I have a study guide for biology, that I would like to share with all of you. It is free to be edited by anyone...

I have a study guide for biology, that I would like to share with all of you. It is free to be edited by anyone, so that you can contribute with your ideas. Please do not use misuse this privilege.


I'm in boys! Seems interesting. Those editing powers really tickle me!

How long will this be up? Might just wait until everyone goes to bed and make a Hypersphere out of it

Those faggots will be surprised.

What do you mean?

Why does everyone in that doc have a russian name?

Its actually Bulgarian. Similar enough

Lads, i have a great idea. Look, this study guide, i dont think its great. Lets make it great again! Sup Forums power!

Nypa. Im not doing it for you. Im doing it to piss off these faggs.

Those liberal cucks right now



It would be a shame if something happened to this sg. Totally nothing, I swear.

Inheritance of buttholes

Clever ruse to have someone complete your notes/homework, o a way to fucks someone's work?

it ain't homework anymore

>Clever ruse to have someone complete your notes/homework, o a way to fucks someone's work?
Lol, what do you think?

I think they locked it. We didn't even get to ask for nudes

The guy who started writing the recipe for crystals, thank tou

i didnt write this shit for 10 fucking mins just to
nopt post it to crystal guy who wanted crystal
recipe from crystal making guy guy
>get a jar of glass and 2 teaspoons of salt
2 next ingredients shud be in your pantry
fill the glass 1/3rd with vinegar and 1/3rd lemon juice
or high as you want the crystals to grow
(if you dont have any of those ingredients its O fucking k
crystals will still grow but it just takes a bit fkin longer
nobody loves waiting so get those fking ingredients
3.the forth ingredient is laundry bleach, fill the rest of the jar but dont u dare
spill any of it on your clothes, mommy gonna be angry
and mommy beat me up wit house shoe :( mommy make me sad.
I kill mommy and sell her intestines online BUY MY SHIT)

4.Add 5-7 pennies or copper coins from your country
take a straw and blow for about 10 fking minutes
it only takes about 30 sec before you start seeing
crystals form!!!!!
5. pink and purple come from the production of copper calciphate
using the co2 in your own breath (blowing until
youre dizzy actually increase the co2 in your breath giving
better colors)

Thanks man! Youll be my rabbit!

i prefer being the jester, so i can set people on fire

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