Punching Nazis isn't just fun, it's also good for the environment!

Punching Nazis isn't just fun, it's also good for the environment!

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your welcome to try and punch me

prepared to be punched back repeatedly

He cried too

He also called it an "attack" whilst simultaneously urging for the extermination of all minorities.

What a cucky sissy boy

I like to punch Muslims on a count of their dangerous beliefs.

lmao you've never been in a fight pussy

maybe if you count fighting with your mom because she bought you the wrong tendies lmao

nah son, you're a lil bitch

He doesnt call for their extermination. He thinks we should all live separately. Same as Malcom X

stereotypical sjw bitch move

punch somebody when theyre not paying attention

weak n fail

No I think you'll find that I'm right.

>gets attacked for having a different opinion
>it's okay cause he is a nazi

Funny how that way of thinking is very similar to what people hate about nazis

Imagine actually believing this


Yeah but he cried like a pussy

You sure are tough on the internet kid.

So, crude physical violence is laudable when it's done against your enemies, by your own, no matter how cowardly the attack? Just clarifying!


No. I'm right.

as opposed to the alt-right version, punch people who can't hit back and claim you didn't actually punch them.

He's a Nazi. It's okay to punch Nazis. Period.

I'll acknowledge this post as satire.

sjw libtards cant grasp simple concepts like hypocrisy

or how the electoral system works

coservative here, i never heard about these fags till the cuck cnn brought then on

I believe this because it was made in ms paint like all things

Sucker-punching is a pussy move, no matter who's getting hit.

I couldn't beat cancer so I found a guy WITH cancer and beat him.

Of course bat shit mensch retweeted that. Poor woman.

You are a weak minded fool who knows nothing of National Socialism.

Def was a bitch move. What do you expect from a bunch of homosexuals in masks though?

Had a nice chuckle over this

So you're saying he got hit once by a shit-eating cuckold and cried?
Really makes you think.


>weak minded fool

As opposed to a strong minded fool?

youre welcome to try kids

better hope your jaw is as strong as your words on the internet

Sucker punching someone from the side and not even dropping them is nothing to be proud of. The pussy in the mask is extremely weak and cowardly like most liberal men


That doesn't even rhyme and it's just a gay mma clip art

When newfags on Sup Forums trying to make it seem they have big balls and to tell that everyone besides themselves that they're pussies.

I'm a nationalist, I believe in the white race and that every race should be their own country.

I am a strong minded but, I am not a fool. I grew out of that when I was around 12 years old. It seems you have not.

YES! Sometimes people whose ideas differ from your own are the worst of the worst people, and you must hurt them, any way possible!

I get it, Spencer is an asshole, but I will never celebrate a pussy who delivers a sucker punch. Be a man and look him in the eyes. Though, I shouldn't expect more from a literal shit eater.

They are enriching the soil with their wacky superior aryan enzymes.
National Socialism is kitschy cosplay, deal with it.

That's right.

if youre american you realize the native americans were here first right?

by that logic we all need to pack up and move

Churchill say die narzi faggg

I was addressing your literary redundancy and you made a hack "You're 12" joke.

Jesus Christ man have you no self-respect?

this thread has been set up by shills

sjw libtards can't grasp anything.

They consist of the most gullible, indoctrinated by public "schooling", and resulting in entirely knee-jerk reactions to what they've been trained to believe are threats to the common good. They're an entire generation of manchurian candidates who are suckers for the globalists.

Nazis are fair game in America.

The dude wasn't punched, he was sucker punched. The dude came up behind him and cracked him in the side of the head.

And PROTIP: If a guy gets a good clean sucker punch in, the fight is over before it ever began. It's an instant knock out.

Filth baboons never believe in a fair fight. Now there would be something to be said for the nig talking trash and initiating a fight, that at least would be fair, though probably still uncalled for.

But you can't blame a dude for getting knocked out with a sucker punch. If you don't know that shit can happen, you've never been sucker punched before.

I have twice in my life. Knocked clean out both times. Well, once I was knocked down and dazed to the point that it took me a minute to get up, the other time I was out cold.

In my opinion the baboon looks far worse than the neo-nazi in this equation. And no doubt that monkey has radicalized the neo nazi further. Keep in mind, he's just calling for segregation at this point, not extermination.... and he's not violent, yet.

But violence begets violence and nignogs sucker punching white people does nothing but make things more precarious, much like kidnapping and torturing a retard.

I just don't like laziness

ITT: keyboard warriors

We must teach them the superiority of our pacifist ways, BY FORCE IF NECESSARY

National Socialism is a different perspective on the world which takes pride in its own people instead of destroying them. Check out this website and read (if you are literate) national-socialism.com/

My pussy-bitch-meter is off the charts!

>be a man and let me have a chance to win
but that's not how fights work, dickhead.

>here first
If Americans didn't kill off those savages then they'd be taken over by another country. They'd still be throwing spears at each other and screaming in their autism voice if you Americans didn't take them over.

i aint no fucking ninny shill you cuck

youve come to the wrong place then kid

Who cares? That just makes it funnier for me.

Thus Spake You!

the best part is he is saying something about pepe when he gets hit in the face.

>Dresden bombing
>fair fight
sit down and shut up, you're a fuckin embarrassment.

Winston Churchill caused the death of millions of Germans by their rampant bombing of cities such as Dresden.

>tumblr pic

yes you are faggot

nah i'm good

I mean tbh it is pretty okay to punch Nazi's. Ask your grandfather.

the question he was asked before the punch
"are you a Nazi or a white supremacist "
"no they tend not to like me "

low energy. only fags use sarcasm. sad

back to infowars with you conspiracuck



it all worked out in the end though

theyve got the strongest economy in the eurozone theyre doing great

they had it comming

>and he's not violent, yet.
every bully blames the victim.

> Tough words

You gonna cry like your friend over there too?

To be fair both sides seemed more than happy to bomb non-military targets at that point in the war. Germany's capacity to do so was just greatly diminished at that point.


hes not my buddy, pal

Nice quads but, I offer you to be open minded and at least read about the truth behind National Socialism. I thought it was total "Nazi Bullshit" until I actually did the research. I was once arrogant thinking all the "Nazis" were evil.

> Made him cry from one punch

The pussy being a nazi is just as weak, like most republicans

nazis pwnd again

>guy who hit him is white

I think this clip is funny as fuck. I can watch it all day.


>implying democrats are tough

No they didn't. Nearly the entire population of fighting age males were out at war. Most of the city of of women, children, and the elderly. Churchill wanted to end the German people.

If it's okay to punch "Nazis", then it must be okay to punch Communist/Socialist/SJWs etc.


conservatives/white nationalists have been talking about violence for years. talking. threatening. whining. crying. talking some more.

and they keep getting knocked out LMFAO! over, and over, and over. knocked the FUCK out. in traffic. at protests. in interviews. (and don't think about pulling a gun, libs carry, and they're faster draws).

soooooo when are you guys going to man up and 'grab dem guns'?

oh look at the little boy trying out logic

Fuck far rights
Fuck far lefts

Sides just hold you back.

Oh look at the fat neckbeard try to make a comeback.

Can anyone spot the fallacious argument here?

nah, they tried to take it all and lost badly. Very badly.
Only unbalanced or very dumb people are attracted to repulsive nonsense like that.

well boy, we're still waiting for one of you to attack a liberal. see what happens.

Violence of any form should be condemned.

If he shot him, would that make him more manly?

Come visit our local neighborhood cantina gringo, you'll get the shit kicked outta you

>guy who hit em is white
I doubt it bro. He looks distinctly darker shade but we never really get a good look at him.

And the sucker punch (or jumping a guy in a 5 to 1 fight) is totally the niggers' modus operandi. You'd be hard pressed to even find a white guy who's a fan of the sucker punch. Maybe a wigger on the outside chance, but unless you have some proof he's white, he looks like a nigger, acts like a nigger, it must be a nigger.

>fight me

John Wayne was a draft dodging pussy piece of horse shit. Gtfo

You have only been told lies about National Socialism, my friend. "Neo-Nazis" arn't National Socialists by the way, Hitler would spit in their face.