What country he looks from?

What country he looks from?




nemmeno un ricchione italiano ha una faccia così frocesca

>tr: not even a gay Italian sports such a fag face

I bet he's greek

Armenian you think?

Or Romanian

A gypsy something. Probably a romanian gypsy.

OP, as usual, won't deliver.


Looks like he's trying so hard to grow a faggy looking pencil thin mustache. Gotta be romanian. You're right...

Special needs Brazilian crossed with eastern European

Kavkaz Кавказ

He has like no room between his nose and top lip, I bet he could lick his own eyeballs.


You're all fucking retarded. He's not Romanian.
He's western European.
Kill yourselves
Youre all pathetic

Idiot he is from Kazakhstan


I'm from Astana and live in Karaganda and can assure you that no Kazakh faget is like him.

He isn't european he from Kazakhstan



I can smell the french from here.

Are u sure.



What about kavkaz or southern russia or north turkey?

he probably lives in one of those circa 1700's wooden mobile homes pulled by miniature ponies. and goes around from circus to circus while his mom belly dances for change in a cup.
