Anti-Sup Forums bros report in

anti-Sup Forums bros report in

You seem upset. Did your daddy fuck you?

Did you love it?

fuck you nigger kike

Seriously, what kind of bigot are you to be against /pol? You fucking hatemonger.


I just came from Sup Forums and all I can say is PRESIDENT TRUMP

I hate Sup Forums as much as I love Trump

Broccoli doesn't like Sup Forums

Fuck Sup Forums

I bet you have been fucked by a moose and cucked by a spruce you fucking maplenigger.

Canada sucks.

Did they cum inside your girlfriend Le'monjello?
Did they fill her holes with yummy gummy juice?
Is that why you cry? Is that why you CRY?

Nice argument m8. You totally destoryed every single argument on that picture.

You'll get there someday, once you get over traps and fictional woman

You think questions are arguments?

Did you get fucked in the ear until you received catastrophic brain damage?

they do suck real bad.



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Trump did it better when he asked them to shut up

This TBH
Identity politics is cancer

Sup Forums didn't invent the right you retard. You can be conservative and dislike Sup Forums at the same time.


let's fuck with Sup Forums anons

forgot image - while was clearly made by liberals (what americans would call libertarians), which I am not, at least I respect them for their ideological clarity and consistency.




Did I say that Sup Forums invented the right? NO I didn't. And how has that anything to do with my last post. Fallacies don't fool me, user.


what is source?

Don't know, there's a longer version floating around on the internet though.

found it

but still no source

I don't want the quick rundown.