How much cocain should a 80kg, 1m83cm take for his first time...

How much cocain should a 80kg, 1m83cm take for his first time ? Considering he doesnt even smoke cigarettes or do any drugs.

What is an absolute no-no to mix it with ? Could he drink a little ?

On the internet he can only see fags talking about lines like its an accurate measure, he wont be carrying a scale so, how to know how much to take ?

Also, he reads a lot of things in the "after", if he takes it on a saturday, will it interfere with his capacities to work on monday ?

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Drinking may feel good with coke, but is WAYYYY more toxic than it on its own. (Even if you can handle a bit, your chance of acting up, or getting a heart attack is WAY more thna it on its own.)

> I wouldn't recomend it....

Or, you could not be a fucking dipshit and not take it. Just a thought.

You fucking degenerate.

It's coke. You can't measure it out like it's a fucking pill. Just do a little line, see how it feels and increase as necessary. Purity/potency vary with street drugs and you either need to know what you're getting or test it.

Fuck off

Line it up and sniff, figure the rest out when its all too late like a fucking man... ok

>How much cocain should a 80kg, 1m83cm take for his first time ?

instead of cocain buy LEGOs and build trains.

everything will be better.
plus, you'll have some trains to play with.

pic totall related.

I created 2 jobs, got a master of science and work in the sustainability engineering industry. Maybe I am just curious and want to try it safely for a night ?

Dont listen to that nigga man.

Do what the fuck you want just use ya brain

>"little line"

Like half of what is in the OP's pic ?

Not sure what its like in yank land but make sure its good.

In the uk you aint getting anything thats near real coke for less than £75 -100.

>inb4 you dont need to spend that much
>inb4 i get sick grams off my mate for £20

A couple drinks goes great with a few lines,its only dangerous if you have a weak faggot heart.

I'll pay 80, I live in the Netherlands and its extremely good quality shit straight from Rotterdam apparently. Or maybe I'm just being scammed

about three fiddy

I use a lot of caffeine as pre-workout, I do some cardio too and survived 400mg of caffeine and a wild sex session (my heart didnt like it).

As much as humanly possible. Don't be a pussy, OP.

>I created 2 jobs, got a master of science and work in the sustainability engineering industry
And you want to ruin it all.
>Maybe I am just curious and want to try it safely for a night ?
It could be one night. Or stay with you forever.


WTF , I see stoner thread all the time , I talk about cocain and 3/4 of the thread are teenagers telling me how It will change my life forever.

Its hard these days with so many new highs being created.

So much coke these days is methadrone mix or some other shit.

Its hard to know, but i can usually tell by the type of rush.

For me good coke is a chil rush where i feel within myself still.

Drone makes me sweat like a peadophile in a nursery and like im crawling out my own skin.

if it doesnt look like an alligator's tail, then youre a pussy!

Slice out 2 .25g lines, one each side. Enjoy.

Thats the way to go.
OPs such a fag, fkkkk nice b8 9gag shit. Fkkkkk, these questions maan

It's not just a plant, its a chemical that requires a cooking process, it's literally engineered to make you addicted. Of course you'll like it, that's the point.

You start by experimenting, then you realize the next day you are fine. Everything feels good, you have a new experience under your belt and your life is better. So you start considering other options. Soon you reason you can buy a little coke here and there. Then instead of working towards something new, you stay focused on when you can reasonably do some more coke. Friends and social ties start slowly slipping away and before long your life is all about getting more coke. Coke gets too expensive because you haven't moved up in your job at all and you start hating it. You'll either quit your job or get fired, then you'll switch over to Heroin because it's cheaper and your experience with Coke had been "great" so surely you can handle a different one. Then you are out of work for a few years and doing some fucked up shit just to be able to afford your next fix.

But it's cool because you got your shit together and you are going to enjoy a chemical engineered to be addictive, one and done right? said everyone that's ever gone through a painful addiction.

Stick with pot OP.

1g, and you can always combine coke with even more coke.

just start with a key bump. if you've never done it you will definitely feel it but you will be fine

at your size you'd have to do a few grams to run a chance of an overdose.

so just buy 1 and have a fun night

erowid is your friend, not Sup Forums

a snorted a lot of Coce the first Time, but i havent felt anything....

Well thats your perspective.

Ive done coke multiple times and left it as long as i want... Ive been on a binge one night, had my friend binging the next night and i didnt touch it at all even while he was doing it infront of me.

Maybe im just stronger than most in the mind but its not exactly like the way you paint it is the way it is for everyone.

You are using a polar example to scare someone.

Use the shorter end of your creditcard or whatever card you gonna use to measure

OP was definitely a faggot today

I'm sure there will be way less coke than you'll want

>"engineered" to make you addicted lol

Like ANYTHING that triggers a dopamine release? Good food. Sex. Vidya. Right, you wanted to sound smart with your big post. ok kid.

What's it like to be 5?


Yeah, I'm addicted. Every time I see it I get goosebumps and want it. But I'm not going to buy fucking white powedered gold. I'm not retarded that shits hella expensive. I'm VERY glad I have this experience

fuck me if this happened to you

you are one weak minded faggot

OP here, thing is I can afford cocain easily.

Its a heavy drug. Dont take too mucht. 0.5 gr would be sufficient. Also, First burst is the best: i suggest that you start with a bigger amount then you take less. Take one line, same size as a thoot-stick. Then wait one minut. You should feel a drop of acid taste in the back of your throat. If the amount make you swallow its good, if not take a litlebit more. Like half a thoot-stick.

Also: do bot take it alone, it is a social drug. My favourite places are nice bar where you can move, talk and where music is not as loud as in club.

Well shit, guess it depends on how much of a jew you are. It's really really good, like obviously so good that you automatically know it's dangerous. But some faggots think it's ok to feel good in their life. If you feel good, your shits probably getting fucked over. But that's just my world view

Thank you, these are clear instructions. I will be taking it with a friend, snort it on her ass actually. She will take just a little .

listen to this user ....i did

welp, by that post I can clearly see that you are drain bamaged.

listen up metric fag
>half your body weight should do the trick

Fuck coke. Seriously. Shitty, fucked-up, rat-in-a-barrel drug. Makes you excited over nothing, you're chattering away like a chick over nothing, the high, such as it is, doesn't last long and it costs a fucking arm and a leg.

The only good thing I have to say about coke is WELL AT LEAST IT ISN'T SPEED.

*AVOID* coke. Seriously. Nothing but bad news.

0.5g??? What the fuck dude??

Man people can be really fucking stupid in the internet.

A) OP should not ask here. OP should learn to fucking google.
B) Depending on the purity your stupid ass should take 0.1g first AT MOST.
C) People, who can't study things online from real sources first should never do drugs, because they are the idiots who die.

It's better try start carefully because you can always do more, but never less once you have taken some amount.

Part of me wants you to get addicted bad and end up sucking cock for cash in an alley. Go ahead and do that


Was looking for a drug related thread for some wisdom, sorry to infect your thread with my irrelevant question.

I've been on Ritalin for a while now (methylphenidate?) now, i use about 20mg every 4 hours and feel on my feet all day.

The end of every day however, imposes a problem for me. If i stop taking it around 20:00 i can sleep around 1:00, but i rebound very hard emotionally and get lost in thoughts about very dark parts of my life. If i retake around 20:00 i have less trouble streaming my thoughts but often have trouble getting into sleep.

Also, sometimes my heart goes mad, which will make me stress and measure my heartrate the entire day. Are irregulations in your heartache a warning, or will i live?

The thing about coke is, if you insufflate ("snort") heavily danced-upon shit, like 1/2 baby laxative or whatever cut is popular these days and you figure you know your way around, chopping out 4" long line AND THEN YOU GET YOUR CLAWS ON SOME PHARMA GRADE COKE it can kill you DEAD.

Remember Len Bias? The college player who was going to have a great basketball career? And who did too much coke one night at a party and DIED? Getting the picture?

Don't do drugs that can kill you. "Death by misadventure" is how the Brits term such unfortunate ends.

If you're really an old ass adult settled in a career and not looking to get crazy on it then I'd suggest doing "bumps" of it initially to see how it feels for you. If you haven't done any drugs, odds are you're gonna puss out on this after the "pain" hits the inside of your nose and you taste the drip. Snort little mounds or bumps and do one every 5 or 10 min until you feel pleasantly buzzing. Proceed how you see fit.

If you're wondering about dosage because you don't want to get it wrong, don't freak out. You're not gonna take so much that you OD by over-pouring lines a little. And you can't take so much that you can't "handle" the drug like with a psychedelic. You either take too little and don't feel it or like you had a few cups of coffee, or you take too much and maybe have to sit down with a racing heart.

It is cut mostly with "speed" now-a-days. You're lucky to get 60% pure. All in all, it IS speed.

take a thinnish line half the length of your pinky to start, and go from there. If you have work the next day, just don't take anymore two hours before you'd nor,ally go to bed. That way you want have any problems.

u must do all uve got ...then go get more!

depends where you buy the coke, atleats where i am from, the dealers have to compete so the quality is gone up quite a lot

> survive 400mg of caffeine
that is not even much faggot
if that was hard, just don´t do it

u can eat it or stick it up ur as then moar moar moar

not true is cuted with ur moms period

1 same line like on the pic, you can make it thinner for the first time.
Line on the pic are at good size.

Don't listen to this guy. Coke makes you able to drink more. And fuck longer if you can get your dick hard.

I just got into coke and nothing beats a few lines and viciously fucking for three-four hours straight.
Especially if you got some bud to throw into the mix

In the Netherlands you can get your drugs tested anonymously, you know that right? For example at jellinek

One thing, OP...
Do NOT mix it with any benzodiazepines. (Valium, Xanax, klonopin, Ativan, ect.)
Had friends die that way

Just buy maybe a half gram and do a little bit at a time. See how you feel. Don't mix with anything though, especially alcohol. I woke up in jail last time I did that.

Jesus christ go fuck youself and just dont even drug

Do the world a favor and go to reddit you fucking kike.

What the Fuck are you talking about.

1St of all there is no SET amount.

2ndly you sure as shit dont know what its cut with.

If you're a big faggot and afraid of it, dont do it.

I have done coke about 10 or so times.
It can be amazing but overall its too expensive and only fuggs you up for a couple hours. Unless you got a bit laying around or you have some good shit it really isn't worth it.

just take a toke, and slam a bottle of cheap wine and feel good about yourself user. there is never too much too much, friend.

multiply your weight by 2.25 and convert to grams, 80*2.25=180grams, you can add some flour to the pipe so it doesnt smoke so much, don't forget to not swallow it!


as an ex-addict don't do it man don't ever even try for once or there is never enough coke for a man who wants to get cheese...

Is it good shit, most coke is only like 10-20% cocaine hcl and mostly meth and street mixers. I would only do like 200mg or 1/5th of a gram bag to start. Cut it into 4 lines, do 1 then another 5 or 10 mins later, dont go past 300mg and have a xanax with you in case you start to have a bad high, it will calm you down a bit.
Also just try and get really good coke from a trusted friend or supplier or just clean your coke with methods found online.

OP, dont ever start on cocaine. Its fun and gets a habbit way to fast, at first its just for fun and later on it its needed when u are getting a little drunk to get the extra boost. Coke is nothing, just an expensive party drug, you should rather go for psychedelics, thats usefull and non addictive

If you have glass cups, nail polish remover and coffee filters around, I'd suggest dissovling the coke in one glass with the nail polish (add incrementally until nothing else will dissolve) , run it through the filter to get out the sludge, and dry it out on a plate. Get the pure shit.

After that have a tiny bit. give it 5, and re dose as required.