Why have non-binary genders only started to appear within the past 10 years...

Why have non-binary genders only started to appear within the past 10 years? There haven't been any cases or reports of it in all of human history, except for now. I swear to god it's just some edgy shit that isn't true that people just make up for attention

genderfags need to kill themselves

Look up the mandela effect.

I know what it is - it doesn't justify edgy gender fucks appearing out of nowhere, at least know when pretty much everyone on this planet can collectively agree that gender fluid people only recently appeared

>There haven't been any cases or reports of it in all of human history
holy shit this guy has knowledge of all of human history!

That depends on the theory that you adhere to, If a certain percentage of the population was swapped into a different dimension, around 10 years ago, then what seems odd to us in this dimension, would be normal to those from this dimension.

look up 3rd gender. this shit's been going on for thousands of years in multiple cultures around the world, including Hawaiians, Native Americans, etc. not saying i support it but it didn't just "appear" within the last 10 years






What, are you some triggered tumblr feminist who is incapable of writing all of their words on the same line?


lol imagine a life where you can't write words on the same line. there's probably someone with OCD like that somewhere

i think its supposed to make us notice them

This. Male/Female/Other is all that's needed, not the constantly evolving more complex terms people are adopting for themselves.

And they aren't "just now" appearing. They're only "just now" being abused.







If i cant see it , it cant hurt me,If i cant see it , it cant hurt me


this shit hasn't even been going on for 10 years. We need a millennial holocaust

>Why have non-binary genders only started to appear within the past 10 years?
pic related

this isn't true, though. numerous cultures have had non-binary genders. there have been a few african tribes, and i believe the aborigines as well which had an intersex gender. certain brazilian populations have had a transgender culture going back hundreds of years. and let's not forget the native american cultures of north america, "twin spirit," et cetera.
maybe YOU are the edgemaster and you need to kys yourself or become more tolerant / less of an autist

You never know...


There hasn't been a war in too long.
During war, retards like these either got slaughtered or were too busy fighting for their lives to have to come up with some gimmick to give them a sense of identity.
Pic related: my gender identity


You are literally fucking stupid. I mean I get it, learning new things is hard, but other gendered people is not new. Gender fluidity is not new. Theyre just at their most visible in western history. Look up guevedoces. They're children from a specific area in puerto rico, who for all intents and purposes present as female at birth, only for their penis to grow and testicles to descend around 12 years of age and continue their lives as males.

Don't get mad, get smart.