Because fuck niggers, that's why

Because fuck niggers, that's why.

i'd rather not edgelord

Whos face is it fuck me for not knowing

Churchill, Base churchill!

That's Rodney Dangerfield you ignorant turd

mlk one is still in there. trump said he respected mlk, arguement over baiting op

That's Winston Churchill, a great White man. Obongo used to have a statue of Martin Luther "I have a Dreamcast" King, but our best president got rid of that.
You mad nigger?

A British dude? weird

That's moot fam


no, i'm just saying you're wrong. Dreamking is still in a corner, somewhere.

in the trashcan perhaps?

fucken retard, trump jus added churchill wit the milk bust.



Who's mlk?

Cant stump the Trump.

Whats with Trump and Pens?
Fuckin' everywhere he goes...theres Pens.
And he wants to hand them out to everyone like they are the greatest gift he can give.

I've got a Pen.
I've got a Trump
Pineapple SpongeTrump Pen!

Why is this fuck niggers?

Can be stumped if you are not concerned about being factual


They couldn't even get an american white guy?

As the Home Secretary in 1910, Churchill asked officials to consider sterilizing and preventing the marriage of people with mental illnesses and learning disabilities. "The multiplication of the feeble-minded is a very terrible danger to the race," he wrote in a memo to the Prime Minister that same year.
He was also the man who described Indians as a "beastly people with a beastly religion," raged against Palestinians as "barbaric hordes who [eat] little but camel dung," and once mused of his beloved country: "'Keep England White' is a good slogan."
At the Palestine Royal Commission -commonly known as the Peel Commission- in 1937, Churchill testified on the right of Britain to decide the destiny of Palestine: "I do not admit... that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race... has come in and taken their place."