Populism wins

Populism wins

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So how is populism different to democracy?

Awful image. Abe populism? FN is not the biggest party.

Nationalism = abe

What about the leftist populists.

we need the world revolution

If there was a revolution, I would train like Goku or One Punch Man to kill socialist faggots like you

wait 4 years. the pendulum swings.

these idiots are young, they thing the right will be in power for a long time.

teenager detected

>Thinking Socialism is a good idea
>Calling me a teenager


you are retarded slave of the Bourgeoisie

do you know the difference between socialism and communism for a start? 90% of the literate faggots like you dont know this

"Wilders biggest party" lmao shit tier quality bait


I think ill stay in Australia where we sit nice and quiet and dont involve ourselves in stupid shit. Also pauline hanson is a hero shes the only one with balls to stand up and condemn muslims. The rest sit there and try and tell us islam is good. nah thanks.

populist are the ones i dont like

lol shut up

Bolsonaro has no chances in Brazil, just so you know.

Socialism just doesn't work. It's a meme system at best.

I hope so, he is more like a meme for retarded people...

>we need the world revolution

What an idiot.
Pictured are the worlds worst collection of liars, thieves, and mass murders.
Your revolution is a revolution of death...
go fuk yerself

It's true, coalition will defeat him though

Germany is a "progressive"'s wet dream.

Media and political mainstream keep all opinions in the "democratic spectrum", which starts at socialists + green party, and ends with Merkel's CDU.

I'm not joking, we have no oppositional movement. God help.

People still think this. Fuck my life. Cold War propaganda is the most efficient brainwashing I've ever seen.

fuck off to east Europe then, full of fucking right wing neo Nazis... also crap hole places

How do you like your police and fire services? Your roads and infrastructure? Public schools? Social security?

I could go on the thousands of ways america uses socialist policies alongside capitalist like the rest of the western world.

In canada we have health care.. Like one out of a thousand more social policies than you have.

Not only is not not radical or evil, but you live in it every day and you yourself would be protesting if they took some of the policies away because youve now taken them as a given.


... but we know what the poorly educated conservative kids on here will say

name one socialist empire that worked, Comrade
i grown up in socialism u fucking cocksucker starbucks fag

Just becasue it wins, doesn't mean it's right lol... The best solution is a fucking Technocracy or alloting votes according to the big four IQ areas.

Socialism is just another spin on authoritarianism.
A trump movement, that's what we need. A spirit that embraces human freedom.

they r neonazis maybe bcoz there were socialism

The USSR, for one.

But let me guess, you don't know anything about its history besides "Stalin killed a bunch of people and it dissolved in the 90s" right?

Read a fucking book.

>Socialism is just another spin on authoritarianism.
Read a fucking book.


>thinking populism = right wing
>who are Tsipras, Podemos, Maduro and Beppe Grillo
You are part of this shitshow.

>implying I've never read a book
>implying people who read can't believe that those who earn the money know better how to allocate resources than a bloated government
I've lost your train of thought somewhere.

>Read a fucking book
>never lived under a socialist government
There were two types of cars where I grew up: white and green. You had to wait years to even have a chance of getting one. And they cost a fortune.

british empire was socialist, we basically invented socialism

Strache did not almost win. Get your facts straight you piece of shit.

And they were two-stroke all the way to 1989.
I mean, the USSR managed to feed their population for the most part, so maybe they were onto something. Probably not.

I don't think it means what you think it means.

I'd say that it's left-wing populists loosing support because they're liberal faggots and crooks ruining the economy of their country, and now they're calling right-wing populists.
That's why left-wing were ruling pretty much everywhere in Europe, in USA, because they were populists telling people that they'll have high social, free healthcare, education and stuff. People in general love free stuff. That's destroying the economy.
But what do I know, I come from slav country, ruled by commies, then anti-commies, then ex-commies that said that anti-commies were bad, then liberal frauds and now catholic-commies that say they're anti-commies.

Embracing freedom by building walls, trying to force another country to pay for it, and attempting to censor publicly funded scientists from presenting their findings without first checking with PR.
Yeah, freedom...

>Retarded enough to believe anyone thinks those are free.
Citation, please.

In Hanson's case 4 senate seats is fuck all in the scheme of Australia's governmental system and she didn't win them all her party did.
We're still a fairly heavily conservative government

The voting age needs to be raised to about 25 years of age at least and that's still an immature age. The human brain doesn't fully develop until about 21-23 years of age.

Playing hookie from high school, boy? If you were my son I would beat you. And if you're cute I'd fuck your boipucci, little boy.

>Establishes brain development is finished around 23
>Still says 25 is still too immature, despite implying that they aren't.

This, desu.

>implying reaching the age of 25 makes a person automatically mature
>implying 30, 40, 50 year olds can't be immature

I've proven my point. I think we're done here.

I think a better idea is to have a competency test. As most people would fail.

People are unbelievably stupid.

The British Empire. But I'm sure you'll blame the collapse on Socialism itself rather than two WWs.

You're the one who implied maturity was related to their age, dick head.
I think I've proven my point. We're done here.

A sort of test + That way, children with high IQs won't be able to vote until they reach the hypothetical voting age of 25. So it would only allow voters who are competent and mature. The test needs to test for IQ, maturity, psychological profile, a host of things.

The thesis of my point here: is that the human brain doesn't fully develop yet, so we now have voters with undeveloped brains voting. This is a problem. I only mentioned the age is immature. There are very few mature people under 18 though. But not all people over 18 are mature. THAT is my point.




Look for how it says the brain doesn't develop until mid-twenties, some even use the age of "25" is when the brain fully develops, the age I proposed to allow voting rights. Give or take a few years, because some individuals' genetics are better than others.

Socialism would be a giant leap backwards, tho

Ok said it once in this thread will say it again...

Western civilisation all use a capitalist socialist combo...

Even america.. You have and use socialist policies every day and enjoy a capitalist system alongside it... Your roads infrastructure schools 911 services social security employment insurance and wellfare are all socialist policies..

Socialism is any time the government uses tax dollars to provide a service or good to its own people...

The republicans made socialism a bad word so that if they want to oppose anything thatll cost them more money they have to scream socialism so they can keep over paying senators and bailing out wall street..

No tax increase even necessary. Universal post secondary education for example would cost each tax payer 33 dollars a year, money the government already has and can dish out if they just manage their money better.

They dont even need to cut military like most libbies say because military spending though insanely huge only accounts for like 2% of the gdp.

Health care, education, legally required paid vacations... Peanuts to them.

You can agree and disagree all you want on what social policies are necessary and id consider it subjective and not really argue with you but stop screaming socialism bad because its not and you dont even know what it is.

Youd be on the streets protesting yelling "muh tax dollars" if they stopped repairing your roads or charged tuition for elementary school or scrapped the fire department. You live in, love, and take for granted socialism already..