So Trump is tweeting from a Samsung S3 using android jellybean

So Trump is tweeting from a Samsung S3 using android jellybean.

Lock him up, applaud his bravery or hack him?

Do whatever it is you think you need to do, with great haste and dedication, that way the FBI and DHS swarm you that much quicker for making threats against the POTUS.

But if the tweets are public anyway, what difference does it make? He had been given a super duper secret spy phone for Presidential business, who gives a fuck what device he tweets on?

I'd say it's more of a security risk than Hilary's emails so lock him up.
But what does /b think?

Who made a threat? Go back to watching Fox News.

If he's using it to post public comments what exactly would there be to hack?

>hack him
>who made a threat?
millennials are hilarious


All me.
I voted for Hillary because I believe we should be helping people, not denying them benefits.
However, OPs post is bullshit.

Asshole, OP didn't threaten to hack him.

I've been wondering how long it will be before his Twitter account gets hacked.

There is no information there that is potentially harmful.

>a security risk

The issue with Hilary's private email server is that she was using it to send CLASSIFIED information and it was hacked.

Tweets are hardly top secret. I'm sure the relevant security agency has advised him on what phone set-up he needs for security matters, just like they have for every other politician in contact with sensitive information

If I was an American, I would have have blown his brains out of the back of his head before he took the oath of office.

How's that sound you stupid piece of shit? Fuck your ignorant 'president' and fuck everything he stands for.

What a bunch of idiots.
It doesn't matter if his Twitter account is hacked you fucking nit wits.

So why don't YOU hack his twitter? You said it's extremely easy. So why haven't you done it?? Can't wait for your pathetic excuse

What exactly is wrong with it? You're argument is invalid without facts and credentials.

Speculation and hearsay make you just as bad as the tabloids.

The danger is a hacker managing to post as realDonaldTrump. Given that the jerk regularly posts threats to foreign nations the result could be WW3

Come on, dude, do you honestly think the President of the United States can't get his own phone patched? Furthermore, do you honestly think there is no VPN service on his phone?

Somebody is using an unsecured, private device to handle unsensitive information? Such as calling his wife and shitposting on twitter? Oh no you fucking libshit

Using an unsecured, private email server to handle sensitive information is quite fucking different


No, OP didn't say that. You really are fucking stupid.
OP is asking people's opinion based on something he read, which he shared by posting the article.

>if i was an American
lol, no need to read further