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She really is an unfunny moron.

Yo mama's ugh.


She went in acting in low budget comedies, to being on SNL, to starring in Ghost Busters.

I love seeing my fellow black people get ahead.

what's the name of that hairstyle?

The GT Vegeta

Watch this interview, it had me laughing alot

I don't get the video. Is this supposed to be funny?

The Don King



who do whores do these weird shit with their nails when they leave one with totally different colour?

i cant tell if her skin face or voice is more disgusting

I know she can't help being naturally unattractive, but ffs, how do you wilfully get a haircut like that?


I waanna touch Kate McKinnon

Yo wassup nigger - Lil B

I belong on Sup Forums for calling her unfunny moron? It has nothing to do with her race or sex. She's just unfunny and stupid. I know this from all the skits and videos I've seen her in that don't make me laugh, and all the interviews I've seen and read where she's clearly stupid.

>>>/Sup Forums/

Am I supposed to believe these are the same species?


If you're a rational human that believes in science, yes.

Imagine going down on that


Who started this meme?

You don't find her funny because of your deeply ingrained racism and misogyny.

im trying to not to be racist but wtf she looks like a fucking gorila there like really the movement of the arms her voice, how her lips go up and show her gums on top of her teeth when she laugh wtf

They will be soon.

The African Savannah

same. she is just so pure. Leslie on the other hand...


Gorillas are a peaceful great ape. Humans are more like Chimpanzees.

>asks how they would like to see all 8 Ghostbusters interact and in which scene
>self-centered women just describe scenes where only they are personally inserted into the scene and not even in-character

It's black comedy.

cant be unseen


>Am I supposed to believe these are the same species?
Humans come from Ancient Nordic Alien Gods whilst Africans were half mixed with an Alien/Apes

>I might be wrong though

Niggers do not have self awareness

Africans and Europeans evolved separately, not same species.

>im trying to not to be racist but wtf she looks like a fucking gorila
That's because we humans do come from Apes/Gorillas.

Only difference is the white race has evolved more whilst the African race is still behind hence why they look a lot more like apes.

not finding this silverback attractive means we're pol. ok reddit

Nigger got triggered. Go smoke some crack and kill a Blood you retarded pavement ape


>That's because we humans do come from Apes/Gorillas.

No we don't, stop buying the jew meme that Europeans came from Apefrica

>interviewer crushing on Kate
>gorilla bitch crushing on interviewer

100% cringe

>>I might be wrong though

What you actually wanted to do is put this in a spoiler tag. Fucking lurk more.

Europeans literally have no ties to Africa. It's all a fucking lie

"The ‘Petralona man’, or Archanthropus of Petralona, as it has since been called, was found to be 700,000 years old, making it the oldest human europeoid (presenting European traits) of that age ever discovered in Europe. Dr Poulianos’ research showed that the Petralona man evolved separately in Europe and was not an ancestor of a species that came out of Africa. ",0

>Trying to get nerd points
>Negress hasn't even seen the movie
>Trying to explain 3D
>She keeps laughing over him

>this gorilla got paid more for this steaming pile of shit then you'll ever make in your entire life time

End it all


kek where the fuck do whites come from then?

Do you actually believe God made us?


It amazes me how different the white and black skull is.

Also: why do filipino Asians, Japanese look so much better than Chinese?

One race.
The human race.

so where does the white race come from? what species did we evolve from?

This is what makes me think that Scientology isn't as crazy as a lot believe it to be

It's rumored that original Japanese were stranded Anglo fishermen. Also it shouldn't be amazing, Africans and Europeans are different species. Africans do not have Neanderthal DNA

why does Leslie look like a man? Not to be offensive but she looks like she has so much testosterone running through her body due to how big her bones and body is

Archanthropus of Petralona mixed with Neanderthal. Really it goes much deeper and we likely did not originate on this planet. We are unlike any other species on this planet. We are a virus, we spread to all corners of the globe and we play no role in the Earths Eco system. We take and do not give back. We are the only species that does this. Every other species plays a crucial role in the eco system

they're the same species, homo sapiens. europeans and africans produce fertile offspring = the same species.

There's no point in arguing.

>Every other species plays a crucial role in the eco system

Humanity simply transcended any particular role in nature through high intelligence and extreme tool-making.

the white chick isn't exactly 7/10 either

In the thumbnail I thought she was holding a bunch of bananas.

cause shes a negro they have more testosterone male and female which is why black "women" are so repulsive

Get the fuck out of here with your Peta bullshit.

Humans give as much back as any species out there...our rotting corpses. Which is pretty much all anything does in the end.

Name one other species that actively attempts to preserve nature? Every other animal on the planet would overpopulate in the same way, except all the others would consume their last resource without pause. Humans are the only animals that contemplate the consequences of their actions.

Go eat a carrot.

Smeone should shoop a big slice of watermelon in her hands.

Zebras and horses produce fertile offspring and they aren't the same species. They're the same genus, but belong to different subgenus, species, and subspecies.

Horses and donkeys aren't the same species, yet they can produce offspring. Same goes for Tigers and Lions. The offspring are often sterile and retarded, much like mixed babies.

Which is completely alien. If that was normal we would see other species do the same. Every other species is atune to Earth and the Enviornment except for humans. That is not coincidence

Affirmative Action at work.

this is kangz talk if i ever heard it

It's an old misconception that hybrids (like Ligers etc) are sterile.

>our rotting corpses.

Which we either burn to ash or embalm and seal in airtight wood/metal boxes before burying. So we don't even give back our remains for proper decomposition.

It makes me laugh when I see this movie advertised and supported by feminists for no reason.
Ironically, they will all be anti racists but the black character is there for absolutely no fucking reason and her skill is 'she knows the streets'. She seems to just shout and say stupid fucking stuff. It's racist as fuck.

it's a rotten shame kate mckinnon is gay

No, she's exactly s 7/10. Fit, symmetrical, nice hair and eyes. Gay, but more importantly fair skinned. You are simply a faggot.

>She seems to just shout and say stupid fucking stuff. It's racist as fuck.

It's not racist because she actually acts that way in real life. Have you ever seen her in an interview?

Ok, I don't know if it's a race thing or a woman thing, but she's a bad actress.

That's great

>Every other animal on the planet would overpopulate in the same way

Wrong. Animals maintain each others population, and through that maintain the enviornment. Take bears and salmon for example. Every year during breeding season Salmon swim up river. Bears instinctively know this, they wait for this. When it happens they gorge on fish and afterwards fertilize the forest. Maintaining the delecate balance of population control and restoration of plant life. If for whatever reason humans stopped this relationship, rerouting the Salmons route, you would see drastic effects. Both to the species population and enviornment. Animals maintain the enviornment, humans take from it, mine it, destroy it. Utterly alien.

>I'm gonna shoot it down because it challenges my preconceived notions

K sheep


Related question: there is a mixed race girl in my summer class that I am looking to court (she is quite attractive). But as a redpilled aryan male, I do not want to commit race treason. If I can redpill her and convert her to alt rightism, is it no longer degenerate to race mix with her?

No it's not. Either way the hybrids end up retarded because they're not supposed to mix, even if they can. Just like Europeans and Africans

I know that she is a complete moron but I mean the way she was written into the show is racist but in a weird way.
>We need a minority to look diverse
> Lets give her the skill of knowing the streets
>Make sure you choose one that's dumb as fuck
>Make her randomly say stupid 'black' stuff for no reason

If black people can say that anyone with any percentage of black heritage is fully black, then white people should be able to say that anyone with any percentage of white heritage is fully black.

So, to answer your question, you should not feel bad about banging that white girl.

Only if you refuse to breed with her, and choose to adopt.

Be sure to keep her submissive.

Why do you want kids anyways? Honestly the only thing that matters is passing on your DNA and making sure it keeps getting passed on. More likely it will get passed on if it's mixed then if it's White. Eventually we'll get overtaken by the shitskin horde. Might as well BLEACH a qt

If anything she's just poorly written because they just made Leslie Jones The Character. Or maybe she just wandered on set one day and they didn't have the heart to tell her to leave, so they just let her improvise lines as they shot the actual movie.

kek, that actually sounds believable. She is awful.

No, it's just how jews write black people. They're either thugs, loud & obnoxious, or in unrealistic roles like doctor or scientist

The Exploding Cigar

I've noticed that a lot. There's never really just a normal minority character in anything, they always fit into those groups.

>They're either thugs, loud & obnoxious, or in unrealistic roles like doctor or scientist

I see what you did there. Subtle.

You got your ice cube, your Kevin Hart, and your Morgan Freeman

The Wire wrote realistic Black characters. All about the struggle, both on the street and working within law enforcement, DA, etc. But that guy actually had a lot of real world experience

Yeah The Wire was alright. Exception to the rule pretty much.

Did this bitch get shocked by lightning?

If you need to write an ethnic doctor (for god knows why) at least make it an Indian.

I guess you're not wrong. Most doctors around me are Indian and most dentists are Asian. It's peculiar.

She and the black guy from star wars look like literal gorillas. And she's as big as one.

I'm not even saying that in a "hurr blacks are monkeys" sort of way. But you just look at their facial features and anyone who says they don't look like gorillas is playing the "emperor has no clothes" game.

That feel when I show my gf a pic of the ghostbusters cast, and she asks "why is there a black man" I would marry her if she wasn't crazy