Whats up with my fingers lads?

Whats up with my fingers lads?

Are they itchy and filled with some sort of liquid?

Nope, just a slight bubbly texture

They have obviously never been dirty

its cancer op you better just end your life while you can

Try climbing a wall, you might be spiderman

Finger Herpes

You burnt your fuckin fingers faggot

callous? or wrinkly from water?

just peel the skin off with a nail clipper, it doesn't hurt and new skin will grow within 24 hours

Amputation is your only effective option.

In a few months your hands will look like this.

Looks like a severe case of prostate cancer. Go to your local doc if you wanna live


have you fingered a woman in the past 6 month ?

What's wrong with his hands?

maybe you have rested your fingers on your mouse for a few hours and the sweat and moisture made them look like that. if it looks like this in the morning go see a doctor i guess

he is groot

Not enough pussy on them

Severe reaction to HPV in a country where healthcare is nonexistent. Those are essentially out of control warts turned horns.

it's the cancer

Cut one off. The others will understand the message.

You are white.

They are attached to a gay man

Warts. Seriously.

They've been like this for years, had no problems just looking for answers.

Chopping fingers off now

Raynauld's phenomenon?

Nerve gas.