Wake up

>wake up
>se dis
wat do Sup Forums?

Ignore it and allow it to get on with its cockroach eating business.

release my load on it

What you say is correct, user.

That thing is real?

shit myself not cuz ill be scared of it but cuz ill have to wake myself up and manage to kill it before it hide between tell layers of furniture and it will waste 15min of my life to find and kill it

ive killed a little one before, i sprayed it down with a bottle of windex, and it took literally 20+ sprays until it wasnt moving

the picture is on my phone tho.

hey that's pretty gud

Poke it and let it wiggle away like a little wave.


Get a shoe and kill it


Burn down house

Put my shoes on my hands and exterminate with extreme prejudice. I don't give a shit if it's harmless or not, it's fucking creepy.

turn 180 degrees and moonwalk away

Offer brother-bug ome of mine oats

this shit is as harmfull as an ant could be yet it looks so fucking scary in a human mind. its all about the brain, have u ever seen a cow go mad shit if that shit was crawling on it. no, its all about the mind. i would bet my mate 20$ that i would catch it with bare hands then be called a hero



scream out loud like a little bitch

Thats a god damn facehugger

Eat it for protein, get gains

Man unless you got sun spiders, kiss my ass

be scared but i will definitly burn it with FIRE!

eat it

Go back to sleep

Its a silverfish.
Yes they exist outside of Minecraft.

Its a house centipede

No it isn't. This is a silverfish.

your welcome

Evolutionary ancestor?

>Wonder how the fuck has my house teleported to australia
>Kill it with raid, window spray and bleach
>Pack my things
>Leave that fucking place

Scream "He will not divide us!" at it
