Need some help on this pathetic business calc problem: So simple yet so fucking hard to understand due to the lack of...

Need some help on this pathetic business calc problem: So simple yet so fucking hard to understand due to the lack of wording. Anybody got an answer to this differential/tangent slope shit

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How u get that


lol it's 6/5
you're literally just looking at the slope of a tangent...

do you even understand slope

the best way to do this would be to look for grid points the line intersects

in the first one, we see that the line intersects a grid point just below and to the left of (x,y), and it also intersects a grid point about 2 points right, and 3 points up

i'm willing to bet the answer is 4/3, but webassign can be weird sometimes

It's 4/3 I made a typo.. going off the example you posted it looks like the point is on a linear section of the graph, meaning you just find the slope of that straight line and there's your answer

That's what I'm sayin webassign be suckin g

so it's not 4/3?

I didn't type it yet cause Sup Forums is 50% troll and 50% autist lol

it's 6/5 you monkeys
the grey tangent line goes from the corner of the box on the bottom left, to the corner of the box 6 spaces up, and 5 boxes across; just above the coordinates "x,y"

Here is a source which shows you how to find slope, no one here is trolling


It's two separate problems numbnuts, no shit it's 6/5 it gave him the answer because he got it wrong that time. Look at the one on the left it's 4/3

8/6 faggots

we're talking about the problem on the left you s*lly cunt

Are you literally retarded?

Holy shit, so many decisions 3 bullets loaded in a 6 chamber revolver and I'm bout to spin it

Too much anime faggots, try reading left to right

>Sup Forums is full of people who can't even do high school algebra

this is actually middle school algebra in most countries you know

Chinese people have it easier cause their language helps them count, not sure bout Japs but my Jap friend who got into Johns Hopkins got straight As in AP cal

so what are you saying
are you part of the new asian privilege movement

You're analysis looks like it's 4/3


Need some help on this pathetic k-theory cohomology problem: So simple yet so fucking hard to understand due to the lack of wording. Anybody got an answer to this commutative diagram shit?

>You're analysis looks like it's 4/3
Then type in 4/3 in your fucking calculator you faggot, it's 1,333333333. I just gave you an almost correct answer with the given precision of paint and windows calc.
You should really do this stuff - it's not that hard and this is pretty basic stuff...

Are you even trying?

here you go retard

I'm sorry for my english, but i'm german.
So your problem is a differential problem:
You need to know the slpe in the point (x,y). You got the tangent drawn. Then you look at the differential division of it (y1-y0/x1-x2)
You take the points easy to read (2,1) and (6,6) and do the devision. You go 5 up and 6 to the right. Therefore your slope is 5/6 if you cut it to 1 square.
Hope this helped you user

Not even close, untermensch

macker es gibt schon 3 bilder mit der korrekten 6/5 lösung und du kommst mit so einem falschen sperglord kram hier an...

>Rotate picture 90 degrees Celcius (not Fahrenheit Amerifags)
>Change resolution till picture fits
>Note fit at 800x600
>Slope is be 800/600

>can't do math
Kebab detected.

Naja hab es eben erst gesehen und geschreiben, als es noch keine lösung gab. Also fresse halten. Nochnie was vom differentialquotienten gehört?

*5 to the right and 6 up

>Macker there are already 3 pictures with the correct 6/5 solution and you come with such a wrong junk here
Lmao you Germans really are quality

in OPs bild stand schon 6/5, es ging um die linke hälfte du quotient :D

What's the answer to this crap

y=x^2 + 7x
y'=2x + 7
y'= -9
-9 = 2x + 7
2x = - 16
x = -8
y=(-8)^2 = 7*(-8) = 64 - 56 = 8
(x,y) = (-8,8)

Jesus christ user atleast google it. This is high scool level stuff you should know this.

Ist das selbe prinzip.
Steigung der tangente ablesen und berechnen. Mittels des "steigungsdreiecks" ist nicht so schwierig.

Count the distance between points on the grid where the slope intersects with the grid. the slope is the same everywhere on the line

ach was
trotzdem hastes verkackt cem

Allah ackbar.