So Im watching hacksaw ridge and I have this feeling of hatred towards japs. They are inferior they are a joke...

So Im watching hacksaw ridge and I have this feeling of hatred towards japs. They are inferior they are a joke. There is a reason we won the wars against them they try and die for whatever weird religion they have. Like what are they living for i dont get it

your pic tho bro. the fuck you save that shit fo

that is a baby penis

They are ching chang fucking idiots america is strong they were weak

they live for American money , they are bitches scared of another a-bomb , America got these pussies in check !

they bounced back pretty well after getting nuked, i don't think america today could do the same in the same amount of time

They are sneaky thats why we fried em

Welcome newfag

you are mistaken , America makes them shit

Nice try schlomo

posts picture of baby dick white guy while calling japs inferior

We are strong!

This just proves niggers are more destructive than atomic wepons. North Korea cool it or we will send NIGGERS.

I watched that movie the other day. shit cant be real

only because it's cheaper, america is japan's china

The ladies don't seem to mind

they are ugly tho

Big Boom


Japs either ancestor worship, or believe in an animistic religion. Both of which are barely religions in the western parlance.

As far as why they lost the war? Their entire strategy for America was to cripple the PAC fleet, which they thought would unnerve America and keep us out of the war.

Additionally they made a few bad tactical calls during midway and leyte gulf, but mostly was their lack of manpower and industrial infrastructure as compared to what America brought to bear on them.


They know how to play the most soulful jazz solos though


The funny thing about this thread is that the Japanese are probably the master race. Every time the Americans would go into a major offensive they expected victory within 1/5th the amount of time it usually took to beat the Japanese who would always stack up American casualties as high as the sky even with limited resources and food, ammunition etc.

Why do you think the Americans dropped the bomb even though they had the numbers for a blockade or invasion? Why do you think they let the Russians do the heavy lifting of rounding up Japanese troops on the mainland? Because the US military has always been a very incompetent, very lucky military. They were terrified of Japanese and the atom bob was the ultimate stroke of luck for the world's dumbest army


lmfao sheeeiiitttt