douchebag who limits themselves to artists from hundreds of years ago who fears the very idea of change or experimentation?

miss this meme ;*(

what the hell

There is classical elitism in all forms of art which was one of the main reasons for modern art retaliations such as dada. In music it's mainly because it's usually technically more complex and because it is such an old and typically upper class tradition it is held in a high esteem as the most high brow form of music and therefore the greatest.

Here, because that shit fucking annoyed me so fucking much.

>He didn't say. Me and my friends were talking about the new album and how much we liked it. Then he turned up. He looked at us, said James Blake is a fraud, and then just walked off. It was pretty weird.

I really don't see, what exactly, your problem is with the, way I write. I, write how I talk, and, I speak, very clearly. I've won presentations, for my clarity.

My prose is perfect, I need nothing, to change in the slightest.

Your prose is disgusting. If that is how you speak, you need help and you've got no idea how grammar works.

Seek help.

>music professor
do they still exist

>Me and my friends
>not "my friends and I"
One job

I only focused on his commas. Didn't notice that.

>but I feel like a lot of it is rather samey
I don't understand people who say this about stuff like classical and jazz. I honestly think you'd want to be deaf, insane or have adhd to not be able to hear the difference between a Beethoven piano sonata and a Mozart one.

I know how, grammar works. I use it all the, time. Emphasis, is placed, exactly, where I want it.

That's incorrect. It should, be me and my friends, as friends is plural.

You cannot tell me, anyone ever says, my friends and I? Never.

>really don't see, what exactly, your problem is with the, way I write
Independent clause.

Doesn't need a million commas.

>I, write how I talk, and, I speak, very clearly.
Another independent clause, not needing to be broken up with a million commas.

>I really do don't see that the problem is with the way I write, I write how I talk and speak. I've won presentations for my clarity.

Yeah sure, there is nothing wrong exact with the way you are writing. It's simply disgusting and reeks of pretentiousness. You do not speak taking a pause every 2 words, if you do, kill yourself.

>I know how, grammar works. I use it all the, time. Emphasis, is placed, exactly, where I want it.
You are a disgusting human being and I can see your fedora from here.

>i know nothing about classical but wrote some that works

Thats just you being fucking dumb, classical is more respected than other forms of music because it actually take hard work and dedication to pull off.

You can ask to judge the genius counterpoint of the masters in the same way i judge a song made by clicking on a few things and looping it

>That's incorrect. It should, be me and my friends, as friends is plural.
>You cannot tell me, anyone ever says, my friends and I? Never.
No? It's my friends and I because it's polite to do so. There are no grammar rules forcing you to say me and my friends. It's simply polite.

>It should, be me and my friends, as friends is plural.
Is wrong comma usage. You have no idea what you are doing.

The reason it all sounds samey is because genres like classical and jazz are just more harmonically nuanced and musically complex to today's average listener. Of course a Mozart piece would sound similar to a Beethoven piece to someone who doesn't have the same "musical IQ." Some people simply just don't get stuff that's more complex than pop. Most people don't just "get" Miles Davis or Debussy on first listen, or even first dozen listens. I have musician friends who swear to have passion for music but listen to and write nothing but pop shit, but that doesn't make them less talented. Tbh jazz and classical are more "musicians music" genres.

I think deeply, before I speak, and every word, must be chosen, and also relay my points, as unequivocally as possible. After, much learning, this was found to me, to be the best way.

It, works perfectly, and I am never, misunderstood, nor do I ever, have to repeat myself.

I don't know, what the problem here, is exactly. I've, never had an issue, before. My English teachers, loved my work. I got, an A, in every assignment, I ever did.

fucking rekt

>Is wrong comma usage. You have no idea what you are doing.
Maybe he was asking you to be him and his friends. Had you thought of that user?

I, do not wan't, to be their friend. I would be, willing, to educate him, for a fee.

>The reason it all sounds samey is because genres like classical and jazz are just more harmonically nuanced and musically complex to today's average listener.
Surely that'd just make it sound crazy and different though? Like, if someone hears a Debussy piece, even if they're not a musician, they're still gonna be hearing the same tonal ambiguities and dissonances a trained pianist does. They might not be able to explain it, but I feel like consonance and dissonance should still have the same effect on someone, regardless of their knowledge of theory. Provided they're actually listening to the thing attentively.

ah bitchshit the jig is up


He was part, of my epiphany, I will admit. His clarity, was bar none.

I however, do not need, to catch my breath. My pauses, are elegant. They leave room for, digestion.

You underestimate how utterly clueless most people are when it comes to harmony. Even people on here who claim that music is their lives couldnt tell you the difference between a major and minor chord

It does make them less talented by the way

You were all baited, OP posted this shitpost before but with Radiohead and someone told him that he should have told the professor about OPN instead.

please kill yourself

there found it

We know, were just pretending to be retarded you retard

nice b8


So what?

I swear I saw this exact post with a different artist. Is this a copypasta or something?

>So what?
triggered me because op is full of shit
yes, see

Wait, didn't OP make this thread before? I'm pretty sure I've seen it but the artist was different.

OP here, haha i trol u :P

Alright thanks. I'm retard

Your teacher forgot Jazz.. Which can be arguably way more complex than some classical pieces.

But the dude is totally right. If you're listening to hear the best of the best classical and jazz house the better artists. Better musicianship, harder parameters to create unique art, and they need genius to write their tunes.

It doesn't matter how much music theory they know, they'd still be affected by a major chord man.

In soviet Russia there was an effort to make all art accessible even to the dredges of society. Which eventually dumbed everything down.

In America something very similar happened. The marketers want to make music that can appeal to everyone so they dumb it down considerably. So much so that teenagers will like it.

>how utterly clueless most people are when it comes to harmony
That's a pretty outlandish claim. It's one thing to say they wouldn't know how to guess which is which, but it's ludicrous to think anyone with a sense of hearing brought up in the western world couldn't feel the difference.

this is actually good prose you fucking idiot it's written as if he were telling the story to us in person and I see no reason why it should be changed, regardless of whatever you think it actually works quite well, not to mention it got the point across in one motion, are you too stupid to process information that's laid out together that you need these breaks?

but I'm here to feel

You talk like a basic bitch middle school girl.

Ferraro > OPN > Blunt > Arca

I'd swap Ferraro and OPN. Ferraro is far more inconsistent.

What exactly?

I still like him though.

I suppose that's true, though I assume you're referring to his early work? That stuff is more inconsistent cus theres so goddamn much of it. But I think most everything he's been doing post-FSV is top-notch. Skid Row is the second best album of 2015.

its not the truth

classical performance is super one dimensional, jazz performance actually requires more ability. Like, a lot more ability actually.

Any statements to the contrary are literally objectivley incorrect and I won't be entertaining them

>classical performance is super one dimensional
This. Classical performers dedicate their life to intricate practice and study of the music but none of that time is spent with an ear to actually playing the music.
I mean fuck, you're listening to some cuck orchestra from Nazi Germany and they claim to be playing music about a sacrificial Slavonic ritual but it's like they're trying to sell you a used car.


[We were talking, me and my friends, about the new album, and how much we liked it]
Independent clause, doesn't need a million commas. Is fine as a single sentence.

[and he turned up]
Another independent clause, you link these two with a comma.

[just looked at us, said James Blake is a fraud, and then just walked off;]
The final independent clause which can actually be joined with ", and".

It's just plain bad English, no matter how much you want to masturbate over it. If that's how you speak, with a literal pause after two or three words, you should probably kill yourself. Read pic related, it will help immensely.

People simply do not speak like that, and you do not break in your mind when reading that sentence, if you did you would see how utterly retarded it really is. Comma is usually a one second pause, in that sentence alone there are 7 possibly 8 seconds worth of pause, for an idea in a sentence which can be easily digested by a fucking 12 year old.

it's plain wrong.

This should not be bringing you to tears.

Forget him OP

>Everyone should listen to classical music

Are you fucking retarded?

Basso continuo.

You clearky have no idea what you're talking about (unless you're specifically talking about bad performers). Top tier performers all read and study the scores analytically and biographically. Also virtualliy all the known one (with very few exceptions) are esteemed not only for their technique but also for the passion that erupt from the music, which, for the pianists, is a matter of taste, emotional intelligence, personality and musicological analysis.
The only exceptions to this rule are showmen virtuoso (like Lang Lang) and exceedingly virtuosistic pianists (like Michelangeli), but they're a minority.

Nah man, you just don't know anything about music. There isn't a single classical player more emotive than the likes of Jeff Mangum.

the fact that my mind turned off midway through reading your post convinces me you are wrong

wait wait wait whom've'd baited who???

>didn't read it
Great argument .

getting /lit in here

that was much easier to read, looks like I've taught you a lessen or two, heh

I mean, you can keep posting all you want. But if you want to remain relevant to the actual argument approach the issue, it would mean reading the post.

Halfway through that post you are referring to I haven't even begun to actually post, half of the past of the dissection of the post you are saying is correct, it's no wonder you cannot read it when you actually have to read it.

ok, I read the second half, your argument was that if I speak like that I should kill myself, or that I was retarded, definitely worth the time it took to reread and presented a better point than I could ever write up, well done

Yes, that is my point, you should kill yourself if you think that is good prose.

So, are you doing it or what?

Peak Ferraro > Peak OPN > Arca > Blunt > Weak OPN > Weak Ferraro > New Arca

so what's good prose, yours, with the constant line breaks stringing together thoughts, masked as intelligent because you use proper punctuation?

Nope, just not his. Who has 8 seconds worth of breaks in a sentence which would take 2 seconds otherwise to read and digest.

Are you taking the standpoint that I am wrong because my prose isn't great?

All I did was tell you why that prose is essentially wrong, and how it doesn't work. It's simply correct, writing prose is objective, and his prose is barely readable, just because you can read it doesn't make it good.

But yeah, tell me that sentence is good when it takes 10 seconds to read, because of all the commas.

Your sentence is also wrong.

you didn't say why the prose was wrong, you only said it simply was, and now your argument is that the sentence takes longer because of the commas and simple style, should I listen to someone with worse prose than the person they are critiquing, I don't think so, hopefully you understand that you need to read more literature or something because you really lack not only in writing comprehension but also in argumentation, I'd suggest reading books on properly arguing as you can knock both birds with just the one stone that way, good luck

popular music is just for entertainment. classical music is for experience of the divine

>that ad hom
You know you can actually try, right? I've told you and him time and time again why it's wrong (prose cannot be wrong, just bad), it's simply terrible to take an easily digestible idea such as he had, and turn it into a slog just because you can.

>you should actually read
I am reading right now senpai, I have read most of the great works done in prose.

Care to explain why it's good prose? Because you know, if I am so blatantly wrong (I have said time and time again turning a 2 second sentence into a 10 second sentence is not good writing (you must have missed it.))

Here, as you obviously haven't read the thread.

Here is how it's bad grammar.
I wonder why he is no longer posting and you have taken over? I mean, don't post again without explaining why it's even remotely good prose. Because, funnily enough, I have given examples as to why it's bad (you said I didn't) but no one has actually said why it's good.

I shall be waiting.

Just shut up already, you're replying to a troll. You're acting more cringe than he is at this point.

>I am just being retarded on pupose
Jokes on you, I have been here since 08' and this is the only good type of trolling.

i can't get past your first line, it's not ad hom if I question your credibility in critiquing prose using your own prose as an example, these are related issues, please add an addendum and re-post your response


I asked you to do something and you didn't do it, you're done. You cannot even explain yourself in an argument you are wanting to continue. All I asked was for you to say why it's good, and you are not even reading.

You're done.

this style very easy to read anyone can read it very nice and simple and reminiscent of greentext story, fresh take on it in fact, hope you reread his post and imagine in greentext and get back to me

I am not reading that. You're done. Don't bother answering the question when that's all that's left for you to do. I asked you many posts ago.

You're done, didn't read a single word.

Well, I thought we were both having fun arguing about nothing. It looks like you actually got mad, you should probably close the thread. I had plans to bring in a story about how I went to prestigious grammar school growing up and was taught to write without any punctuation, but you seem to be upset. I'll leave you alone, bud.

Mate, all I see is a (you) and I am replying to you, I have not seen a single letter in your post.

I am not reading it, you're done. You can write longer and longer posts if you want, literally not reading a single letter.

I assume this is the last post?


good for him. james blake is bland, uncreative shit with sleek production