Fuck guys i need help, i swallowed a pill and it got stuck on the wall of my guts, it feels really bad...

fuck guys i need help, i swallowed a pill and it got stuck on the wall of my guts, it feels really bad. Am I going to die?


jeff the hawk

I'm sorry to tell you, but you will die; stucked pills are a serious issue

It's hospital time! Get to ER and they'll help you even if it's not serious.

where do you feel it?

No surprise OP swallows a lot.

Upper chest area, almost at the collar bone.

Probably not a huge issue, wait and see if it passes. It's only in the gut that it's a life-or death issue as far as I'm aware. Still look online first, be very specific about where you feel it man.

probably death, sorry OP

Oh well it was only an ibuprofen pill so I guess i'm alright, right?

Ignore those retards and listen: You will need to dissolve the pills coating in order for it to pass. Best method is to use vinegar since it is acidic and dissolves the coating perfectly. Fill half a glass with vinegar and then add orange juice for taste (also acidic). Be sure to drink all of it, thank me later.


If you don't die from eternal bleeding you should be ok.

>Pill stuck in throat
>Goes to Sup Forums for their uneducated assistance rather medical professional

Ibuprofen can cause horrible ulcers in the esophagus, user. I took one before bed once and it lodged as a fell asleep. Woke up the next morning and needed an emergency tracheotomy.

Get to ER asap.

I'll try it man, i trust you. Hopefully no crystal recipe so i die.

This: My sides.

Dissolving an ibuprofen IN YOUR THROAT with more ACID is DUMB.

orange juice and soda water

dislodges after a glass

Alright I took some balsamic vinegar but I didnt have orange juice so I used lemonade instead, would that work?

That's just fine user

It feels a little better but im still a bit uneasy, we'll see if I'm alive tomorrow.
Thanks for all the tips, doctors are expensive nowadays

>Am I going to die?
yes but not from this.