S/fur because sometimes there are more things

s/fur because sometimes there are more things






YAWWWN I usually din't get up so early. What's up?

Was too late when I saw girls w/ tails being posted to dump my collection. I think they're all gifs though

That is, if anyone is still interested



Evening, gents.




well I'll post again when its not so dead


We're not big fans of flesh-monkeys.
Tails or no tails.

I already masturbated..


Man, fuck is2. It won't open any images for me.

Anybody know anything about this character?




no, sorry













That escalated quickly.



Nice feet



















What's up, s/fur?

Not much.


Bugger all


Thread's barely surviving, I see. Has everybody gone to sleep already?

I'm just lurkin
I'm sure there are plenty more doing the same thing

Probably. It's only thursday after all.

Maybe, kinda tired myself but bedtime isn't for a few hours yet.






I should probably already be asleep, it's 1:35, but I'm just delaying for a bit... Going to be telling myself 15 more minutes, then I sleep, and just repeating until 3:00, as is tradition.


Don't forget we're here forever.

Is there an opt out if I want to sleep?

Not really. It follows us all into the unconscious.




Well, fuck.





I'm going to break this cycle I'm in and go to bed at a somewhat reasonable time. Good night, everyone.


Goodnight, and good luck.










