Why do French people pronounce their "r"s in such a fucked up way?

Why do French people pronounce their "r"s in such a fucked up way?

No one else does that throat noise.

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tu tens algum problema com o R do português?


Sometimes krauts do, and the French r can sound different depending on the region

Arabic has the french "r" and the normal r as separate consonants

*cough **cough* u started to trigger Mah jungle fever. Picrelated

Não gosto muito do R de rabo desu

Thats why we use 1 r for normal phonemes and 2 rs for accentuation.

Ex parar- to stop
arrancar- to go

i prefer the french R, i can't do the rolled R so i sound pretty silly

> غ



Fixed that for you, bud.


we pronounce every thing correctly
i feel like no English speaking people even articulate their word correctly they all sound different from a city to another

russia? supposed to be roma
o rato roeu a roupa do rei de roma, no?

Yes but here we use Rusia because of the psychological effect that one inputs thru the word is more harsh thus aggravating the difficulty of the pronunciation and increments the challenge of saing so many Rs in one phrase.

Mainly because roupa it's easier to pronounce than rolha in a chained phrase

Good lad, though I'm interested in why the Suthern Netherlands seems to use it but not in the north or in Dutch-speaking Belgium

English used to have a guttural sound for "gh" but it eventually got smoothed out. Most words with a silent "gh" are where it was.

i laughed at this video so fucking hard. it felt like a really shitty educational indoctronation video.


We don't roll the R cause we aren't shitskins, we're noble Aryan Gauls and thus we do not roll the R

And why does r in English sound so retarded? (Actually it is not an r at all.)

Rolling the r is quite a modern invention.

Because franks are germans

Your R's sound arabic.

It's a uvular trill and it's cool.
WRONG that was a voiced velar fricative
Most Aryans across the world use the alveolar trill
Fuck you Finn, the postalveolar approximant is the best sound.

Because its manly and not a pussy sound like the english """"""""""""""""""""""""""""r"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""


French R sound Aryan, Arabic don't have guttural R they have a rolled R which is not the same thing

Quote Related :
In The Handbook of the International Phonetic Association (Cambridge, UK, 1999), the French is represented by a capital R upside down (voiced uvular fricative), whereas the Arabic ghain is represented by a gamma (voiced velar fricative).

Are you too retarded to make the trill?

i always quite liked it 2bh

also wood berry