Vegan Thread because Vegans hate Trump !

Vegan Thread because Vegans hate Trump !
thats why





not true im vegan and i would have voted for trump over that satanic child killer anyday

How is Trump any different ?
When he gives the nod to kill native Americans Protesters and the environment ?


Forgot Semen, or was it supposed to be lower in the list?
>yfw most of those taste terrible and you have to eat a fuck ton of them to meet your dietary needs
>yfw I can spend two minutes meeting my daily needs and spend the rest of the time killing commie vegans who will never live long enough to naturally outlive me because all life is conflict and they've willingly abstained from becoming the Apex predator they had the potential to be all in the name of morality, a concept created by humans for humans to (falsely) explain why some humans are better than other humans.

Wake up!


It's called soylent, you uneducated fuck.


Also not same user

I don't mind if you make feeble attempts to co-opt "anonymous culture", you already did it with le ebin OWS maymay, but can you PLEASE just be a little less fucking autistic with your propaganda threads? Like just make it less fucking obvious and jarring. You're not winning hearts and minds, you're ensuring that we would literally vote for someone who promised to murder all "progressives". It's backwards progress.

You are so full of shit made from meat

and water


There's good meat left on that head!


132 lbs of meat for $2.04?


Dark meat is of lesser quality, user. Everyone here knows that.

when will people learn that when they bold letters and italicize them when trying to make a point, it makes you look that much more desperate for acceptance to the opposition?

Query: Why do vegans think that most humans would give a fuck about animals, when the vast majority can barely be bothered to care about our own species?

And in many cases, actively want large amounts of humans to die, for a variety of reasons.

>gives the nod to kill ect ect

Source needed.

>be vegan
>think animals are better than humans
>think other people think the same way

most of those reasons being money

How do you know there's a vegan at a party?

Dont worry. They'll tell you all about it.

Op is being a faggot again


Well, you may have a point.

Several vegans have expressed the opinion that "animals are people too!".

Given what humans are like, I tend to assume that vegans simply want to fuck livestock.

And since vegan foods are usually fairly pricey, it would seem that people will go on eating animals until the vegan alternatives are cheaper than real meat.

See my thing is, sure some animals have it rough. I won't deny that. But when I can get on YouTube and look up a video a baboon eating a baby gazzel alive, from the ass up. The way we at least will put an animal to death before we butcher it in most cases is far more humane than what that baboon was doin.

This is also the exact reason animal rights are fucking retarded. Is the gazzelle's mom going to sue the baboon for eating its child?

my friend I believe you are mistaken, you see I'm vegan and I voted for trump

I guess a vegan would claim that the baboon is influenced by white male privalege [sic!] and needs a lot of awareness of how it's behavioural patterns and feeding habits are social constructs.

Then the baboon blows the vegan away with it's Kalashnikov.

what does veganism have to do with trump at all?

See animals deserve some rights. They shouldn't be made to suffer, they should have clean water, food, enough space. But we don't live in a perfect world so alot of that stuff just isn't and that does suck. Does it mean I'm gonna stop having a delicious piece of roasted lamb. Absolutely not kek

This offends me as a vegan transgender atheist German engineer who vapes organic decaffeinated compressed soy breast milk on the regular and a person who does Indian naked crossfit yoga 5 times per week. I'm also a male feminist and identify myself as a pastafarian Apache helicopter dog who serves only to one master: my chihuahua which I helped cross the border of Mexico because I hate Donald Trump. My dog also walks me, if you find that weird you're an arrogant ignorant homophobic globaphobic sexist.

>arrogant ignorant homophobic globaphobic sexist.

Sounds about right.

you must be a lot of fun at parties

I'm a vegan and I don't hate trump.

Stop trying to infect a serious movement with lefty politics.

Not needlessly killing animals is not a left or right issue.

shhhh... adults are talking

Why shouldn't a baby animal not have the right to not be eaten by you?

I love meat

How does that justify you killing.

Your reasoning is terrible...because wild animals do brutal shit, how does that make it ok for a much smarter species to do?

>wild animals rape so fuck people against rape, would a lion sue another lion who raped it XD

>hundred of thousands of products are made with animals

There is always a need for animals to die. Whether it be, food, hide, fur, to protect one's land and livestock.

Now do some animals deserve better treatment and less industrialization? Sure. But to say an animals death is meaningless when it fulfills a role, whatever it may be. Is downright ignorant.

Lmao. This is more of an ad against the american healthcare system, than meat.

You're right, it's a delicious issue

Why is that? Because getting healthcare like that without being a wait list is Fucking awesome?

Because I'm stronger, smarter, because I can pay someone to give me the meat of their livestock and thus they can continue to feed and maintain said livestock.

It all goes in a circle. It should anyway.

Also, animals don't get rights like you probably think I ment. We're talking quality of life, that's about it. The sheep doesn't get to vote or get a say in the matter.

Eat plants

>hide and fur
Not needed for most people in west

>protect ones land

Livestock, not needed and would benefit us if this was abolished

Serves a role? that animal, who is sentient and not wanting to die should be grateful to be stabbed, to feel fear, just so you can have 5 mins of taste pleasure?

Yeah, that's totally it, kiddo ;^)

yeah let me take advice from a midget

Im vegetarian. I think Veganism is just a way to make animal not important for anything.
Cows a kept to produce dairy. Chickens are gonna lay eggs with or without a roaster.
that my basic look to things.

All the people i know that are vegan are completely PC. you can tell them a joke but when it effect someone jesus christ he goes off

>Livestock, not needed

Valid point.
They'd need to be exterminated if humans stopped using them as a resource.

>not wanting to die

You don't know that. Maybe it's suicidal

>be grateful it gave you pleasure

Youre goddamn right it should be Kek. It's an animal. It's below me.

Implying that animal breeding is an exploitation
Implying that everyone lives in a shithole country like America where you have to pay even the last pound of medical treatment
Implying that animals suffer when you are taking their products. In my country animals live freely in yards or fields not in factories treated as items.
Implying that you don't have to eat a shitload of these to get the necessary protein. Also the kind of proteins differ, it's not the same

What are you rambling on about...

A cow is important,to other cows.

We have no right to take It's young away, and to sexually exploit female cows all of It's life.

Just drink plant milks...

Also I'm not pc at all, I'm edgy as fuck I'm so Sup Forums

So I've actually considered becoming at least a vegetarian in the past, but I have difficulty eating a lot of foods because I am autistic and have hyper-sensitivity. I keep trying new foods, but meat is the only one I can eat reliably. Does that make me a bad person?

That's not how cholesterol works dumbshit.

Go chew some hemlock.

so do vegans ever own dogs or cats? humans at least have the option of eating meat. some pets are carnivores only.

>rational as usual

If we were to meet an alien species that by biology could only consume meat, but obtained from eating anything they found to be self-aware., would they be inherently bad regardless of what they do?

Typo, I meant abstained.

Pretty sure I recall seeing some retarded vegan almost killing her dog through malnutrition trying to force veganism on it.

To a vegan and many other of the idiot ideas that go along side it. Yes.

But intrinsically no it isn't.

Dogs can easily be veg.

Pet ownership is a much debated topic, some vegans for it, some there are grey areas, while others (regards) view all pets as oppressed and seem to think no inter species contact should ever be established (this is what an extreme vegan is)

Do vegans feel bad for eating plants? They're alive too. I feel bad for it.

Fucking have you lived on a farm.... COWS LIKE TO BE MILKED... there needs to be a point where they don't need to be milk. I grow most of my veggies in my back yard. i have bee hive that makes honey... what the fuck am i meant to do with that. Where i live they produce it to excess because the lowest temperature is 20*C at night in the winter. and they don't use it they eat nectar and pollen. they get all there carbs and protein from them 2 items.

If we don't keep animals for there resources then they are pets. all the larger farm animals will not exist with out people looking after them. Bird lay none fertilized eggs what are we going to do them.

If they had the tech to not kill then yes it is immoral, if you are talking about an alien eq to a lion then Ofc not

>animals hunt and eat what they can
>you sit your ass down and pay a dollar for what ever they scraped from the bottom of the barrel
I don't get the comparison. Not a Vegan myself but I understand their argument, the problem is a majority seem to argue "animal rights". Rather than; Live stick is not sustainable in this eco system, the byproduct and waste from them surpasses all else of benifits.
>Personally switched to every two days one meat meal. Other wise just veggies.
It's a treat not a staple food.

I could live off nothing but meal-worms, but that wouldn't make me healthy. Just because they appear so, doesn't mean they are healthy. Dogs need meat. Ask a veterinarian.


Yes, I was raised on a farm so don't try your shilling here.

You seem to be missing the bit where you have to stab It's young to be able to use the milk. And don't try it, I lived on a small dairy farm.

There's a reason you are making less and less, get used to it...the days are numbered in the west.

Oh, I think you'll hate Trump once the price on all your food goes through the roof because there aren't horribly abused illegals picking your vegetables anymore!

Big problem with eating meat.

No problem with illegals being paid basically nothing and treated like shit.


In the example given I was speaking of an alien that could not live without meat acquired from killing. Your point has raised a question however. If we could make lab grown meat that was identical to the real thing, would it be wrong to eat it?

>me make assumptions
>me think that make good argument

Found the tard.

I'm a vegan and I voted for Trump. Not all vegans are libtards you dumb cuck

>cows like to be milked and breed daily for mass consumption.
How about a cows that do not have a calves, does it too require to be milked? Forget the granolla nature loving retards arguement.

>liberal sobbing liberal sobbing

Sorry were you saying something?

What's the worst thing about being Vegan?

Telling your parents you're gay.

I became a small time ecological farmer with free range animals. Happiest animals around, do their thing all they long, and produce food for us. Two persons dont eat much so we give away/trade eggs, honey, fruit/vegs, anything abundant.
Only buy local fish though we could fish ourselfe given the time. It is a lot of effort but produces propper food free from chemicals, barely any impact and animals who live a propper life eating mostly what nature provides.
You dont have to go to malenutrisiment just because you hate industry food. :-)

Nope :)

Do vegans feel nothing when they murder plants? I'm serious on this one. I legitimately feel bad for eating all lifeforms.

Plants don't have milk you fucking idiot.

Pressing a plant gives you a juice. Also that Almond Juice you love so much is an ecological disaster but lol no meat!

Mods = Gods

>User was banned for this post

I've considered doing this.

>"Best call him a tard, that'll show 'em."

Every nutrient is found on a vegan diet

Also how does any of what you wrote justify killing?

this shit gets banned
loli thread going great

mods are truly gods

cows eat 10x more plants. thats why we have to cut down the rainforests

Vegan pets so happy. So healthy.


Finally the mods show themselves again

Do you not feel bad for murdering plants? You can not go through life without death. It is simply the cycle of life.

> almond juice ecological disaster
meat is somehow better? Its the worst ecological disaster we have, infinitely worse than almonds

there are plants literally designed for you to eat them so they can procreate....


I'll take 10

tf why did OP get b& for this?
i mean idgaf just curious

Yeah what's up with that? Are the mods pedos?