Awful vocals, draging, annoying, emotionless vocals

>awful vocals, draging, annoying, emotionless vocals
>some of the worst lyrics ever put on an album
>Only redeeming qualities being somewhat decent instrumentals, yet they do not help, they're boring.

What an emotionless boring piece of shit, this record is so fucking dull and not intentionally so. It just drags.

How is this called one of the best records from them?

When I Come Around is a great track, fuck you

punk rock with decent instrumentals? give me a break

Easily the best part out of this garbage record.
It's dull like rest of the album.

What would expect from an album which literally calls itself shit by its name?

Dookie is great come on give it a break

Almost every track blends together, the lyrics and vocals are some of the whinniest. Even when the instrumentals get quite agressive the singer absolutely fucks it up.

Bro you just perfectly discrobe Punk. that's what it is. you don't unlike Green Day, your problem is with Punk itselve.

Then punk is shitty and Green Day moving away from it only made them better, American Idiot is their best record, Jesus of Saburbia is their best song. It actually has some form of emotion and has passion, some fucking energy.



Dookie is no more punk than American Idiot is

I dunoo how you manage not to get any emotion from this album, a great deal of GD's early songs are full of emotion. The music is full of love for what they're doing, too.

dookie is good fuck you OP

I don'T feel any emotion from it, and the emotions they are trying to get across is so boring and unniteresting

>I am a teenager who is just a waste of space, woah.
>i'm moving out from my parents omg it's so hard
>masturbation lol
>obligatory break up

American Idiot is still better tho.

well guess what, they were teenagers when they made the fucking thing, or only just not. if you've decided you're too cool for emotion, that's fine, but the rest of us will happily feel them and express them.
You were straight up suggesting that some emotions are "better" than others.

i like the poop

>You were straight up suggesting that some emotions are "better" than others.

I guess I should have explained myself better, I have bigger problem with its execution, execution of these ideas.

Its lyrics are just really juvenille, even more so that some Linkin Park stuff. It's too much of a product of its time, I feel like it aged awfully.

All those themes and ideas I described that the album presents aren't bad, but the way they are sang is so boring, the way lyrics look at them is the most simplistis, naive and childish way possible, it gets annoying to me, it is possibly the most whinniest album I have ever heard.

One of the best albums in the history punk rock

>Its lyrics are just really juvenille, even more so that some Linkin Park stuff. It's too much of a product of its time, I feel like it aged awfully.

An album made by a bunch of angry teens during a certain time period sounds too much like an album made by angsty teens during a certain time period? Whooaaa

If you don't know how to listen to and appreciate an album for what it is, in a vacuum, without comparing it to present day standards, that's on you.

Burn Out and Basket Case are worth the price of admission alone but Insomniac was/is a way better album.

Pop punk is the most horrific forms of commodification I have seen. Take punk, something so bluntly reactionary to commodification, niche marketing, and capitalism, and then market it to teenagers as using these three things in the process. It's dishonest, insincere, musically uninteresting, and borderline offensive. Take your shitty, Hot Topic tier garbage and don't come back you molester of the arts.


>punk rock HAS to be commie shit in order to be punk rock

Yeah, nah.
But I do agree that you should think twice if you decide to delve into politics and social stuff if you're signed to a big record label and earning big bucks over college idiots.

>but Insomniac was/is a way better album.
My man

When did Sup Forums realize that Kerplunk was a good album?

since when did Sup Forums start liking green day