Uppsala police statement over the Facebook Live gang rape: they carefully avoid to mention that the rapists were Muslim...

Uppsala police statement over the Facebook Live gang rape: they carefully avoid to mention that the rapists were Muslim Immigrants.
Since opening their borders in the 1960’s to mass third world immigration, Sweden went from a quiet and peaceful country to the rape capital of the West.


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Cultural enrichment comes at a steep price.


What They're NOT Telling You About Sweden:

They didn't say it because it doesn't matter.

Nice graphic. I can do those too. Except I usually write where I got my numbers instead of inventing them.



KNOWLEDGE, $47 in my bank account

this is so funny. look up what year the sex laws surrounding rape was changed. Realise that the skyrocketing is on exactly that year, kek

Well, one of the guys was a christian Iranian-Armenian, so I guess they weren't all muslim. They were all immigrants though.

Enligt brottsförebyggande rådet (BRÅ) är "det inte möjligt att bedöma och jämföra de faktiska nivåerna av våldsbrott ... mellan länderna". BRÅ menar att ökningen i Sverige till stor del förklaras av förändringar i sexualbrottslagstiftningen som trädde i kraft den 1 april 2005 som innebar en bredare rättslig definition av våldtäkt än i andra länder med lägre krav på tvång, och även inkluderar vissa brott som tidigare klassificerades som sexuellt utnyttjande[förtydliga]. Dessutom har polisen börjat registrera alla misstänkta och upprepade våldtäkter med separata polisrapporter. BRÅ hävdar att jämförelser baserade på offerundersökningar placerar Sverige på en genomsnittlig nivå bland europeiska nationer.[31]

Samecucking this hard

are you retarded?

The rape incidence jumped up when the law changed, but that has nothing to do with the fact that the immigrants in Sweden are more prone to rape women than Swedish men are.

Also one of the rapesandniggers look eerily like David Batra.

The change in definition according to the law happened in 2005. That does not explain the rise the last few years.

U think that the factor of the rapists binding them together is "immigrant"?

Not poor, bad mental health and such?

>tfw I live in Uppsala

Den 1 juli 2013 utvidgades våldtäktsbegreppet ytterligare till att även omfatta passiva offer.

they obv changed the law every time the "crimes committed" goes up

En jämförelse mellan flera olika EU-länder publicerad av Brå visar att Sverige generellt har legat på eller något över genomsnittet för de undersökta länderna, men att andelen utsatta för våldtäkt har ökat i den senaste undersökningen från 2005.[uppdatering behövs][37] Vilket är samma år som skärpningen av våldtäktslagen trädde i kraft. Brå menar att Sverige inte alls ligger högt när det kommer till våldtäkter trots att Sverige har en lagstiftning som är hårdare än i flertalet andra EU-länder när det kommer till synen på våldtäkt.[38] En EU-studie från 2009 menar dock att det är sannolikt att det sker fler våldtäkter i Sverige än i övriga Europa och att detta i hög grad beror på Sveriges ungdomskultur, alkoholkultur och sexualkultur. Tidig sexualdebut, hög alkoholkonsumtion, ”fri sexualitet” och ”rätten till ett sent nej” ger helt enkelt fler våldtäkter

Its such a rape epidemic that only alt right conspiracy theory dipshit websites are reporting on it right? LOL, these bigoted dumbasses will believe anything from Breitbart. Literally anything.

They are born in Sweden.
One of them went to same kindergarten as me.
Their parents are from Armenia and they are Christian.

Armenia is not even considered a part of the middle east.

I live how you svenssons always try to blame middle east, immigrants or muslims for everything. It is time tl realize you are just racist pieces of shit.

It is not about religion anymore. It is clearly their skin color that triggers you.

And it triggers us dark skinned as well. Looking forward to fight you racists on the streets.

Come to Gothenburg and lets meet in real life. Not behind a screen. And i will show you what cucks swedish guys are.

Ni e alltid stora i käften men nu fan har ni nått gränsen. Alla keyboard warriors på flashback och fria tider osv.

Kom ut och visa er istället så får vi se vem som är starkast. Om ni törs. Ni tjatar så jävla mycket skit.

Try looking at the date of the immigration act. the graph is made with swedens crime statistics. mkay.


anybody got the video

Yeah technically their iq is that at the range of someone who is mentally retarded.

>It is clearly their skin color
No its the fact that they are violent unproductive untermenschen, gj you triggered me.


if they by year 2005 changed to include alot lesser crimes than rape as rape i dont understand how you can argue about anything. Ofc the statistics will show "more rape"

Remember when White Christian colonialists immigrated from Europe to N.America and raped the Native Americans into extinction?

Rant about how ppl hate him for his skin, goes own with spiting on the host country and starts to threaten ppl from behind his screen.

You nigger go back.

anybody got the fucking video

Självklart inga vapen. Bara knytnävar. 1 mot 1.

Kom ut och visa er. Ni hittar mig i mölndal. Nämn ett ställe att träffas på. Plats och datum. Har tröttnat läsa massa svenssons inlägg på nätet. Ni e fan rasister. Inget annat. Vi alla vet det handlar om hudfärg nu.

Att ni fortfarande har fördomar 2017. Nu fan får vi andra ta och läxa upp er en gång för alla. 2017 kommer bli ett låååångt år.

Svenska mön våldtar minst lika mycket i thailand. Har ni varit i thailand nån gång? Skulle inte tro det. Har själv varit vittne i domstol där borta då jag såg 2 helsvenska män våldta en brud.

Är alla svenskar, kristna och vita våldtäktsmän för det? Självklart inte.

Hagamannen och lasermannen är svenska. Är alla som dom? Nej.

Anton lundin petersson då? Är alla som han? Den enda svenska terroristen.

Varför är plötsligt alla mörkhyade så då? Ni e så sjuka i huvudet. Har fan tröttnat på tjat via nätet. Antingen e ni trolls eller hjärndöda. Kom ut och visa er lite då om ni törs. Bakom skärm kan alla snacka skit. Ni e fags ni som inte visar er.

i love how middle eastern you are

I would shove my cock so far up your ass that your faggot Muslim moustache would tickle my bell end. Why do niggers stink and Muslims look like the overweight product of a toddler fight. Now fuck off

>It's not their skin color, it's all of the negative values that I attribute to people whom I consider to be subhuman, who coincidentally happen to have a different skin color
>racism is a made up concept with no value

Holy mental gymnastics, Batman

Then how come the peak is still rising? There ould have been one peak when the laws changed and it would continue being a linerar line, it is expanding. the only other factor is the expanding immigrant numbers and 2e generation muds that start to add to that crime.

Not working. Everyone knows they are Muslim. Because 2 seconds in Google you'll find pictures

You think if the media tried to cover up tryvon nigga and Mike Brown that people wouldn't be able to find out they were nigs?

Eventually it'll turn around. Hell I think even queen cuck herself Merkel said immigration didn't work so well

Btw this isn't the first time white people were being attacked and such by non whites. But yet we still stand. After genocides. Wars. Conquests. And so on

Hell more whites died killing other whites and both world wars than your Muslim problem

Only problem is when it'll happen. It may happen in your life. OR 50+ years from now. But if you think it's the end you haven't been reading your history

Assuming they teach history and not "whites be bad yo"

The swedish gov gagged the shit out of that one.


So even if its true its racism, making the word completely valueless.

ok, thanks breh

we are not talking history, faggot. remember when Genghis Khan raped every woman in his path? would you judge modern mongolians by that?

Yeah zuckererg is bating at it

Tror ni att SD kommer att kunna åtgärda dessa problem om dem skulle vinna nästa val, eller är det för sent?

I wish I had a list of white slaves. White genocides. And white counties being invaded

As well as whites vs white wars. The black plague. And so on

Yes it's annoying and disturbing but more and more people dislike it. People are not pleased with immigration. Most polls show a heavy decrease in pro immigration (since sadly it took rapes. Crime. And no positives to do so)

Hell again eventually something will happen. Worst you might lose Sweden and/or Germany before things turn around and level out. OR maybe Hitler/Stalingiganigga3000 will just genocide Muslims

Det e knappast vi som startar nätfighter.

Ni snackar så in i helvete på nätet. När man väl vill träffa er irl då backar ni ut och säger "ooo kolla blatt3n, så våldsam han är! Han vill bråka!!!!"

Driver ni med mig? Är född i sverige och har säkert bott här längre än er. Är 24 nu.

Sluta snacka skit och gör något irl istället. Ni e så rädda att visa era bleka ansikten irl. Sitt framför datorn i en källsre i 10 år och snacka skit..men så fort vi ber er gå ut och säga sånt face-to-face backar ni och kommer på ursäkter och kallar oss barnsliga. Jahahahahqhh

Ni e definitionen av fags.
Och vi alla vet det e sant.

Innerst inne vet du jag har rätt. Men go ahead.... kom på fler ursäkter

But-t the blurring makes them look white user.
And that is the only pictures they get in sweden, even the internet is regulated there. they are like opposite nazis.

I want it too

White skin and bright eyes has been receding, you are almost dead and extinct.


But when KHAN and white people invaded I don't think Thier enemies fucking let them in and said "don't be racist"

Also American Indians were harder to fight and win against than the Brits. They were a fucking force. Say what you want but the Indians had some balls. Unlike cucks who say "don't be racist lol"

Jobbigt att denna typ av brott kommit ut till allmänheten?

Nu kommer du ju aldrig få ligga

>Hagamannen och lasermannen är svenska. Är alla som dom? Nej.
Kanskje det hadde vært bedre om flere var som dem.

>Genghis Khan
his line has higher iq on avg, higher them the sand nigger lines, im good with that one. and better to rape then murder every one like the hans did.

Your gf is unconscious and you need to get help you have to pick someone to watch over her while you get help.

1. A muslim
2. A murican.
3. An african.
4. A russian

You dont want her to be raped which one do you choose?

Känske bädre om du kör upp lite wienerbrö o en pölse i din röv o håller käft

Native americans took up arms against the us army and they were murdering traveling settlers. what is next you are going to suggest that the crusades where not defensive wars.

That's your problem nigger lover

To you white + black doesn't equal grey to you its "non white/black"

If you act like mixed fucks are 100% non white and not just 50/50 then you are fucking retarded

Honestly you don't call white+black paint "black". You don't call coffee with cream in it "cream"

Fucking idiot.

felknullade jävla arabneger, hoppas du åker på lasermannen

>You dont want her to be raped

Oh okay that changes things.

Muslim would gang rape with buddies

Nigger would touch her and take pics and send to his friends

Murican would touch her and draw dicks on her while downing a beer

Russian would take her off to be a drugged up slut

Å, så sinna! Ble du provosert nå?

man you need to study some history before typing.

What are recessive genetics for 300 alex.

There wont be a swedish chromosome left in 4 generations.

>White skin and bright eyes has been receding

so is the average IQ

Vita har gjort mest terror på jorden. Kolla tillbaka hur många år som helst. Vita har alltid varit mest aggressiva. Kolla tillbaka tusentals eller hundratals år. Ända fram tills idag har vita och KRISTNA mördat och våldtagit folk.

Betyder det atta alla är så? Nej. Verkligen inte.

Men så fort en lite mörkhyad snubbe gör nåt så får alla muslimer, mellanöstern folk och alla mörkhyade skit för det hahahah. Otroligt.

Är ateist btw och har aldrig varit religiös. Samma gäller mina föräldrar
De e från iran.

Så att dra islamkortet funkar inte på mig. Bryr mig personligen inte om religion.

Men kom ut och visa er lite. Hade varit kul att se er keyboard warriors. Ni har nog mer skägg än mig. Era neckbeards

another video of raped lol

För i helvete, det är ju sådana som du som saboterar ryktet för blattar i hela jävla Sverige.
Att ni inte kan lösa någon konflikt utan att behöva bråka, som du skriver så bråkar du ju hellre än att bete dig som en civiliserad människa och prata.
Inte undra på att ingen vill ha er här när ni bara ska ställa till det.

No you need to get your ass of the reservation and walk in to a library.

Natives attacked ppl, the great tribe named us army came and conquered the lands according to the same war traditions as the natives had..

Dont be a sore loser pocahonto

Indeed. the slightest admixture kills iq.

tl dw

Har försökt vara civiliserad med sånna nättroll tidigare och det funkar bara inte. Du har 0 koll på vem jag är. Att säga att jag tröttnat på deras tjat och träffa dom irl är det inget fel på.

Säg åt judarna att snacka civiliserat med nazister. Det e precis samma sak.

The x-axis are not on the same scale....

Only thing to read out of this is that black and hispanic neighbourhoods are poor...

Just pointing out its embarrassing when people who dont know about stuff talk about it.
Youre way too upset.

Look at you muslim cunt trying to lure user out of his house so you and your gang bang bus can fuck him up. holy fuck batman. why do you fucks put up with that shit.

Im trying to prove a point that racists are nothing but cucks and fags that hide behind a little screen.

Stupid cunt, still reads the same.
It is so off scale they had to adjust it to fit the graph.

Eyes don't mix shades faggot. Skin color does

That's why white+black kids don't come out nigger black or cracker white

Eyes don't have shades. OR if they do it's rare. Same with hair

Damn you're still trying to cuck people. Shut up. If everyone's mixed (like your cucktopian future) it means everyone's equally ruined/saved because genes recessive or dominant will remain. Hell it's possible for kids to have blonde hair due to grandparents having blonde hair. And so on

Also dark hair isn't non white. And brown eyes too. But if you think all whites need to be blue eyes+blonde hair then you only set yourself up for failure.

So you consider a half breed half white, You disgust me lefty.

>They didn't say it because it doesn't matter.

>rants about iq
>posts misleading graphs

mfw when OP dosent understand statistics

Big talk from the bloke doing just that.

im not the one who lost the war against the us army, your ancestors lost that war.
Ow and how is it rape when pocahontas ho`s her self out to the white man?

That's like me saying. Only good humans are
Blue eyes
6 foot 5 (no more or less)
Blood type A

And if you say that's the only true white male then you just legit fucked yourself. The more filters. The more problems

It sounds like you are a untermensh and that the racist is absolutely right to be racist.
Considering you are a piece of garbage and all.

Grejen är att det är det som är fel, nättroll säger du. Att vela slå skiten ur någon som trollar dig PÅ NÄTER är ju så patetiskt att det inte finns. Vanligtvis struntar man i det, men uppenbarligen så är du ju oerhört känslig.

Och att jämföra det med nazister och judar. Du verkar ju uppenbarligen inte veta hur man jämför saker och ting. Nazisterna dödade 6 miljoner judar. En sådan konflikt har aldrig inträffat så vitt jag vet mellan svenskar och muslimer.

there are plenty of IQ charts out there regarding race and IQ.

Nigger i dont give a fuck up skin tone, it goes brain deep, instinct deep intellect deep compassion deep ability deep.

And there is such a thing as them being inbreds with dominate genes that will genocide the non inbred European genes.

There is no mixing, one of the chromosomes gets picked, the other dies with only affecting alles..

What else would it be. Black/non white. How does that fucking work

Yellow + red is what. To you its either red or orange. And not something else/equal.

That's your problem cuck nigger lover. You pit whites up against every non white. Instead of every race vs evey race

Hell people think whites only making up 45-50% of America in some years is bad for whites but fail to know non whites are Latinos. Blacks. Asians. Indians. Muslims. And other. you fail to s you that whites are still a majority. Dumb ass. Learn basic fucking math

Graph isnt misleading, you just dont understand graphs because you are a nigger with a proto human brain.

ah yes, that time the US invaded Finland

No its more like, niggers and sandniggers are the scum of the earth and not worthy the air they breath.

>There is no mixing, one of the chromosomes gets picked, the other dies with only affecting alles..

You're literally retarded. You make white people seem weak with your "omg it's not 10000% Arian raced. Reeeeee"

Damn you're fucking stupid. How many black dicks do you suck a day? My post number is the number of black dicks you suck faggot cucktard

6'2 is the correct height and AB+ is the best blonde type.

>Latinos. Blacks. Asians. Indians. Muslims. And other.
Those all have isolated population groups that are not being genocide d by racemixing.

My bloodtype is white

You are irrational and angry why don't you just go attack some random white person.

>talks about race posts table on Iq and Nationality

mfw retard commits more retard-fucjery to try and cover their retardiness