I've had a real shit week and I'm currently broke right now so I was hoping a rich user could buy me astroneer on steam...

I've had a real shit week and I'm currently broke right now so I was hoping a rich user could buy me astroneer on steam so I can distract myself.


Go be a nigger somewhere else

what's up user, why is your week rough?

my mom told me to get a job

My bf left me for another guy

My cat of 15 years had to be put to sleep

not op

how bout get a fuckin job u lazy fuck.

dont cry faggot, im poor as fuck, have a broke back and still work construction and tou dont see me faggin,

u pathetic little worm

I found out John really does die at the end
I'm op by the way

fuck off. i just want something to dull the pain of life. shit sucks you wouldn't understand.

not op
I do have a job I just dont make enough to havemoney left over for games esp with recent vet bills

oh god a 15 year old fuckin cat, who gives a fuck.

i had spent 2 months raising 3 baby kittens from 2 days old, while working full time, so basically i had to feed them every 2 hours or they would die.

basically i was getting like 2-3 hours of sleep a day working my balls off in the sun and fkin with those cats.

1 was a runt and tiny and shoulda died, instead the other 2 died because i didnt clean the bottle out good enough.

during all that i was dealing with crazy ass family and about to fking snap.

i didnt go ask for free video games because of it.

fuck off m8.

you should worry more about buying food than some dumb video game sorry pal. id rather you not starve

the emotions u feel from a cat you bonded for 2 months is nothing like the emotions you feel from the death of a cat you've bonded for 15 years with

I do have enough for food and other necessities just not enough for extra things like game


also ive had times where i had to go give away 5 kittens infront of walmart, or deal with other litters of kittens where ones would be born with their guts on the outsides of their bellys.

still tho, 15 year old fkin animal u should both have been happy it passed and ready.

i think u might just be a nigger.

theres alot of free shit to entertain yourself with until u can afford the things u need.

gimi gimi, naw stfu

sorry you lost your cat OP.

$20 is kind of steep but I do have an extra copy of Bastion in my inventory if you want it.

Then save up your money instead of niggering on Sup Forums for some dumb game. Gaming is obviously too expensive of a hobby for you. Try books.

post mailing address, ill send u some rope

No thanks bro. Someone just give me my game already.

yeah actually they are considering the amount of stress and pain u had to go thru to keep them alive for those 2 months.

and when something like thats old as fuck, u are ready for them to pass and its not a big deal.

ive personally buried like 10 animals.

but all in all, they are all just fucking animals, its not that big of a god damn deal, maby 1 night of being butthurt.

but really how the fuck ur cat gunna think when what u really want is some gay video game more than u cared about it.

Yeah Ill take antything really thanks user
not op


>asking for steam shit

Nigger I haven't eaten in a week I leech my friends internet cause he's cool enough to let me do it with a cracked 20 dollar phone stop being a baby and get a job and do something about your "poverty . been looking for a job myself stop asking for hand outs.

I already have a huge library

Stop pretending to be me damnit

ew, what an ungrateful cunt.

go get a job, you little dirty nigger

>can afford a computer and internet
>can afford food
>can afford a huge library
>can afford to have a pet
>can't afford a cheap ass video game
niggers gonna nig

Hey user, don't worry about these fgts. It is OK to ask for help sometimes, you don't need to listen to these shitbags who don't get it

go back to the communes you fucking smelly hippie.

not sure who OP is. check your steam invites if you want Bastion

fuck you. i hate waiting so long on here everytime i want a new game. everyone does it and they seem to get it a few minutes after asking cause they get lucky that some random rich user gives it to them. everytime i ask i have to wait for hours before someone gives me what i ask for

She was my family, for a time I had no friends but her, she sleep with em every night and foll me around the house always. The last part dosn't make sense

that wasn't me his some random fag pretending to be op

t. Fucking idiot 12yo who has no idea what he's talking about.

I could afford a car and a computer before i get hit with these huge vet bbills, vet are expansive as shit in my area

this isn't me some random fag pretending to be op

thanks user

then save up your money and buy what you want. the world has enough niggers

not op

a cat*

by the time I have saved up I wont need the game I only need it now so that I can keep my mind distracted

I bet food is too. better save up your money instead of playing video games

try books

shit alt

fuck off i'm trying something here

I already factor in the cost of food every paycheck im fine in food wise, other important necessities and bills; I just have barely no monety left over every month to spoil myself with things liek games

somebody gift the game to another random user just to piss off OP

not op
not an alt look at hte play time for tera

it's not going to piss me off if someone wants to wate 20 dollar son someone else they can go ahead it's not my money

>poor as a nigger
>i like to spoil myself
dude liek wtf

read the thread, I already said I have a a decent sized library

>3.8 hours past 2 weeks
>look how many hours were sinked in a F2P
get the fuck out

it won't piss me off. i'll just make another thread until someone gives me my game. i don't work and i got the time

can you not read?

"no monety left over every month to spoil myself with things liek games"

Oh god my 127 years old guinea pig is dead i wouldnt mind if someone would kindly buy me hotline miami 2

not op, I do work

can you not read?
"no money"

guinea pigs only last a few years and dont bond with owners liek a cat does

I havn't been on steam much this past year and that's not tera

To broke to help op but here have a bump

if this post is dubs you get your shit game

too bad faggot

thanks for the gesture at least

anything not over 20 that would work for you ?

Kill yourself, beggar.
If you want something, get it yourself.

I dont know too many games tbh recommend anything if you want, I just like games in genreal

no idea