What's stopping you from killing yourself?

What's stopping you from killing yourself?
In my case a tiny little bit of hope

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Fear of death.

>put gun to head
>realize I should stop being a fuckin pussy and there are people worse off
>shoot brother


My girlfriend and our little baby girl due in two months.

not motivated enough


Will trips motivate you.

I don't understand why anyone would kill themselves

There'd be too big of a mess.

I've got some pretty cool songs to record first

For Honor beta starts in a few days

Cause I'm not a pussy too scared of the real world.

In holding on to a tiny ray of hope that someone will ask if im okay and not just leave when i say im fine.

>Ahaha bro after this track grab the 11 gauge

spot the newfag

I'm repainting a game and I would feel bad if I left it unfinished.

You only get one life that we know for certain we have. Why cut your life short? I personally want to see my life till the end, I'm not pulling my own plug because "life got too hard for me".

If I die, I won't be able to eat steak anymore

Suicidal virgins. I present the virgin poll.

>you fucktards
>the family that "cares" about me

in that order

My only goal in life is Enlightenment. I am not goal oriented. People who are goal oriented dont seem too consider that a goal. But if I tell them my only goal is to "Serve", which really isn't lying, people generally don't give me any shit. So yeah, the only reason I don't off my self is so I can Serve. I will always have offing myself as an option, and as long as I know that I still have that choice, life is doable even when it shouldn't be

The girl I like just told me how she met some guy and she's spending his birthday with him :^)

I feel so good about myself right now :^)

I want to live indeffinitely and experience everything there is to experience before the inevitable heat death of the universe

Cant find an easy way even if i want die im a pussy that cant deal with pain.

too much of a pussy.

pull a columbine

Nah dawg I'd never hurt anyone. Just feeling crushed. Probably gonna drink a lot

The hope that this one girl will start liking me

>not lusting after that sweet immortality

Too much anime left

I'm still hoping to find the one.
I'm 26 now.
Is it to late?
My cat died and he was my only friend, so might as well.

>family I actually like

Did ya give him the old sankarea treatment

I own my life to those who surround me, it would be unfair of me to take myself out, even if the thing i want most is sleep forever.

The thought of being at my grandads funeral

I'm still not really here on Sup Forums. Mostly because I don't understand its purpose and I dislike the site.

The concept that God is an uncaring creator who designed us all as an audience for his splendor. Believing in that, I have a fear that death would be too good for us, that our final moments might be something of Zeno's paradox in which a split second becomes infinity. And there we are, with our problems, forever, powerless to stop our consciousness.

Bullets and a gun

I haven't killed myself yet, so let's see how much more fucked up this shit can get B)

Human survival instinct + guilt of traumatizing my loving parents if I do it

The impact it would have on my family.

I want to see certain people die before me. That is all.

Huge will to live. Can't explain it. I want to die, I'm really okay with it, I'm tired of all of this. But I just don't want to. There's this part of me that just says "naw" and keeps me from doing it.

Also Hamlet. Hamlet was a great play