Western economies are thriving, more jobs and shit

>western economies are thriving, more jobs and shit
>people in Sup Forums are complaining and say their future is doomed
Are you retarded?

Too bad my country is in deep shit. Trying to get a job that didn't involve flipping burgers last year was pretty depressing.

neets will complain no matter what lol

Seriously, EU has grown 1,7% last year which is a great result for developed countries
America has grown 1,6%

Retards here wanna leave EU/make Trump to change economy policies. What's wrong with you, people? The only problem you have is inequality, incomes of rich grow way faster than incomes of ordinary people but no one in this board ever talks about it.

>The only problem you have is
economical migrants by the millions

They're just stupid neets, who cares about them

They post on /r9k/ all day whining about tfw no gf and how the evil capitalist normies are hurting them lmao

W-where is the Catholic in that pic?

You d-do have Catholics, right?

>sell your land for shiny beads goy

They don't even realize what real problems are - when prices grow 100% in two years like we had recently, when your economy is in stagnation/recession, when all industry in your country except military is dead and you rely on selling oil. 60% of russians have money only to buy a food. And in Russia it is not the worst case in CIS, Ukrainians are really starving now.

lol go cry somewhere else homo faggot

this isn't your blog we don't care about your country

What exactly is the connection with the west here? Are you drunk again Ivan?

Can you stop being a fucking cancer

lol whenever it's a politics thread and his filenames are like C__Data_Users and shit it's some antifreeze drinker who spergs out about how religion and conservatism is destroying russia

right. and protestants of various sorts too.

I'll stop being a cancer when people stop making politics threads especially when it's this retard everytime

I always report the threads but they never get deleted, not sure why.

Immigration benefits economy; moreover, 21st century seems to be a century of human capital and countries with bigger population would be powerful. Few problems with integration are meme compared to strategic benefits. Americans also had problems with immigrants in the past, everything was solved. There are no examples on history when peoples living together for a long time don't mix or their cultures influence each other.
Also it doesn't matter in a times of economy growth. We had immigrants in 00s and no one was giving a fuck because this was an era of great prosperity in Russia.

>Immigration benefits economy
It seems to mostly benefit the wealthy you mentioned earlier. Guess what regular people see? Increased taxes. In addition to all the other shit.

Woah,that's Cold.

stop replying he makes these b8 threads every once in couple days

>There are no examples on history when peoples living together for a long time don't mix or their cultures influence each other.
And we've had gypsies for 400 years. We're still waiting.

People mostly complain about foreigners flooding their country. Hardly anyone complains about the economy.

Sup Baghdad Bob?

Lol, it's a standard Windows Phone filename.
Why can't you handle a conversation? I just compare real problems with your "problems".
>W-where is the Catholic in that pic?
In that pic, no.
>You d-do have Catholics, right?
Well, few thousands maybe. We barely have them 2bh, overwhelming majority of Christians here are Orthodoxes, Eastern branch of Christianity.

>The only problem you have is inequality

No. The problem is bureaucracy that's only growing larger, demographic shift that will make Europe into a gerontocracy and put the public healthcare to its knees, along with shitskin assault in the West and youth emigration in the East.

It doesn't matter if it benefits or doesn't benefit the economy. Get it through your head. You're proposing to sell land and sovereignty for shiny beads.

It's probably just a step or two away from isisfags and putin militants

They genuinely want something "transcendent," because making an honest living and meeting people they like isn't good enough.

There's no kind of propaganda to say that your work in retail or as a computer janitor or as an accountant matters, you have to find meaning for yourself. Political extremism makes sense in an atomized society

not expected from canada


Yes, but you should complain about inequality than, not the immigration. Also it benefits your too because growing economy creates more jobs, trickle down etc.
Gypsies live nomad lifes, it's different. People living in one city would all eventually mix themselves and their cultures. Look at Jews for example.

>People living in one city would all eventually mix themselves and their cultures.

How is that a good thing when the other culture is fucking Islam?

>trickle down

More like trickle away in case of economic migration.

No, because the way our system is built doesn't allow for change in that direction. It's a meaningless complaint.
>trickle down

>Gypsies live nomad lifes, it's different.
They settled here just like the economical migrants.

> Look at Jews for example.
You mean the smartest "race"? Great example there, chief. Not cherry-picked at all.

>How is that a good thing when the other culture is fucking Islam?

You know most post soviet states are barely Islamic though.

Globalization is going on, the only real sovereign country now is North Korea. It's a natural development of humanity and those who resist it would lose, those who become first at it would win.
Western Roman Empire fought feudalism while Eastern accepted it. Who have won? USA were the first to create capitalisM along with England and France. Who were trying to fight capitalism? Southern Europe.
But the bureaucracy is the consequence of rich becoming too powerful because of inequality.

i can't find a non-retail/sales job with a STEM degree.

economy isn't thriving, although i won't starve anytime which is nice.

Russians: "Sanctions are totally bearable, we're going to counter-sanction you guys too and then you'll suffer".

its really on russia's fault, they react to a punch (sanction) by bashing their head against a wall.

Let me encapsulate your argument about migrants:
>bring loads of uneducated migrants with poor cultures and whose kids perform poorly at schools
>any field they might be employed in is going to be replaced with robots in the coming years
>their unemployment in general is at least 50% because the women don't work as is their culture
>any benefit they might actually bring is to the wealthy and that might one day "trickle down" to the rest

it's a massive, pointless burden

canada is very selective about their immigrants and they're successful

Yeah. One good thing that comes of being poor.

And not to forget that here they are pretty much just men. Very, very few families and seemingly zero lone women. There are more verified war criminals than families.

>But the bureaucracy is the consequence of rich becoming too powerful because of inequality.

The bureaucracy is a result of lefties crying about inequality and trying to fuck corporations through regulation which surprisingly doesn't work.

And where as Germany received actual Syrians, the percentage of our migrants who were Syrians was under 2%.

Islam is not a culture, it's religion. I think you think about Arabic culture which is different. Immigrants to Europe are becoming less and less religious with each generation, in France only 20% of Arabs are practicing Muslims. So it's not a matter of religion.
On the other hand, I don't see any problem, you know. Your culture would got some Arabic traits, so what? Add here that the planet is becoming heavily Americanized/Westernized now so all that doesn't matter at all, all the world cultures are mixing now.
>No, because the way our system is built doesn't allow for change in that direction. It's a meaningless complaint
Well, first of all, you're democracies and you can change shit. The second, there are many ways to reduce inequality - higher taxes for the rich and corporations while making the circumstances changing tax residency would be unprofitable to them.

>Well, first of all, you're democracies and you can change shit.
From free market to communism? No.

>higher taxes for the rich and corporations while making the circumstances changing tax residency would be unprofitable to them.
And we're in so many layers of different trade zones which all prevent that kind of protectionism.

>Islam is not a culture

It fucking is. Especially for migrants.

>with each generation

Yeah, I don't want to wait 4 generations before they stop being retarded.

>Your culture would got some Arabic traits, so what?

Luckily this won't happen here since we are anti-Islam as fuck. But generally, arabic culture is shit and the less you get from it the better.

Great, they would mix with local women and would be easily integrated. Also immigration has always been a men thing.
>going to be replaced with robots in the coming years
It's a meme mostly.
>canada is very selective about their immigrants and they're successful
Yes, their policies are better in my opinion.
>bring loads of uneducated migrants
In postindustrial economies most of the jobs are salesmen and so, it doesn't require education that much.

Why do you all talking about 2015 refugees? They are a drop in an amount of immigrants Europe has received since 50s.

You know, Europe has been dealing with immigration since 50s and you can clearly see that people who came in 50-60s and their children are doing okay. Look at Turks in Germany or Arab families in France who came long ago.

>it fucking is
Do you imply Indonesian culture is the same to Morocco culture? It's bullshit. There is no Islamic culture as well as Christian culture.
>I don't want to wait
Yes, transfer from feudalism to capitalism was difficult too with thousands of peasants losing their land but those who had transferred first have become the most successful eventually.

Also why do you talk about Arabs only? As far as I know most of immigrants in Finland are Africans and Russians. Europe gets tons of very diverse immigrants, in some countries, UK for example, Arabs aren't a thing. As far as I know Finland gets mostly Russians and Africans.

Laws are not written by God we can change them, the entire refugee convention should be done away with, it was written when there were only 250 million Africans now the African population is over a billion and will be well over 4 billion by 2100.