In this day and age, teens regularly get pregnant between 15 and 20

In this day and age, teens regularly get pregnant between 15 and 20.
The idiots have more children then the educated elite.
Attractive traits include: Big sexual organs, fit body, money.
The most uneducated people like to depend on wellfare and are happy to spend their lives consuming and fucking.

Are we actually producing a generation of degenerates? Is intelligence an unfavorable trait?


It's all herd mentality and being in the social norm. Better body and/or attractiveness means your already likely to be apart of it. Fucking social de-evolution.

This has been happening for around 15-20 years now.

We're beyond the point of return at this point, be happy we won't be alive when it gets really bad.

Remember the movie idiocracy? Yea that's actually coming true

I don't know it. Will check it ou, thx user!

"You know, throughout history, I bet every old man probably said the same thing. And old men die, and the world keeps spinnin'."

The human race has endured far worse than this and come out unscathed. During the last ice age, humanity was reduced to a gene pool of just 5000 individuals, and we still emerged to repopulate the Earth. Why are you trying to second-guess *billions* of years of evolution? Different traits are accentuated during different conditions, and even when those conditions are not present, they remain encoded in our DNA and can by epigenetically tripped when those conditions reoccur.

The stupid, ignorant, conformist, hateful, selfish, greedy, and fearful are currently ascendant, as witness the vapid white Trumplorable teenyboppers all over Sup Forums, seeded all over the suburbs by equally stupid, white, middle-class Boomers. But when the ecological collapse caused by their unsustainable lifestyle creates widespread havoc and starvation, they'll be the first ones to die.

Nature experiments, but always returns eventually to a dynamic equilibrium favouring generalists over specialists.

That only happens because the state supports them, the state is literally (in a literal sense) the father of the new born.
If sluts had to work in order to fully support their babies they'd think twice about getting randomly knocked up.


>then the educated elite
>people that think they're the smartest are most often the stupidest
shit troll thread bruh

>In this day and age, teens regularly get pregnant between 15 and 20.

>acting like this is a new thing and not something that's been going on since the dawn of fucking humanity.

Welcome to earth.

Oh lord, I started going after the rest of your post, but serious, you're not the educated elite you think you are, stop posting and kill yourself.

>moar white hating


But there is no more human "evolution", in the natural since that is. People that would die during g child birth are now saved, people who couldn't push a baby through their pelvic bone now have C-section's. Sick and inferior genes are being passed because of modern medicine. Anyone who can't find for themselves are generally cared for and somehow many of them reproduce. There is no where near the same threats we used to have. And now with genetic engineering and cybernetic implants we are far from what nature evolved

East coast here, looks like school just let out.

you talk like nature has intentions.
nature just is, and now here we are.

Hur due hurt. You fags ruin everything

If you don't understand what I wrote then you're a perfect example of what I mean

The republicans might have won the house, but the people pulling the strings have allready sought control through education. Dumb americans are easier to enslave.

"Nature" is whatever is. There's nothing unnatural about medicine. What can survive, will. And what survives is adapted to its environment. We live in a dynamic Universe where change is the only constant, and as conditions change, traits picked up over the previous conditions are tested for usefulness. This wringing your hands over "muh evolution" is just dogwhistle for bigotry, no different than phrenological "science" and Nazi one-drop race theory.

Do you have any stats, or is this just random whining?

We are becoming a product of the companies we work for. The most favourable characteristics are being a consumer-whore and hardly interested in anything else but how to finance the next HD TV set and when to book the next holiday.
A mere consumer with a good workplace is an excellent product. You can give him a discount-card and he will give you all his statistics for free. He will use Google to solve all his problems – health, finances, marriage, sexual desires, planning ahead, booking, life advice. You type everything you need into Google. You tell your government everything about yourself. You share the same goals, defined by wealth and financial income.

The longer these qualities are being promoted favoured over those which make us human –abstract thinking, creativity, inventiveness – the more they get spread across generations. We might end up as flesh-automatons.

oh, a typo. the dead-giveaway, eh? yeah, i must be totally retarded.

a teen cant get pregnant at the age of 20

Boy I dont know wut ur tryin to say n that makes me anrgy fuk u

>you talk like nature has intentions.

actually, nice statement!

Evolutionary drift isn't only determined by who survives. It is also determined by which babies are born, and to whom, who need to be able to survive to begin with. All the medical technology in the world isn't going to help your offspring live if there is nobody who wants to produce said offspring with you.

The typo was fine. The "everyone is stupid! nuke everyone they're worthless scum, except for me, of course" means you're totally retarded.

Teen pregnancy is nothing new.It's been a problem for decades.
It's spelled welfare. Only one l.
You're welcome
Also, OP is faggot and Trump is a fucking cuck.

I'm not saying that at all. I'm just thinking, hypothetically, if intelligence is actually unfavorable concerning evolution.

I do question how people can just live life and not think about philosophy AT ALL.


I think that comes at an older age, but the fact is people at least our dads the baby boomers had way better educations than us. The education system has been failing since, as things are handed to us. Are we getting smarter or is technology making us dumb? Thats a debate thats out, replaced social interactions with cell phones, allways having a calculator no reason to know where the north star is or why the moon cycles. Soon you wont even know how to drive a car, what will challenge you mechanicly? Maybe its a step to evloution like in wall-e where everyone is floating around in chair oblivous to the world, or maybe we are taking a step backwards.

Thank you lenny.