Alright Sup Forums why do republicans ACTUALLY care about abortion? I don't mean everyday redneck republicans...

Alright Sup Forums why do republicans ACTUALLY care about abortion? I don't mean everyday redneck republicans, why do these guys at the top (who are millionaires) ACTUALLY give a shit?

I get why they want to cut taxes on the rich, I get a lot of their methodology but I just feel like that TOP republican candidates only pretend to give a shit (like the top democrats aswell.)

I feel like this is the kind of shit they would empty promise on but then not actually do because it wouldn't benefit them.

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bump, a picture of trump being himself.

Proposing legislation that would never pass muster in the Supreme Court is one way of getting headlines. Though some of them do actually care, because you can't honestly sum up a person's life with "rich asshole."

Putin's character in House of Cards explains it best, I think. I don't have a quote for you, but it was when the president went to Russia to negotiate the release of a gay protestor. Putin's character explained that he thinks the anti-gay laws are bullshit, that he had gay relatives, but that the Russians were a traditional people and ruling them means appeasing them to some degree.

Republican politicians don't give a shit about abortions, they give a shit about appeasing the people that vote for them.

I only think we need to stop abortions for white people.

Oppressed minorities should be able to get abortions because they're oppressed... So they deserve extra government help.

Sure some of them do care, but imo you don't get to the top at their level by being honest. You get there by lying and making promises you can't keep. So I just don't get why. I feel like they have some other motive.

are any of you really surprised by this?

like most social issues, because of this guy and His dad

You really think Trump and his billionaire buddies actually believe in that shit?

because a lot of abortions are paid for by taxpayer money...because we equally pay payer money should not be used in a pro-life or pro-choice situation!....

Not against abortion, it's a necessary evil, but don't fucking ask me to pay for it and don't celebrate it like it's some amazing thing you had to kill a baby. Make better life choices odds are needing an abortion won't come up in life

Watch the documentary Spin (1995).

Republicans use the Abortion to split the (usually) Catholic voting bloc, who usually voted for Democrats.

Some, maybe most, are engaged in political theater, and proposing some legislation that won't work is one way of arguing to your constituents, "I'm tryin-a do what you want, but them other politicians get in the way," so that you look credible. The ones that do care act on it because they're in that rare situation where their interests (i.e., imposing their morals on others) dovetail with their campaign rhetoric.

I stand with Israel

It's simple. They're appealing to their base so they'll have support when the next voting season comes. Why do anything if it won't benefit you? It benefits them because conservative republicans will cream their pants over it and vote for them again.

Sure, but they are not just cutting taxes from it, they are attempting to ban it. Also the amount of taxes that is used is SOOOO small it's not even worth mentioning. Why not cut military spending?

He is his dad. remember?

you mean, why did a republican president STOP SPENDING AMERICAN TAX ON ABORTION IN OTHER COUNTRY?

think about that for a second.

Because the military gives us our freedom

Luckily, it would be a contradiction to say public spending is "taxpayer money." The government is the source of money, so it can't also be the case that taxes are the source of money.

D-Mac doesnt care, you think someone who made every chick take an AIDs test before he agreed to take them out to dinner uses birth control? He's probably payed for dozens of abortions. It's just one of the buzztopics that the party itself uses to distract people from the real issues, so they have to keep it in front and contraversial.

It's a wedge issue that gets poor people to vote against their interests and vote for rich fucks who want to rape them and their country. No Republican ever cared about a kid after they were born.

I vote Republican because the Left if bat-shit crazy. However, I like abortion, as 99% of the aborted and unloved kids would have grown into Democrats, and less Democrats means a better country.

They "care" because they know Christians will not vote for them if they don't. Isn't it obvious dude?

What about being wealthy automatically make you a piece of shit? If anything poor people are the scum of the earth not the people who worked hard to be successful.

Human Capital. Because republicans are businessmen and realize businesses need people to work, and importing a bunch of illiterate immigrants isn't going to tank the planet.

states rights also the life of the baby which is being murdered


>The government is the source of money,
gtfo you arent american if you believe this
pic very fucking related

it's expensive

I don't know about Trump, but inevitably some of them will. Ben Carson of all people was chosen as head of Housing and Urban Development, after all...

*IS going to

Because it's morally wrong and republicans are morally right.

They don't care. They use abortion to trick the rubes into voting for anti-rube policies.

Are you actually retarded? Do you not know where the government get its money from?

All people are shit. Rich, poor, doesn't matter. Hell is other people.

Not bashing the wealthy at all. I'm saying THEIR level. Not just wealthy, power seeking secret deal wealthy is what im talking about. I'm not even mad I just want to know why they ACTUALLY are doing something.

>kill a baby
Abortions are usually done before its a baby... this is like saying any time you use birth control or jerk off your killing a baby. Or any time a woman menstrates, getting rid of her old eggs, is killing babies.

im republican but im pro abortions.. after all most abortions are niggers

Yes, it gets it from itself.

>...not be legislating moral issues
>Stealing should be legal

I don't know how anybody can believe that, he's either a troll or the dumbest motherfucker alive


>Yes, it gets it from itself.
keynes fag detected. the gov doesnt create anything its purpose is to protect our rights thas it

They get money by stealing it from business owners like me.

>Alright Sup Forums why do republicans ACTUALLY care about abortion? I don't mean everyday redneck republicans, why do these guys at the top (who are millionaires) ACTUALLY give a shit?

Because Republican primary voters won't elect or give money to someone who does not say they are "pro-life" / anti-abortion. It's just that simple. Want to be elected to anything bigger than city council, you have to say that you are pro-life if you are running on the Republican ticket.

I do find it amusing that they think that making abortions illegal will stop them.

If you're not trolling you should kill yourself or at the very least get yourself serialized

>why do these guys at the top (who are millionaires) ACTUALLY give a shit?

Morals. You should get some.

>Because the military gives us our freedom
to have abortions.

Babies are being murdered! ?!?! Why aren't you doing anything to stop that? Are you a coward?

Here's the real reason. He received a lot of "contributions" during the elections. He's basically paying his debts with favors. It's like the mafia

attempting to ban it? are you fucking serious?

her reinstitute a global gag rule, basically if FOREIGN aid institutions and the like RECEIVE AMERICAN CASH, they can't talk about, nor perform abortion, OR THEY LOSE THAT CASH.

abortion is one hell of a political monster, i'm not pro choice, nro pro life, i can understand the use and appreciate abortion in specific circumstances)conceived due to rape, extreme health risks to the mother, etc etc), but the fact that most people abort children because they are "not ready for children yet" and practices no contraceptives is a line that shouldn't of been cross, i mean for fucks say if you don't wanna wear a condom, if you don't take the pill, their is still the morning after pill


Bullshit. The military hasn't protected us from a legitimate threat since Korea. It's basically a giant welfare scam. They get free food, water, shelter, and equipment and all they do in return is fuck up other countries so bad that we have no choice but to dump all our resources into it in hopes it will get better. Republicans should be all for cutting military spending since all they do is suck up tax dollars and have nothing to show for it.


Learn to spell.

Well we wouldn't have to "Steal" it if you would just let us reduce the military budget.... oh that's right, you won't.

"Muh freedoms"

Who said they're trying to make abortion illegal?

They don't care about it, it's all an act. It's an issue that a lot of their supporters care about. If the top Republicans ignore their supporters, then their supporters stop voting for them, and then they aren't the top Republicans anymore.

You HONESTLY believe trump is honest at this point? kek.... you're a cuck at this point bro

. I hope you're dumb enough to say that in from the soldier one day and he chokes you to death

Sorry, MANstrates

You're an idiot.

That money is stolen from business owners too. All taxes are theft.

leftisits provda told me so!


because you cant figure out how a condom works

Mostly agree. Although the navy does keep the oil flowing. Maybe the oil companies should pay for all the protection their tankers get?

Fuck women's rights, I care about MY rights. In the future if I get some bitch preggo, and she can't get an abortion and then for 18 years I have to pay child support, fuck that shit!

Well it's not like he hasn't done every fucking thing he said he was going to do. I was skeptical about his election but he's doing a fucking fantastic job so far

Why did it take so many posts for this to be said?

A politician will support anything if their base likes it. 99.9% of politicians secretly disagree on many social issues they don't give a shit about. Most Republicans believe in evolution, aren't religious, believe in abortion, and don't give a shit about the working man.

You must be new to politics. Very new. It's literally all a game to see how well you can lie. It's a disgusting industry, but sadly a needed one. It's all fucked shit. .

Let's also not forget that both the Democratic and Republican parties are controlled by the establishment, and one of the reasons the Republican party makes such a big deal about abortion is because there's fewer differences between them and Democrats on economic issues than they would care to admit. The establishment lets the two parties differ substantially on social issues to create a partial illusion of choice.

this is why they give a shit.

welfare is "non discretionary spending" non discreitionary spending is a larger portion of our whole budget and welfar is teh biggest portion of non discretinary spending. cut welfar if you want to fix the budget

Move to Somalia then. Idiot.

Because the people who support them do, their base. Because these people have families, because their mother wants it. Because their sister had one. Because dude with a few million dollars and a soft spot for unborn babies and is willing to "donate" money for favors. because X amount of reasons. They don't have to please everyone, and they don't, but certain things are unforgivable to their base, family, business partners,ect. Some of them might even care themselves on some religious level.

Check out this photo, lmao you're just as bad as the shills for Hillary, you fail to see your dear leaders flaws:

Don't even get me started on how narcissistic soldiers are. They think everyone should put them on a pedestal because they weren't smart or skilled enough to get a real job. They're not heroes! What is there legacy? A Middle East that's in worse shape then ever before? Creating ISIS? Like that's something to be proud of.

Have you ever thought about just being a better person. Seriously that was never on the table was it. It's all about you and your pathetic little wants and needs. God I hope this country sees a Resurgence of actual decent men who know what sacrifice it.

Wrong. Omniwrong in fact.

That's not useful. Refute my point or don't comment.

I agree that taxes suck but to some degree they're necessary. Unless you want to drive to work on a dirt road and have to go to the river to get your water.

Dude if you want to be a pussy be a pussy but being quiet pussy

I care, because the unborn have rights too. Women using abortions as a form of birth control after an irresponsible one night stand is criminal.

A person punches a pregnant woman's stomach and the baby dies, the suspect gets charged with murder. Yet it's okay when a woman kills her unborn via an abortion. That's fucked.

"It's my body," the pro abortion women say. But it's not – it's the unborn.

There's only a few plausible exceptions for abortion: rape, or it puts the mother at risk of dying.


Most don't. Also some of the more batshit ones(Mike Pence, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee) actually believe the shit they're saying.

It's really just meant to rally evangelicals and distract older voters from the fact that they want to cut social security and privatize medicare.

I agree 100% with you.

Society costs money. Roads, bridges, infrastructure etc. The only way to pay for them is taxes.

go to bed Vermin Supreme

"i hate paying taxes it's theft but LOVE muh large ass military budget!!!!"

Republicans are just as bad as SJW Hillary Shill cucks...

>The only way to pay for them is taxes.

Wrong. All of those things would be done better by private companies.

Because there is no moral argument for killing a human being. It's not pretending. There are actually people, who believe it or not, think that if you can't choose to end your neighbor's life legally, maybe you also shouldn't be able to muder living children in utero.

>A person punches a pregnant woman's stomach and the baby dies, the suspect gets charged with murder. Yet it's okay when a woman kills her unborn via an abortion. That's fucked.

Someone straps me to a chair and stabs me repeatedly with a needle, the suspect gets charged with assault and kidnapping. Yet it's okay when I get a tattoo. That's fucked.

literally get fucked bc you have clearly never looked at the treasury's budget reports

>legitimate threat

Hahahahahahaha. Try WWII.

Bullshit. A parasite doesn't have rights.

>Trust the free market, goy-I mean guys!

I'm not really pro-abortion but the trend of calling places like planned parenthood "abortion clinics" is really gross.

Not only that but places like that reduce the amount of abortions because they offer education and affordable or even free birth control.

Similarly abstinence-only sex education has proven to be a failure and results in even more teen pregnancies than places who have standard sex education.

Anyone who is against abortion should be pro-sex ed and pro-funding of Planned Parenthood unless you're a fundamentalist nutjob like Pence.

White people are trashy.

It's probably because it's a disgusting thing to do to another person.

If it was called infanticide would you reconsider?

Millions of women are doing this, both voluntarily and compulsory (china).

And they didn't think they(women) have rights?
The right to decide who lives and dies is one of those 'perks'.

I think that there are literally zero women who are eager to have an abortion, even if they love "irresponsible one-night stands". But I agree, in an ideal world, this is a procedure that would never take place. We may disagree about people's motivations.

In any case, would you be in favor of freely distributing birth control to any woman who wants it? If properly executed, this program could completely eliminate abortions.

Would you be in favor of such a program?

If not, then I think we are not interested in solving the same problem.

murder is iilegal (abortion) though so is kidnapping and assault(your dumb example), you are ignoring the life of the child