I'm from Argentina and I think you are all fagots. Ask me anything

I'm from Argentina and I think you are all fagots. Ask me anything.

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What's wrong with the one on the right?

I want sauce.
If you provide sauce, then I will reconsider whether or not Argentina is White.

Whats your favorite color?

I have an Argentinian acquaintance, and all I can say is that she is very submissive and she's afraid of her Mexican husband who beats her up constantly. She's illegal, and she has a baby with him who's already a teenager. How does that make you feel? By your logic, doesn't that make (You) the faggot here for being Argentinian?

What's the age of consent in Argentina?

wondering the same thing. Why's she holding her stomach?


nice try, nigger

How does it feel to pay for a beer with a wheel barrel full of worthless money?

porteño faggot detected


She has a really odd bulge and little difference between her waist size and everything else. Really odd body shape.
Race is no more than a social construct. You share about 50% of your DNA with that of a banana.
Let's not forget their economy doesn't allow the average Argentinian to buy new clothes, so buying used clothes is actually a thing over there.
How does ^^^^ that make you feel?

Well we think you're all Niggers. And we can spell. Piss off. The Malvinas are ours.

why do Argentinians think they're European?

why do Argentinians talk so much about how great their lives are but their country is shit?

why do Argentinians show off what they don't have?

>source: almost married an Argentine chick until I realized what a bunch of liars you are as a society because you can't accept you're a shit tier country in South America.


> race is a social construct
As is Money, Value, Time, and the System by which we measure Intellect.
Just because it's a made up thing does not make it a bad concept.
It was made for a reason.

Also, Sauce me bro. If you do, I may forget who owns the Faulklands.

Why did you lost the Falklands war ?

It's a stupid concept though. It's a useless made-up difference. You might look one way, but if you were to know all your ancestry history, you'd find things that will surprise you. It's 2017, ffs.
I'm not OP, nor am I Argentinian. However, how backward is your country to still be asking people for what race they are? lol

One's race is part of their Identity, their history and heritage is attached to it. It is up to the individual whether or not they chose to embrace, reject, or ignore their heritage/history, not up to society, and certainly not up to the thoughts/feelings of others who arbitrarily decided that just because they threw away their heritage you should too.
Not you life, so stop telling people how to live it.

>it's (current year) for crying out loud!

cómo se llamaba quien hizo de guía de Sarmiento cuando visitó Oregon?

que hace lokoooooooooo

I have no problem with embracing your heritage, but saying you are one thing or another is just stupid. There WILL be at least one person who is different from what you claim to be in your ancestry, and that's what I have a problem with. People go around saying they are this or that, but they don't even know their full history to be spouting such nonsense.
2017, way past the point where people began being able to travel by means other than walking on land, way past when horses were the best means of transportation.

tomatela negro cabeza. anda a comer choripan con la Kampora


do you know what cebollita means?

>share about 50% of your DNA with that of a banana
pretty stupid comparison. DNA does not work in that way, is not quantitative accumulation, but instructions. a small difference can bring you into an insect
>pic related: master pope with chemistry master

>race is a social construct
Shitskin detected


>race is a social construct
Social constructivism is literally the most retarded scientific philosophy of the modern world.

According to social constructivism, EVERYTHING is a social construct in some degree, therefore the validity or "realness" of everything can be debated, while personal experienced social constructs are gloryfied paradoxically as correct. It's one big paradoxical circlejerk.


its been a while but you still know the fucking rules, nigger.

Can you find me a sauce of the pic OP?

Some of us do accept it. Argentinean society is trash

I think you missed the point by a whole lot. DNA does accumulate throughout generations, actually.
>a small difference can bring you into an insect
Exactly this, the point being that two individuals of different "races" may actually have more similar DNA than two of the same "race," because no one is "pure" today. I guess there's stupid, and then there's you.
Retard detected. Refer to statement above.
> [...] gloryfied [...]
First of all, learn to spell, retard. Secondly, not everything is a social construct. Take any mathematical axiom or a theorem, for example. Those things you can either define or prove, and they're inherently different from others of their kind. However, race is merely a subjective comparison based on appreciable physical differences between individuals of the same species. Your argument would be valid by the point in which there were clearly divided physical traits after great migrations, tens of thousands of years ago.

You are completely incorrect. Positivism is the scientific philosophy of natural sciences, and deals in proffs and laws. When something is proven, it is correct. Social constructivism is a scientific philosophy linked to humaniora and social science, where it is extremely hard to define laws and generals.

Social constructivism centres on the analysis of discources, somehting which doesn't exist in a mathematical formula, both in acting,, writing or speech.

Educate yourself.

are you guys still a bunch of fascists?

this is mexican

aguante Argentina!


Argentina is the best

somos arios nordicos

Argentina is white because it is a cold country.



aguante Argentina...

ya se iba desvirtuando....

Where are your islands? Nigger

no tardan en caer los mexicanos...


how's your navy going, mate?


>Race is no more than a social construct. You share about 50% of your DNA with that of a banana.

>you are a human and your opinion matters
top kek



why is your country so fuuuuuucked?


Say whaa?
When people say this, they are on the low end of the races.

Because we have Latin American immigrants ...
But thanks to Macri now we are throwing them. And thanks to Trump for the initiative!


>what is genetic instinct
>what is genetic intellectual potential.
Stil waiting on those nudes.

1. God save our gracious Queen!

Long live our noble Queen!

God save the Queen!

Send her victorious,

Happy and glorious,

Long to reign over us,

God save the Queen.

2. O Lord our God arise,

Scatter her enemies

And make them fall;

Confound their politics,

Frustrate their knavish tricks,

On Thee our hopes we fix,

God save us all! .

In Argentina there are only about 30 niggers. But well guarded.

I live in the north west corner of the continental US. On a few occasions, it has become obvious that immigrants from south of the Rio Grande have had sex with chickens at some point in their lives. This is not normal in my part of the US, does this happen in Argentina?

This is why there should be zero race mixing. this way you dont have to worry about some pale quadroon spreading the lack of genetic markers in the population..
One drop rule, gtfo.

Fucking cheating bastards




>Exactly this, the point being that two individuals of different "races" may actually have more similar DNA than two of the same "race," because no one is "pure" today. I guess there's stupid, and then there's you.

Top fuckin kek

Well what if they chose to join Argentina? What then?

>race is merely a subjective comparison

To the Malvinas Islands we warned them. Because we only sent the blacks from the north of Argentina .. it was not a target. So I think it was an excuse to clean this country ..

We lost the Malvinas in vain. Because after the Peronism brought black Latin Americans

se van a meter los limones en el orto!!!!!! JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA

How does it feel to have NIGGERS and MEXICANS in your country ..?

And to know that in South America, you live longer, and less less than that.


ARG 30 - USA 0



less stress*


>im a rich, white upper class person in the United States

>i make 6 figures a year
>why dont i set fire to everything and move to Compton?
So, user, you would look at that and think "Why would anybody do that?"
so, why would anyone leave the UK for a disgusting backwater country that's literally glued to the ass of mexico.
Also, part 2:
they were asked to vote and they voted to stay with the UK :>







stop fucking spiderman!

aguante el Capitan Mengano!!










wrong u fucks got the biggest nose like vultures


Argentina is the best supreme master race of the all universe!!!

How the fuck did you know?