Is abortion murder?

Is abortion murder?

FUCK no.


only if you consider eating an egg murder

who gives a fuck

Abortion is a built-in function of the human reproductive system.

So how is eating a chicken murder? You eat a chicken sandwich, but what about an unborn human?

Yes, but who cares? Most abortions are nigger babies anyway. win win right?

So you agree?

Murder, maybe.

Illegal? Not IMO

no, cause that answer gets moar pussy

I'm fine with calling it that as long as we call all forms of homicide murder even when its in warfare of self defense.

Got into this last night, too tired to do it again.

dude youre a massive pussy if youve never eaten a fetus sandwich


It isn't a person yet. A fetus is a tumor.

Is murder abortion?

no, i think it's fine.

And so is masturbation
Fuckin mass murderers the lot of ya

The Earth possibly believes the same of you.



Would you have aborted him?

> user.... don't be mad, but.... I was pregnant... and I aborted it.

Post yfw

It's a person-to-be

Their face, their height, their personality and everything is encoded at this point.

It's like a sick man living on life support that will be healthy soon and pulling his plug because it's'inconvenient' to have him thsre. Is that murder?

Yeah , abortion is murder. From a secular point of view


If abortion is murder, then why would they call it abortion. Wouldn't you just call it murder?

No, murder is not preventing the future, or you're saying that an egg is a chicken.

If one twin pinches off the other twins umbilical cord in the womb, is that twin lives born a murderer?

each sperm is a gamete that contains everything you've just mentioned, so every time you jerk off you are committing mass genocide. That's the secular point of view.

Depends who you ask


If you punched and pregnant women in the stomach and caused a miscarriage should you go to prison for murder. If the answer is yes then abortion is murder, if no then it's not

Stop feeling your opinions and start thinking.

Have you ever cracked a fertilized egg?

That looks like a fuckin chicken

That's a messy analogy there are two types of egg: unfirtilized and fertilized.

yes, abortion is a murder, just like breaking and egg with a tiny chick in it.

if fertilized then murder

This. I'm not saying it should be illegal, but women shouldn't be allowed to feel it's no big deal.

Well, if we have a good excuse for killing something, then we do not call that murder.
The question is what constitutes a good excuse.

Yes it is if the baby's heart has started beating but anything before that is no

holy shit

does literally EVERYONE think this? Eggs are eggs until they are sat on and warmed you retard.

Sperm are microorganism
Do you consider it murder to wash your hands?

sorry buddy consciousness is in the brain not the heart

Have you ever seen a woman pass an unfertilized egg. That looks like murder.

You're a retard. Sperm is haploid. It contains 23 chromosomes. A human body cell has 46 chromosomes. It isn't life until it fertilizes the egg and the zygote starts dividing.

I think it would depend on the pinchers intentions in that case.

Uh no you never took 6th grade biology. Eggs are fertilized by completing the chromosomes (male sperm + female egg)

But in your case an extra one was added because it's like you have Downs Syndrome

It's preventing a life of suffering. I wouldn't want to be born to parent(s) that don't want me.

How do I think independently of my feelings and opinions?

nice trips but seriously there's no way to tell the difference between a fertilized chicken egg and a "dud" until they are incubated

there are no "two" types of eggs.

somebody's triggered
The argument presented was that if it has the code for life it is murder - all cells, both diploid and haploid (such as gametes) contain this code, albeit to a lesser extent, but when you're killing literally hundreds of millions of sperm each time you nut it's mass murder by your argument.


>there are no "two" types
>you cant tell which type

Contradict much?

>Uh no you never took 6th grade biology. Eggs are fertilized by completing the chromosomes (male sperm + female egg)
>But in your case an extra one was added because it's like you have Downs Syndrome

Trips of motherfuckin' truth right there.

Yes but im ok with killing babys


Yeah. There needs to be a balance. The scales are always changing. Abortoins go way up when a country is at war, while at the same time, suicides go way down. I guess theres a way we managed to make it this far?

Thank you

Your definition is still not that good. With your post, you would call testicular cancer "life" that should not be aborted. Testicular cancer most of the time occurs, when rogue sperms connect to 46 chromosomes and start splitting. And by god, I would never call that life.


murder or not, I am pro-abortion. not because i'm edgy.

but because some situations require abortion.

a young single mother. rape. 'a mistake'.

these kinds of people will be on welfare forever.

Abortion is a NECESSITY in modern society. If you disagree, you're literally adding to the debt and the deficit (two distinctly separate things)..

It's not even remotely murder until the fetus can survive outside of the womb and then it's still debatable.

ALL animals are selective with their breeding. Your cute doggo wouldn't think twice about starving an unwanted pup.

when trump bans abortion...

you can expect Riots. what you've seen so far... are pathetic, pithy little 'protests'.

nationwide riots. many of the rioters will be republican.

so yes. ban abortion. we'll sit back with our popcorn and watch the nation BURN.


Pretty sure if you keep the guy chickens and the lady chickens away from each other you can tell whether or not an egg is fertilized

Is Sup Forums a porn website?

>So how is eating a chicken murder? You eat a chicken sandwich, but what about an unborn human?
I'm pretty sure if you kill something-yarn eat it it's murder. Actually, Ehehe eat then kill.

Everyone should try a California cheeseburger at least once.

Yes. But I genuinely would like to be convinced otherwise because I wouldn't feel so horrible about 308,000 murders a year.



Yup. Adult abortions are next, starting with the liberals

Spawkilling is frowned upon, but it's not against the rules.


abortion is a sure way to keep my stomach full


Conservatives would never do that, their for-profit prisons need their money

It murders my wallet for damn sure!

Mmm, the double double.


I can't be the only one who's edgy enough to actually eat the unborn. They taste good breaded and fried. Like a little pork tenderloin


fetus feel no pain

and even if it did plants feel pain and we don't call agriculture murder now do we?

fetus not person

Intentional abortion has been a part of human existence as long as humans have existed. It is a fact of human life that will always fluctuate in frequency, no matter what we do or do not call it, due to variables beyond the control of any one sense of morality or singular understending.


what if murder is a good thing?

Oh shit. Nevermind. Thought l was on Sup Forumsfor a sec.

But its yummy

Yeah, good point user.

>how is eating a chicken murder

And a genetically identical twin to its placenta.


Abortion is not murder because:

1) The soul enters the baby during birth
2) Until the baby is born, it is actually a parasite on the mother. Abortions should only be illegal if the baby can survive on its own outside the womb. The mother should have the right to kick the baby out at any time. If you don't believe this, read why human females have periods once a month as opposed to other mammals. Spoiler: its summary its because the mother and the fetus actually have an adversarial relationship

Yes it is. Fucking disgusting.

I agree. It's a gross developing bird, but it's not as gross as abortion.




Yes, and nice dubs. People who say otherwise are needlessly trying to change society to their own ends. Why can't they just leave well enough alone?


So if your mom aborted you and you never lived to write your comments on Sup Forums about how wonderful abortion is, that means that you wouldn't have been murdered?

Of course there are two types of "egg". The unfertilized ovum and the fertilized zygote. Just because you can't see the difference doesn't mean it isn't there.