‘Ghostbusters’ Is A Perfect Example Of How Internet Movie Ratings Are Broken


Internet ratings are broken because they are easily abused by men. We need to fix them.

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On this, the ten-year anniversary of "Snakes on a Plane," we do not need you telling us how the internet ratings system is flawed.


Google go home, you're drunk.

>actually open RT

OK nevermind... I'm drunk.

maybe chick oriented tv and movies are rated lower because they're shittier by definition

Dude takes imdb way too seriously, but the main idea of the article makes sense.

>People put far too much faith in numbers that are preliminary, decontextualized and, in the end, oversimplified.


same guy accused avgn of being a misogynist because avgn refused to review this movie

take anything the guy says with a grain of salt

I would go pull up the numbers if I actually gave a shit, but I'd wager to guess that actual male and female professional critics are roughly on par with one another when it comes to their review scores of Ghostbusters.

As for user review sites, well, yeah, I'd imagine more guys are going to vote down chick movies than girls. Fucking duh. I'd imagine more guys rate Legally Blonde lower than say Scarface and vise versa. Is this the type of world we live in now that we can't just acknowledge this and be okay with it?

If he did review it and he was anything but entirely negative Sup Forums would accuse him of either being paid by Sony or being a feminist shill.

Underrated post.

I guess The Passion of The Christ for Feminism has failed.


Keyboard crusader detected.

Was this really what they fucking called it?

Did this come from some clickbait review or was it from the movie's marketing campaign?

Every man's vote should be worth .00003 votes and every woman's vote should be worth 99999999 votes. I mean it is 2016.

>Essentially, male users were more likely to rate television shows with a female-heavy audience lower than female users would rate male-centric television lower. Men were tanking the ratings of shows aimed at women.

Having a low opinion of trash is tanking it. Well, that's the view from someone who likes the trash.

>movie reviews are going to get affirmative action

oh boy

Is there a difference between clickbait and marketing these days? Its all paid content.

>Wah men are voting down amazing girl power shows like Orange Is The New Black on IMDB
Well maybe you should teach women how to sit on their ass for fifteen years straight on the computer, neglecting their personal hygiene and friends and family, all so that they can shitpost on the internet.
Otherwise complaining ain't gonna change nuttin faggit.

It was a great idea to name them the same fucking thing

>Job is internet based
>Only just figured out how internet polling works
>Blames men because muh sexism

Ratings were never about empirical accuracy to begin with, they are opinions, and as such they aren't "broken" opinions are just very polar.

Trust people who value politics above all to not actually know shit.