YLYL - Let's try again edition

YLYL - Let's try again edition


that's the ancom flagsunglassessmileball


is that not just capitalism?


This guy gets it


Anyone remember this thread?


Check my singles


hello again faggot. I'm the evil communist arsehole from the previous thread.
you know that your opinion is shit.








At least I got dubs




sorry faggot I'm from KGB.
you are the one with a siberian vacation.


I am sorry to disagree comrade, but those good times are long gone now

you don't deserve to be checked, capitalistic faggot.

dont forget collectivisation :^)

you wish.
because you never lived in a communist country.
you don't know how the purges are did.
how old are you btw?
14 or 17 max.

he will prefer the collectivization. all women are communal. but he is capitalist and he just stays in the cornet and fap.

I know this effects but I have no Idea where from.
